Life - Anonymous

This quote a été ajouté par bcurty32
I have recently thought about dying. I thought I might be better off if I spared myself from the pain of life. Then I remembered that I have written many many quotes on here, and some of them have gotten a four star rating. That means they made some people happy, and if I was dead, I could never make anyone happy again, including myself.

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bcurty32 1 mois, 3 semaines avant
I wrote this quote like 3 years ago. I don't even remember what I was going through but thanks internet strangers.
feuv 6 mois, 2 semaines avant
You got this! We're all rooting for you!
memgo 7 mois avant
This quote made me very happy!
slzeal 1 année, 10 mois avant
keep on keeping on
willerson121 2 années, 4 mois avant
Hang in there king/queen. Life is tough, but you sound tougher.
astriodfox 2 années, 11 mois avant
Keep making quotes man. You got this. *thumbs up*

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