Annoying - Random

This quote a été ajouté par user869097
Stop using long quotes! They are annoying and make me want to break my monitor! Honestly, I'm so done with people who use long quotes. And stop posting inspirational stuff, I'm just here to practice my typing!

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jasmine004 3 années, 8 mois avant
So, what other quotes should we use? One that says, "Billy slept over the counter, and his head was accidentally over the cat's tail! Please help him out!"

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paranoidminotaur 113.99 98.6%
kicko 100.04 96.3%
user108043 97.21 94.1%
rkoh 89.86 99.5%
evediaz88 89.78 87.4%
zeravla708 84.28 99.1%
rctzitziri 83.92 96.8%
talisman 82.15 95.9%
smartboynaresh 66.21 90.5%
user358066 59.48 94.1%

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Nom MPM Précision
kicko 100.04 96.3%
smartboynaresh 66.21 90.5%
user108042 56.45 95.4%
user108043 97.21 94.1%
evediaz88 89.78 87.4%
user358066 59.48 94.1%
zeravla708 71.39 99.5%
zeravla708 84.28 99.1%