Ellipsis Fail - Usus Ipse

This quote a été ajouté par ususipse
An Ellipsis is three dots and in English this is used to show the reader that there is a part of the quotation missing. It is not used as a dramatic pause or to branch two phrases together to improperly attempt a sentence. Please if you ever submit a quote to this site, avoid using an Ellipsis. They will always lower your WPM score and more importantly, I have never seen one used correctly on this site.

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winchester2 3 années, 11 mois avant
This is hilarious, this guy with two of some of the worst rated quotes on this site is trying to lecture others! XD
ususipse 3 années, 11 mois avant
I think the argument here is one of artistic license. Yes you can use this '...' to reference a pause but as you say Waltz, it's not formal. I think a better wording would focus on avoiding artistic license. At the end of the day I just don't like the WPM drop from hitting the same key three times.

Ya you came off like sandpaper Sad, but I responded like a goof. New Speak is a bit hyperbolic. lol mispelling doublespeak
waltztothetango 3 années, 12 mois avant
"You can also use an ellipsis to show a pause in speech or that a sentence trails off. This technique doesn't belong in formal or academic writing, though. You should only use the ellipsis this way in fiction and informal writing."
I write for a living, and so far everything indicates that an ellipsis is, indeed, correctly used as a pause/break in speech in informal works and/or works of literary fiction. Correct me if that seems inaccurate, but I don't think it is...

( I snuck one in there ;} )
sillysad 3 années, 12 mois avant
I am sorry though if I came across as too harsh or accusative. That was not my intention.
mattman2255 3 années, 12 mois avant
I gotta go with sillysad on this one. The closest thing to a personal attack was him saying you have prescriptivist tendencies and that your quote is garbage. Hardly offensive really.
sillysad 3 années, 12 mois avant
(Also, "arguments"? I pointed out grammatical errors, the fact that the ellipsis rule you mentioned is not universally accepted, and the fact that a quote like this doesn't belong on this site anyway. You responded with childish insults. There was never a debate.)
sillysad 3 années, 12 mois avant
For someone who can't take any criticism, you sure love to insult people. I'm starting to feel bad for criticizing you though, since you can't even insult me properly (or spell Tumblr).
ususipse 3 années, 12 mois avant
Of course I turned of notifications. Your arguments are pathetic. I am not here to argue with blue haired basement dwelling Tumbler users.
You tried and failed to critique the grammar and failing that started in with a personal attack.
Frankly you are a blight on this site. So yes, I turned of notifications and robbed you of the tiny amount of power you had and tried to abuse. I assume you are used to it.
sillysad 3 années, 12 mois avant
(You even misspelled doubleplus.)
sillysad 3 années, 12 mois avant
Wow, you turned off your notifications? That makes you very brave and intelligent.
ususipse 3 années, 12 mois avant
I turned off the notifications so enjoy the last word.
I will address your soy infused complaint about my criticism. When people criticize, they are trying to improve. When people complain, they just want attention. Hopefully one day you will see the difference.
ususipse 3 années, 12 mois avant
Double plus mad about the New Speak I guess.
Truth hurts

ususipse 3 années, 12 mois avant
Negative. You are making the Oxford argument on the comma which is frankly weak. I might agree with the capitalization if you were not so rude.
You are just trying to troll people.
Get a life. Just like everyone else you ever talked to, I have no wish to hear your further attempts to disguise your ignorance.
sillysad 3 années, 12 mois avant
Too many to list, but the first sentence is missing a comma after the word "dots", and it is not standard in English to capitalize the name of a punctuation mark. Also, the entire quote is garbage because the quotes submitted here are meant to be typed, and this is a complaint to those submitting quotes.
Also, it takes me no effort to react to your assertion about New Speak. Though I suspect that it is your prescriptivist tendencies that make you think of nonstandard usage as doubleplus ungood, and not your skills as a developer.
ususipse 3 années, 12 mois avant
Illustrate them or leave me alone please. Try not to react to my accurate assertion about New Speak.
sillysad 3 années, 12 mois avant
This quote has grammatical errors and is not suitable for typing.
ususipse 3 années, 12 mois avant
Oh ya. I forgot about New Speak. I plan to stick to the Webster's definition but I do thank you for the info. The site seems dubious. It has 4 loading errors and a page or warnings. As a developer I give the site a C at best.

BadGrammerBook.com xD
sillysad 3 années, 12 mois avant
Grammarbook.com: Rule 2. Ellipses can express hesitation, changes of mood, suspense, or thoughts trailing off. Writers also use ellipses to indicate a pause or wavering in an otherwise straightforward sentence.

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