Dark Mode

Von user73270 - aktualisiert: 1 Jahr, 4 Monate vor - 3 messages

I love the new (is it new?) Dark Mode. I did request it some time ago and nothing really happened, but today I came to the site after some time using another one (which was in dark mode) and here it is! Awesome! I actually went into dev tools and changed the color scheme myself temporarily each time, but I am not a dev and couldn't figure out how to get the highlighted stuff look good.
Anyway, I am pleased. Are other people enjoying the dark mode? Was it requested by anyone else?
You are right, I am also noticing the Dark mode looks better now, more natural without any jarring colours. The bright adverts with white backgrounds isn't so glaring now. Not sure when this started too...

Good job keyhero!
By user73270 - posted: 1 Jahr, 5 Monate vor

The highlighted text is pretty annoying though. Way to temporarily fix it (once you are on Typing Practice page with practice quote window) - right click, go to -> Inspect -> Elements -> html > body> div class="container" > div class="typing-test" > div id="typing-test" > div class="row" > div class="col-md-8" > div data-reactid=".0.0.0" > div class="quote" > span class="quote-current" - click on "quote current" and delete the content, leaving | span class="" |. Until you refresh the web-page, you got rid of "current" highlighted words.
Personally, this makes me write faster, because the text I'm looking at doesn't change unless I make a mistake.
Updated 1 Jahr, 5 Monate vor
By raintr33 - posted: 1 Jahr, 5 Monate vor

You are right, I am also noticing the Dark mode looks better now, more natural without any jarring colours. The bright adverts with white backgrounds isn't so glaring now. Not sure when this started too...

Good job keyhero!
By bunholey - posted: 1 Jahr, 4 Monate vor

I'm feelin it now.