How do some of you all type over 70 wpm

Von o_orbz - aktualisiert: 3 Jahre, 7 Monate vor - 16 messages

How do you all increase your typing speed while maintaining good accuracy i can barely get to 50 wpm with 80%. Would love if some of you all could tell me how you got to where you are now and how you got there,
Yea a lot of people do say that but I think your advice would work better thank you.
By user92302 - posted: 3 Jahre, 9 Monate vor

Practice everyday, and focus on accuracy.
By smokemifugottem - posted: 3 Jahre, 9 Monate vor

I kinda cheated. I played pc games a lot as a kid and into high school. Never really tried to get good at typing. Because of that though I have good muscle memory for keyboards. When I started practicing I was already at like 68 wpm, now I'm around 84. Just focus on accuracy and the rest will follow. It's really that simply. Try to type with 100 percent accuracy even if you have to get like 30 wpm. Type at whatever speed you are accurate and just keep practicing. Speed will follow.
By maxwellsdad - posted: 3 Jahre, 9 Monate vor

Most people on here will tell you to focus on accuracy and the rest will come with time.

While that's perfectly good advice, there's another way that's helped me understand my progress and give me a target to aim at while practicing:

Try alternating between deliberately practicing speed and deliberately practicing accuracy. Right now you type at 50wpm with 80% accuracy. Your next step is to maintain your fingers moving at that speed but improve your accuracy, at least get to 90%. That improvement alone will probably get you above 60wpm.

When you notice your accuracy going up, you try to type faster, just fast enough to trip your fingers up again. You find a new speed that's just fast enough to drop your accuracy a bit, and you try to master it and get your 90% back.
By user546595 - posted: 3 Jahre, 9 Monate vor

Just keep practicing and keep a consistent pace when you type out words.
By o_orbz - posted: 3 Jahre, 9 Monate vor

Yea a lot of people do say that but I think your advice would work better thank you.
By gbzaid - posted: 3 Jahre, 9 Monate vor

That has to be a drive that makes you want to achieve higher wpm. For me it's an addiction at this point. I type everyday because of it and because of my job.
By colemak12 - posted: 3 Jahre, 9 Monate vor

Background: I was averaging 70 WPM on QWERTY a few months back and got into the Colemak layout. I learned how to touch type on the Colemak layout and I started at 20 WPM. After a few months, I'm averaging 75 WPM.

First, learn touch typing. You will get much faster if you learn touch typing. If you're already a touch typist, then all you need to do is practice. It also helps if you pay attention to how words are typed on keyboard, the sequence of it, the movements of your fingers. It doesn't matter if you're going through it slowly at first; because, in time, you will get faster. In order to encounter as many words as possible, you need to practice A LOT.

What do I mean by the sequence? For an easy example -- this is on Colemak -- for the word 'the', T is on the resting place of my left pointing finger, so I don't need to worry about that. Then H is the left key on my right pointing finger. E is on the resting place of my middle finger. So, my movements will go left pointing finger, move right pointing finger, middle finger, for the word 'the.' It's slow at first; but, over time, you won't need to 'think' about it and your fingers will just move... muscle memory.

You need to be aware of the movements of your fingers on the keyboard for each word encountered.

Good luck!
By smokemifugottem - posted: 3 Jahre, 9 Monate vor

I don't know, I see learning to type as similar to learning guitar. If you aren't playing it (typing it) right, slow it down, implant the muscle memory and then speed it back up. It is quite similar if you really think about it. It's all about hand dexterity and knowing where to put your fingers. Only difference is with guitar you also need to learn how to strum correctly and different strumming techniques.
Updated 3 Jahre, 9 Monate vor
By typein2021 - posted: 3 Jahre, 9 Monate vor

I type around 120 wpm consistently, and I was at your wpm around 6 years ago. It isn't a fast process, but if you practice the right way, you should see consistent gains in your wpm.

The first thing to prioritize is to get to the point where you're touch typing. Even if you have to slow down to type without looking at the keyboard, start doing so now. Get used to the home rows, as looking down to see where you're going to put your fingers next slows down your typing more than anything else.

The second thing is to start recognizing common letter combinations -- three to four-letter combinations such as "wer", "tion", "ing", etc. Start compartmentalizing words in such a way where you only really have to think about letters that fall outside of these combinations. For example, the word "learning" has two of these combinations: "ear" and "ing". When you get these common letter combinations down in your muscle memory, lots of the most commonly used words become much easier and faster to type.

