How is your typing going?
Von user85577 - aktualisiert: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor - 10 messages
Hey guys. How's your typing going? I know that some people don't really type fast. So I wish you all Good luck. Now, here's when you know if your a boss. If you're really a boss, you can type without looking and make no mistakes and still write a page. Simple Explanation: Boss = type without looking while making no mistakes for a whole page. Amateur: Can type without looking but makes mistakes. Noob: Cannot type without looking and when try's makes a million mistakes. I think I'm amateur. Put your answers in the comments below! And be honest!
I don't know what is wrong with me? My speed is kind of stuck at 40 WPM. I don't know how to improve that. Open for suggestions.
By sdah47 - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
Between Amateur and Boss.
By kaitou_joker333 - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
Same, between Amateur and Noob,
By elombitakola - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
I did my best game today. 80.3 WPM
It didn't update my badge tho.
By superboa - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
I guess I'm an Amateur Boss but I tend to lean more towards the boss side.
By anshsaini - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
I think it takes a while. A few days (in my case)
By user85577 - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
Everybody who says there I'm a boss I'ma check em'.
Updated 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
By reo - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
I don't know what is wrong with me? My speed is kind of stuck at 40 WPM. I don't know how to improve that. Open for suggestions.
By anshsaini - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
Nothing is wrong with you. This happens with everyone. We all hit plateaus. Just don't give up and keep typing. Consistency is the key.
By user751476 - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
So far I've only taken my speed to over 100 less than 10 times over a few years on this site. My typing speed is likely connected to how well tuned I am with myself, like depending on my body's mood I guess. I consistently type over 80 wpm with one to 5 mistakes per session. On a good day, if I have my rhythm I get consistent 90-95 wpm. I often get mistakes when I type a word that alternates using left and right hand and I mess up my timing. I do type about at least 10 sessions a day though
By user751476 - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
Are you typing using home row method or just free hand it? I know a fellow who doesn't type with home row method and he's about the same speed as me. Typing is all about routine. It's bad if you have to type out changing your motions for every single key. Like if I type the word "paragraph", I use the same method of typing it even if I do it tomorrow meaning I use the same finger for every letter I type. You assign certain motions or certain keys to certain fingers so you balance their loads so that they don't work twice as hard as the other fingers. Doing this everyday with practice gets you consistency that you want to get faster. It's important to be accurate at first though instead of focusing on speed. Don't get bummed out by getting it wrong though. Just focus on getting better. Practice practice practice. Settle, and breathe. You'll get there. Everybody can.
Updated 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor