Trying to find a reason pt1 - Noone

This quote a été ajouté par sheridesgsxr750
I am trying to find a reason to want to stay alive. But it is like the opposite is happening. The more that I look, I find less and less reason to be alive. I literally have no one. I've been told I do it to myself. That I am the reason I have nobody. But loyalty and honesty are the only requirements to be a part of my life. I can't make people be loyal and honest. I'm not even kidding when I say that I have no one I mean it.

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mads.26 2 années, 1 mois avant
Please stay. I know it seems like there isn't any reason to, But I and so many others want you here. This quote is one that truly touches my heart because I was once in a similar situation, and I hope that you know that things will get better. There are so many little things to life that make it so meaningful, like sunsets and ice cream and dogs. They seem silly, but try to do one thing each day that you look forward to. I know this was written a while ago, and I truly hope that you are doing better now. If not please reach out to someone and get professional help. Its worth it, I promise.
awinton6 2 années, 4 mois avant
it gets better
user440278 2 années, 6 mois avant
Big hugs out to you
user89332 2 années, 10 mois avant
i hope you're doing good nowadays, fellow typer.
gbennet 3 années, 2 mois avant
It gets better. I know it's hard to believe it but it does. I deeply resonate with what you wrote. Found it hard to live. But wow, so glad I stuck through and am alive right now. Reading is helpful. 12 Rules for Life is a good recommendation. Bhagavad Gita As It Is changed my life personally. People will disappoint, but it's so rewarding when you find someone who makes life sparkle.
geryjs 3 années, 3 mois avant
Read one or two self-help book, I recommend 12 rules of life by Jordan B. Peterson. Hope it helps and wish you the best.
boredtyper 3 années, 3 mois avant
Do you not think that this is way too personal for such a public forum? It's obvious that you need help but you can't get it here on this site from a bunch of unqualified strangers - seek professional help instead

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