Empires come and go but Russia, almost as large of Pluto surface-wise, will remain 4ever!
Von seinfeld - aktualisiert: 4 Jahre vor - 123 messages
*as large _AS_ Pluto (oops!)
Russia is a planet masquerading as a country. Warmongering "tovarish" John Ivanovich McCain once said that 'Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country'.
- Mongol Empire
- French Empire
- Mexican Empire
- Empire of Japan
- Spanish Empire
- British Empire
- Soviet Empire
- American Empire
- etc etc
WARNING: This thread is cursed. All newcomers (= coollin e.g.) who come between me and coolby get their accounts suspended/banned. Participate in this debate at your own risk!
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
"When I made that point I was doing just that- one doesn't have to have been to a place in order to think about it, and say things about it. I can say "it is bad that diamond miners on Madagascar are worked to death and exploited", yet have never been there. My point is no less valid."
I assume you know who their exploiters are. After all, you don't have to visit a country to get an entire picture.
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
"Or that you have different % milk fat milks in Russia?"
How little you think of Russia's dairy market lol
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
"The best defense is not a good offense in discussion. The whole point of it is that all the facts should come to light. Not that one party should be aggressive enough to silence the other or ignore the other to the point that they think their points make more sense. The point is that truth wins."
All I hear is "waah-waah-waah". Does a baby need a bottle? XD
Updated 4 Jahre vor
By coolby - posted: 4 Jahre vor
You didn't destroy me by my logic at all. That is a strawman. You presented an argument that I haven't ever made (that the US oversees bases are valuable or should exist) and countered it with something.
But I never made that point, and mostly agree with you.
My point still stands that Russia should not be expansionist and should not annex Crimea.
By coolby - posted: 4 Jahre vor
I said different, which in no way implies worse. It is different than the US. You assumed I placed a value judgement on the word "different". I did not.
By coolby - posted: 4 Jahre vor
Our discussions usually consist of this format
Seinfeld: "X is true because of [reason]"
Coolby: "X is probably not true because of [reason]"
Seinfeld: "You can't say that because the US does [something irrelevant]"
Coolby: "I agree the US shouldn't do [something irrelevant]. That has nothing to do with X being false"
Seinfeld: unrelated ad hominem, subject changes to something negative about the US
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
Masterclass on C# programming, son. Check it out:
// PointlessKeyheroDebate.cs
using System;
namespace Keyhero
**class PointlessKeyheroDebate
****class KeyheroTroll
******public string Name { get; set; }
******public void PostsManifesto(string nonsense)
****class Sealion : KeyheroTroll
******public void LoseCherryWith(Woman woman)
*********throw new ErectileException("these things happen");
****class SealionDestroyer : KeyheroTroll { }
****class Woman
******public int Age { get; set; }
******public double BMI { get; set; }
****static void TwoTrollsWasteTimeForever(KeyheroTroll troll1, KeyheroTroll troll2)
******while (true)
********troll1.PostsManifesto($"{troll1.Name}: Russia shouldn't enjoy same rights and freedoms as US on the world stage. Russia is just a regional power with a blood-thirsty tyrant sitting in Kremlin.");
********troll2.PostsManifesto($"{troll2.Name}: Exposes sealion's hypocrisies wide open by pointing out double standards, which is a valid way of arguing.");
********troll1.PostsManifesto($"{troll1.Name}: Calls it whataboutism.");
****static void Main(string[] args)
******KeyheroTroll sealion = new Sealion { Name = "coolby" };
******KeyheroTroll sealionDestroyer = new SealionDestroyer { Name = "seinfeld" };
******TwoTrollsWasteTimeForever(sealion, sealionDestroyer);
******// unreachable life scenario below this line
******((Sealion)sealion).LoseCherryWith(new Woman { Age = 57, BMI = 28.5 }); // throws runtime error anyway
coolby: Assumes Russia shouldn't enjoy same rights and freedoms as US on the world stage. Russia is just a regional power with a blood-thirsty tyrant sitting in Kremlin.
seinfeld: Exposes hypocritical position in sealion's argument by pointing out double standards.
coolby: Oh, that's whataboutism/strawman! Have a good one.
coolby: Assumes Russia shouldn't enjoy same rights and freedoms as US on the world stage. Russia is just a regional power with a blood-thirsty tyrant sitting in Kremlin.
seinfeld: Exposes hypocritical position in sealion's argument by pointing out double standards.
coolby: Oh, that's whataboutism/strawman! Have a good one.
coolby: Assumes Russia shouldn't enjoy same rights and freedoms as US on the world stage. Russia is just a regional power with a blood-thirsty tyrant sitting in Kremlin.
