Fire Alarms - Anonymous

This quote a été ajouté par user0820
I hate fire alarms. I know that they have to be loud so you can hear them in another room or when you're sleeping but the noise they make is excessive. I have hearing loss and even to me they sound god awful. I believe if you played the sound next to a graveyard you'd wake the dead and cure the deaf.

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neveronground 2 années, 11 mois avant
Anonymous probably has one of those constantly malfunctioning fire alarms that's actually dangerous because it leads to a "boy who cried wolf" situation in an actual fire.
sstruck007 2 années, 11 mois avant
Of course it has to be loud.
It's an emergency, you're complaining as if you hear them every single hour of your life.
You are annoyingly so selfish.

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