List of Hypotheses For Why Dinosaurs went Extinct Before the Astroid Theory - Oliver Lugg [Excerpt from The Mass Extinction Debates: A Science Communication Odyssey]

This quote a été ajouté par brokengale
The list of theories proposed at this time, in actual scientific papers, reads like a game of Cards Against Humanity. What killed the dinosaurs? Caterpillars, Egg-Stealing Mammals, Excessive Wetness, Excessive Dryness, Cataracts, Boredom, Suicidal Thoughts, The Inevitable Heat Death of the Universe, AIDS. AIDS? Oh wait, these last three were actually Cards Against Humanity Cards... And hypotheses for why dinosaurs went extinct...

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chenille 1 année, 2 mois avant
We all know what killed the dinosaurs. It was J.D. and Veronica.

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