FTFY (Fixed That For You)
Updated 4 Jahre vor
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
I also like how you pretend to ignore the real elephant in the room... us both being US citizens with very different views XD
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
"US-occupied" West Germany and "Soviet-occupied" East Germany reunite.
Western media: Hip hip hooray!
Russia and Crimea reunite.
Western media: What the #$@&%*!
Updated 4 Jahre vor
By coollin - posted: 4 Jahre vor
Jumping in here.
The US is a messed-up global superpower that does bad things and commits crimes against humanity. This is a known fact that both of you clearly agree on.
Seinfeld apparently is unable, despite being provided with a large amount of evidence (easily accessible through cursory google searches anyway) that Russia is seriously messed up. It is OBVIOUS that Putin is not only corrupt but orders murders. Sure, the US does this to through the CIA probably. It doesn't matter, that's not Coolby's point.
But it is heavily corroborated that the GRU does these things. If Seinfeld can't actually see that, the mental gymnastics he's doing is absolutely crazy. It appears that's the case. I doubt he could roll a ball down a steep, steep hill.
The root cause though is that Seinfeld, however, doesn't appear to understand common logical fallacies. It's too bad he's a US citizen and has the ability to vote. An absolute idiot
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
We have a newcomer, guys. Why do all newcomers always assume they'd be able to just "jump in" and hit this debate out of the ballpark with a single comment? lol
Like I said, not much of a choice anyway: Russian Trump vs Ukrainian Biden. Forgive me for not sharing your hive mind mentality. Ofc that automatically makes me an idiot *smh*
By coollin - posted: 4 Jahre vor
it's ok, glad you admitted you're an idiot tho. Kinda ends the convo here i guess. G'luck
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
US simply doesn't want Russia and China on the same stage duh
Anti-Russian & anti-Chinese sanctions are actually anti-EU. EU is another global competitor.
PS: Psaki keeps psaking nonsense.
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
I guess you're not familiar with sarcasm. Have a good one!
By coollin - posted: 4 Jahre vor
I am familiar with sarcasm, but I thought given your inability to understand basic arguments, didn't think you were familiar with it.
Given that the US, EU, and China are all messed up, do you think Russia is also messed up at least a little bit?
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
Don't be so defensive, otherwise, people will think you have thin skin, son. I was only kidding. Lighten up!
"messed up" in what way tho? care to elaborate a little?
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
Based on your very ethnic name (Caiu Sinpai), I wrongfully assumed English wasn't your mother tongue. Hence, you couldn't understand USEng sarcasm. Forgive me ;)
By coollin - posted: 4 Jahre vor
I live in the US, but am from another (smaller) country. But I keep up with current events.
All global superpowers commit crimes against humanity and have corruption. I'd be curious given that you don't critique, but only defend Russia. What issues do you think Russia has, endemic to Russia and not because of other countries?
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
You should be very careful when you tell someone if they're worthy to vote in this country. Any US citizen would probably beat you to a pulp and be absolutely right for doing so. People are very sensitive about these things here.
I defend Russia only when I smell bull$hit, i.e. double/triple standards. Russophobia seems like the only racism tolerated in the West. It may surprise you but absolutely <NO> US media outlet ever portrays Russia as an ally. News presenters never say anything nice/positive about this country. When was the last time a pro-Kremlin guest voiced his/her POV on an American news channel? Even Covid-19 vaccine is constantly being ridiculed:
"Sputnik V? Does "V" stand for vodka?" *smh*
I watch/read various media. It all boils down to a perverted propaganda/information war.
Updated 4 Jahre vor
By coollin - posted: 4 Jahre vor
thanks for the heads up.
But what does Russia do that is bad? Thanks for the additional context with other countries. But from your super great legitimate sources, what does Russia do that is bad?
