Love - the loner M

This quote a été ajouté par user95951
Don't ask me for a reason why I love you. Do I even need one? I love all of the little things you do that you think no one knows about. I love how you get happy just by smelling the food your mom makes. Your flaws that you think are ugly. Everything. I love you and if I need to reassure you how much I love you I would do it forever.

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mads2028 6 mois, 2 semaines avant
I have felt this about someone and I felt this. It hit hard.
_user_ 2 années, 8 mois avant
i like the last line
bcurty32 2 années, 9 mois avant
Bland, but ok.
kiriiya 2 années, 10 mois avant
This isn't deep.
astriodfox 2 années, 11 mois avant
I felt pain going through this one.

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