Typing - Epicity

This quote a été ajouté par epic32131231231
You know what I hate when I type quotes on this website? Not knowing what letter I am on and messing up completely. I hate that so much, and I want to change it for good.

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user105502 9 mois, 3 semaines avant
This is so true.

Tester vos compétences en dactylographie, faites le Test de dactylographie.

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user871724 184.30 99.4%
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ravenstar8998 149.59 100%
rivendellis 148.77 100%
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user491757 139.13 98.8%
user74592 135.19 100%
arrathore 133.30 96.0%
afminto 130.46 100%
dcb87 128.52 100%

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user384869 64.05 93.9%
smartboynaresh 86.24 96.0%
kent 87.44 89.1%
rjnal 85.28 99.4%
rivendellis 148.77 100%
ccr712 61.35 95%
snarkster 72.59 95.5%
kicko 81.99 84.6%