American Spellings - A Frustrated Brit

This quote a été ajouté par jam11
As I progress with my touch typing, and my muscle memory develops, it becomes increasingly difficult to be accurate with the Americanised spelling of words. Spelling colour like "color" is really hard when your fingers automatically put the 'u' in.

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sirstinkysocks 1 année, 7 mois avant
Brit here as well, I get it. However the reason that the Americanised spelling is used is because it's Americans writing the quotes. We just need to write more quotes with the British spelling.
mcmacladdie 2 années, 7 mois avant
I'm Canadian and I feel this so much.
colemak12 3 années, 4 mois avant
Petition to include British English here. I personally use American English, but it would be nice to have British English for the Brits here.
adamyaaz64 3 années, 7 mois avant
Yeah, bad habits can be hard to break. :/

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