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
Are you trying to sealion me into yet another pointless debate? Pretty sure your mind is already set in stone on Russia being a "bad guy" on the world stage. Wait, aren't you Indian? India and Russia are close allies: BRICS and all that.
By coollin - posted: 4 Jahre vor
no i'm just wondering from someone who doesn't consume (or can see past, at least) normal westernized trash news outlets. What is wrong with Russia from your perspective? There's a lot I love about Russia but I want to know what you think can be improved to become EVEN better
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
Prices for CERTAIN basic food items like raw sugar and cooking oil are currently 45-70% higher than usual due to this pandemic. Rest assured, the State Duma is doing smth about export quotas as we speak. It's just a temporary market shock.
How can things be improved you ask? I wish US would stop pushing its Google-esque liberal and anti-religious agenda. Plus, US needs to stop messing around with Ukraine, Moldova and other post-Soviet countries. It's Russia's "sphere of influence" so to speak.
That would be a good start.
Updated 4 Jahre vor
By coollin - posted: 4 Jahre vor
I asked you about what was wrong with a global superpower and you just said the price of certain foods were higher because of a pandemic. Don't be like a stupid American and not give an answer. There's plenty wrong with any country. I just want to see that you are not a total idiot and give me some sort of actual answer about a systemic issue.
For example. I went to Russia 5 years ago for 6 months to help a Russian orphanage. Russia has serious problems with funding orphanages. It's not difficult
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
If you chill and stop insulting your target audience, I'll reply. Manners are free. Agreed?
By coollin - posted: 4 Jahre vor
Sounds like being in the US is rubbing off on you. Being quite an American snowflake. But sure I'll try to be super nice
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
Wow, talk about toxic passive-aggressive behavior! In that case, be a SUPER good sport and listen.
Apparently, microeconomics (food prices) is not a relevant issue to you. Gotcha! I just want to know where you stand.
Guys, if you're planning to spend all your energy attacking Russia and pointing out just bad things, then don't be surprised that I WILL retaliate by doing the same with respect to your country. It's only fair. I'm actually super glad the State Duma passed Dima Yakovlev law in 2012. Btw sexx abuse is very VERY common in American foster families. Here, educate yourself:
I'm genuinely interested in the wellness of all children. They did nothing wrong!
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
Ditto, my dude (or dudette)! ^___^
By coollin - posted: 4 Jahre vor
...still hearing nothing bad about Russia.
Most countries are bad with orphans. US is bad. Russia is also bad with orphans. I agree about the act, but it doesn't actually solve anything big. Mainly just sensational trash, trash government to trash government.
I could name 100 things wrong about the US. 100 things wrong about the EU. 200 things wrong about my home country. Part of being a good citizen is being able to critique my home government. You can't even do that? Lol. Classic. Prove to me you're not a Russian bot at this point
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
Lol I've already called out a major microeconmic problem in Russia. Read again maybe? That might help. What more do you want from me? Do you expect me to send you an exhaustive list of problems/issues? Sure, give me eternity maybe. I'll just go grab some covfefe first ;) I'm a glass-half-full kind of guy after all. How about you start saying something bad about US/Russia/India (or whatever your country is), then I'll "jump in" :p
Don't get mad!
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
coollin's name:
1 hour ago: Caiu Sinpai
1 hour later: Collin Lea
Psssst... schizophrenia! Yup, I noticed that.
Updated 4 Jahre vor
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
"Russian bot"
Stop, you're making me laugh uncontrollably! You and @coolby both enjoy throwing labels around and using "ad hominem" attacks. Is this supposed to be your go-to strategy in such debates? If you think I'm a bot, then why are you still talking to me? *facepalm*
Updated 4 Jahre vor
By coolby - posted: 4 Jahre vor
I’ll respond for him. You listed one thing, that lots of other countries have. I have accepted essentially every issue you’ve pointed out about the US. You’re a blinded Russia shill. Name more problems with Russia that YOU can identify. You’ll have to put your critical thinking cap on for this ;)
US problems:
-International bully
-Rampant gun violence
-Self interest drives global agenda
-inability to pass effective legislation due to dysfunctional federal government
-universities have pushed too far in one direction towards sensitivity culture
-foster child system is messed up
-failure to address the drug epidemic
-very poor response to Covid
-healthcare is too expensive because of greed and corruption
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
Thanks but I fail to see the purpose of this exercise. I've already named several major systemic problems in Russia:
- roads
- fools/uneducated people
- food prices
- demographics
Guys, why are you making me do entire research for you? Don't you use Google? Actually, does it make you feel more successful and content knowing that your slightly weaker adversary is doing just as bad if not worse? Sounds like you fear that your competitor will stand up and outperform you when this whole pandemic is over. It's important to focus on YOUR own internal problems and stop pointing fingers. I only call out double standards when provoked.
