Marx - keyhero user

This quote a été ajouté par closedspace808
The tl;dr for Karl Marx's theory of surplus value is that the rich exploit the poor by paying them less in wages than what their labor is really worth. If a worker at Taco Bell gets paid nine dollars an hour, the amount of money the worker makes for the corporation in an hour is actually higher. Other than the amount of time that a worker earns the nine dollars, the worker is enslaved.

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kyle_w 8 mois, 2 semaines avant
Unfortunately for Marx, he was flat wrong on a great deal. Including his simplistic theory of surplus value. The worker is not enslaved. They are free to enter into any arrangement they choose with an employer, or start a business of their own. Or not work at all and live off of social safety nets. Who knew?
qweerty 3 années, 2 mois avant
The rich get richer and that's just disgusting

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