Easy - Lydia Keeffe

This quote a été ajouté par lydiak
Hello my friend this is your lucky day as this is a small and easy bit of writing that you can do so that you can get a good score there is not full stops or commas in here so you should not worry in fact there is not punctuation until now at the end.

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kasra 10 années avant
There's also no grammar.

Tester vos compétences en dactylographie, faites le Test de dactylographie.

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eventlogging 170.00 100%
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user551793 130.54 97.3%
mbqg1234 120.31 97.3%
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mbqg1234 120.31 97.3%
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user85658 70.16 93.3%
user11228 54.55 88.7%
ryno4117 89.81 93.0%