The First Flight (Part 1) - De Es

This quote a été ajouté par chieftyper
I was being chased through the hallways of my old high school, an unknown threat approaching from behind. The adrenaline rush jacked my heart rate as I fled with panic. Past the classrooms, to the lunchroom, and arriving at the doors to the gymnasium, I throttled through the doors with all my weight and to my disbelief I was within a vast theater. Towering red curtains on the stage, elegant balcony seats with ivory trim. I turned around with no fear, aware I was dreaming, and began to fly.

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chieftyper 1 année, 7 mois avant
Gotcha thank you
itypeinmathclas 1 année, 7 mois avant
"to the gymnasium (period) I throttled through"
chieftyper 1 année, 7 mois avant
where at?
itypeinmathclas 1 année, 7 mois avant
A singular period lmao

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