Amazing Quotes
Von elombitakola - aktualisiert: 4 Jahre, 1 Monat vor - 7 messages
Sometimes I am typing as fast as I can, and I realize that I'm reading a great quote it usually throws me off. It would be nice to easily save a quote after you finish. There are some really good ones.
Agreed. Especially the new ones. You could actually practice on them. But did you know that you can get used to only typing one thing is you type it for too long.
By user837477 - posted: 4 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
I agree - there are several quotes I love reading as I type too. If there was a way to save a 'Like' or enable a tweet - that would be great.
By catrice - posted: 4 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
I don't understand what you mean by saving a quote. Can't you just go to your profile and see your recent tests?
By elombitakola - posted: 4 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
Thanks I didn't know that.
I'm so used to having a share button next to the thing I am watching. That's what I thought was missing.
By elombitakola - posted: 4 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
After following your advice, I still think it would be better to have a share button under the test. So that you can save a quote quickly and keep on training.
By catrice - posted: 4 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
That would be a nice feature.
By user546595 - posted: 4 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
Agreed. That would be nice.
By user85577 - posted: 4 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
Agreed. Especially the new ones. You could actually practice on them. But did you know that you can get used to only typing one thing is you type it for too long.