Jeff Bezos

This quote a été ajouté par daball
When you think about the things that you will regret when you're 80, they're almost always the things that you did not do. They're acts of omission. Very rarely are you going to regret something that you did that failed. I'm not just talking about business things. It's like, "I love that person and I never told them," and you know, 50 years later you're like, "Why didn't I tell her? Why didn't I go after it?"

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zhang 3 années, 4 mois avant
There are no amazon workers peeing in bottles in harsh labor environments. Totally. Exclamation marks to make this seem even more legit!!!!
montu2 3 années, 5 mois avant
*have told her
montu2 3 années, 5 mois avant
He probably shouldn't have her, I mean ...

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