League of Legends Quotes - Riot Games

This quote a été ajouté par scykes
"A lot of people want me dead - they call it justice. I'm the only one who knows the truth. All I have left is the wind by my side." -Yasuo, The Unforgiven.

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pinkiedash3 10 années, 8 mois avant
I'll be your friend
pinkiedash3 10 années, 8 mois avant

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strikeemblem 116.54 95.8%
chami_types 114.33 98.1%
jan_londen 105.63 98.1%
ilovejujubee 105.46 97.5%
afbwelter 103.71 97.4%
allanw5 103.03 98.1%
pho_justice 98.81 96.3%
ezereal 98.44 99.4%
mchan20 98.22 98.7%
vmlm 95.24 97.5%

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ajmaher19 69.19 94.0%
neptunediver 43.57 89.7%
user484329 80.13 93.4%
bweeta 94.40 100%
sstruck007 85.87 94.5%
blizda 48.82 84.0%
user108043 93.66 94.0%
jssosa10 26.20 78.8%