Third, focus on accuracy, but don't let that slow you down too much. I actually disagree with accuracy being a typist's foremost concern; it's true that accuracy is important, but if you don't let your fingers get used to typing words out at a certain speed, you're never going to break the 100wpm barrier, let alone the 70wpm one.

Like everyone else has said, consistent practice is key. But remember, only perfect practice makes perfect -- if you aren't actively identifying weak points in your typing and thinking about how to correct those mistakes, you aren't going to improve as much as you could.

Hope this little write-up helps you. Good luck!
By garmfellow - posted: 3 Jahre, 9 Monate vor

I'd really suggest doing some of the drills that keyhero offers, as well as typing unnatural characters that you may not come across a lot.
By user87435 - posted: 3 Jahre, 8 Monate vor

How do you all increase your typing speed while maintaining good accuracy I can barely get to 50 wpm with 80%. Would love it if some of you all could tell me how you got to where you are now how you got there, I kinda cheated. I played pc games muscle memory for keyboards. When I started practicing I was already at like 68% wpm, now I'm around 84. Just focus on accuracy and the rest will follow. It's really that simple. Try to type with 100 percent accuracy even if you have to get like 30 wpm. Type at whatever speed you are accurate and just keep practicing. Speed will follow.
By galantix - posted: 3 Jahre, 8 Monate vor

It's just a matter of time. Practicing over a long enough time period, chatting a lot on your computer, sometimes taking a break of like a few days from typing are all things that helped me. You have to be patient with yourself. It will take time but every once in a while you will notice that you've gotten a bit faster. I started at 30 WPM a few years ago then went up to 50. Then a couple of years later I started practicing again went up from 50 to 80 by just practicing a lot. Stopped practicing for a while, then I figured out a better way for me to practice wich is just opening keyhero sometimes when I'm on the computer anyways for a few games (and same goes for 10 Fastfingers) and I went up to writing up to 104 words per minute within like 3 month. The thing that helped me the most was just being more relaxed about the typing speed. It's just a matter of your body adapting to what you are trying to do. It will happen over time not instantly because your body is not a machine, it has to build those muscle memory connections.
By zhang - posted: 3 Jahre, 8 Monate vor

I bought belle delphine bath water
By kirokyo - posted: 3 Jahre, 8 Monate vor

If you are not already touch typing, learn to touch type. You shouldn't have to look down to the keyboard for any letter, or punctuation mark.

If you can touch type. Slow down and don't rush to achieve a higher WPM. Work on getting whole words correctly.

Some words you may be able to type out quicker, but then stutter or hit the wrong key for the next word. This means two things: 1) slow down and let your brain and fingers able to catch up; 2) train yourself to read at least one word ahead as you type.

Don't skip quotes or give up midway of a quote. You may get a crappy WPM, but who cares? Remember - you are doing all of this to IMPROVE yourself. Getting an artificially high WPM because you chose easy quotes doesn't do you any good. No matter how crappy the quote is with quotation marks, numbers, colons, semi-colons, unfamiliar words, etc. - type through it.

Take breaks in between. You can become addicted to keep typing to try get a better score, but take a quick 2-3 minute break and you'll notice a recovery.

Relax your fingers and don't tense up too much. This can be hard to do sometimes, your fingers naturally want to tense up as you try to go faster. But be conscious as you feel your wrist and fingers start to fatigue. When you start feeling fatigue, it's a sign that you need to relax. You will be able to type longer quotes and feel like your fingers glide if you can do this.

Set mini targets like - I need to get a minimum of 81% accuracy consistently. Then slowly increase it afterwards. If you set too high of a target like I need 100 WPM @ 98% accuracy, when you are only getting 50 WPM @ 80% accuracy at the time, you will feel everything is so far, then eventually give up. Hitting doable targets will keep you going in the long-term, which is what really matters.

Most importantly - enjoy yourself! If you're having fun, you'll keep at it!
By zhang - posted: 3 Jahre, 7 Monate vor

Learn to pee a lot and resort to your pee bottles in the most desperate of circumstances.
By insanegirl - posted: 3 Jahre, 7 Monate vor

I really don't know what to do .....