How do you increase your WPM??

Von pinetree6238 - aktualisiert: 3 Jahre, 3 Monate vor - 8 messages

Personally, i could never move on from my highest wpm level in another typing test site, But ever i since i stopped doing a typing test, it degraded to about 34-36 wpm. Do you experience the same thing?

I need your opinions on how to increase your typing speed, my accuracy is okay. But, my speed kind Degraded. Pls Help me out here....
1. Learn to touch type properly (if you aren't already).
2. Go for accuracy (98%-100%).
3. Don't skip long quotes or when you made big mistakes. The point is to improve, not get a high score.
4. Type at a constant(ish) speed instead of burst-stop-burst-stop pattern.
5. Look about 1-2 words ahead of the word you're typing. This is when you get somewhat fast. Prevents you from the start-stop pattern.
6. Remove your expectation that you will get better in a day or two. It will take time (maybe weeks/months) to see sustained improvement.
By galantix - posted: 3 Jahre, 3 Monate vor

Practice makes you faster. Simple as that. You've done 9 games on this site. Have a look at how many qoutes I've typed on my page (keep in mind I also used other pages so the number of total practice should be about twice that).
By pinetree6238 - posted: 3 Jahre, 3 Monate vor

Thx for reccomendation.
By user401321 - posted: 3 Jahre, 3 Monate vor

Don't forget to mention touch typing
That'll get you to at least 80 wpm
By kirokyo - posted: 3 Jahre, 3 Monate vor

1. Learn to touch type properly (if you aren't already).
2. Go for accuracy (98%-100%).
3. Don't skip long quotes or when you made big mistakes. The point is to improve, not get a high score.
4. Type at a constant(ish) speed instead of burst-stop-burst-stop pattern.
5. Look about 1-2 words ahead of the word you're typing. This is when you get somewhat fast. Prevents you from the start-stop pattern.
6. Remove your expectation that you will get better in a day or two. It will take time (maybe weeks/months) to see sustained improvement.
By pinetree6238 - posted: 3 Jahre, 3 Monate vor

Thx guys, wonder what happened to coolby??
By smokemifugottem - posted: 3 Jahre, 3 Monate vor

I might be wrong but I'm like 90 percent sure that seinfeld, coolby, and mumma were all the same person lol.
By colemak12 - posted: 3 Jahre, 3 Monate vor

Learn to touch type first. You won't get far without it. Practice every day.
By zhang - posted: 3 Jahre, 3 Monate vor

Make sure you can touch type first, and then practice: you'll gradually raise your speed. I joined this site last year on my first account with about a 110 wpm, and I've increased it by nearly around 50 WPM by typing every day.