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
I particularly worry about anything covid-related. As I said, it's really sad what's going on with the World today. People need to be nicer to each other and stop bickering!
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
Peace? What do you say, kid?
Updated 4 Jahre vor
By coolby - posted: 4 Jahre vor
The purpose is to be able to acknowledge even a tiny bit of nuance. You have often defended Russia as if it is under attack, acknowledging almost no imperfections to it. The reality is that it is deeply imperfect (but better than many other places), just like the USA. Acknowledging that means you are able to think about something at least kind of critically.
Of course we know issues exist, but until now you've usually declined to acknowledge them. We don't need to Google them.
Please STOP accusing me of not focusing on the US, or not acknowledging its problems, or thinking they're bad. This is a position that you have placed onto me over and over again and every single time I have agreed, usually fully, with your critique of the US.
Nor have I framed it as a "US vs Russia" thing EVER. It's a "US and Russia both have problems" issue that you from the start have decided is "this American is attacking Russia! I better attack the US back because god forbid we just focus on only Russia for a single moment. That would betray weakness!"
As I said, I like Russia and I like the US. I harbor animosity towards both governments but not the people, I don't think you're evil or anything, we just apparently hold different views about Russia.
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
Are you still at it? Sea-lioning hard, I see. Now you sound like a regular shrink: tapping into emotions and trying to push different buttons etc. Did you like my C# code?
Updated 4 Jahre vor
By coolby - posted: 4 Jahre vor
I see you struggle with even the smallest wave of criticism despite it's presence among a sea of agreement.
Updated 4 Jahre vor
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
Move on with your life. I release you. Fly little bird, fly!
PS: coollin and coolby - that's pretty darn close. Is that your other account? He got banned, that was fast lol
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
Don't you like it how coolby continues throwing little tantrums even when one offers him peace? I guess he's an autistic college kid or smth. He must be. This US shill epitomizes the very essence of US gov't, actually.
If you can't handle criticism, tough luck.
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
WARNING: This thread is cursed. All newcomers (= coollin e.g.) who come between me and coolby get their accounts suspended/banned. Participate in this debate at your own risk!
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
Beyonce's Clothing Brand Deletes Insta Photo of Two Russian Models Accused of 'Blackfishing':
pathetic & facepalm all the way
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
*its presence among a sea of agreement
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
American politicians are nasty malevolent people who always try to make other people's lives miserable. Hope that helps.
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
Have fun responding to my new messages.
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
No US president has ever held a press conference with foreign media representatives who pose VERY challenging questions. On the other hand, Putin has held ANNUAL press conferences since the early 2000's. He knocks those punk journalists from CNN/BBC right out of the ballpark!
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
Wouldn't say no to doing mental gymnastics with your mom though ;)
By user546595 - posted: 4 Jahre vor
Here we go. Another stupid pointless post that does nothing but triggers stupid people from the stupid thing we call the internet where no one can simply chillax for one second and has to be some toxic piece of trash that does nothing but gets others riled up. THE IRONY IN THIS FREAKING MESSAGE!
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
I hear ya! Too many genderfluidoids wish Russia fell apart so its resources could be plundered by "democratic" western nations. Not gonna happen.
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
Those 'murican pricks who say Putin was a KGB officer probably forgot that George "Herbertovich" Walker Bush (41st president) was the 11th Director of CIA.
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
Would you rather I kept toxins inside, my dude? That would be a bad idea.
In his annual press conference, my homeboy Putin told that "compared to NATO countries, we [Russians] are white and cuddly". He knocked that punka$$ BBC journalist right out of the ballpark #rekt
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre vor
Funny video: @coolby tries to impress local Russian ladies but things go awry
*https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWQguICJMOI (Американец в электричке
/ American on a train)