Born to Run - Christopher McDougall

This quote a été ajouté par jamartineza
How do you flip the internal switch that changes us all back into the natural born runners we once were? Not just in history, but in our own lifetimes. Remember? Back when you were a kid and you had to be yelled at to slow down? Every game you played, you played at top speed, sprinting like crazy as you kicked cans, freed all, and attacked jungle outposts in your neighbors' backyards. Half the fun of doing anything was doing it at record pace.

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chieftyper 1 année, 8 mois avant
Wow! This made me flash back big time!! I was ALWAYS running around as a kid, sprinting from the forest near my house. I was so fast. I can't remember the last time I sprinted. My childhood neighborhood was surrounded by woods and I was lucky enough to have plenty of kids my age around me. We would build forts out in the woods in secret locations, and the other teams would have to find your fort and destroy it. The better hidden your fort was, the bigger and fancier it would become, until eventually that fateful day would come, when the enemy team found your wonderous creation, and brought reckoning upon it LOL

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