How to type with long nails ughh
Von youh_vejesus - aktualisiert: 2 Jahre, 9 Monate vor - 2 messages
Hey so I recently got French tips... and now my typing went down to like 40 50 WPM is there any easy way to type with long nails?? Any advice is greatly appreciated thanks in advance guys :)
It worked out I couldn't stand them (rolling my eyes) not my type... but thanks for the advice
By jomango - posted: 2 Jahre, 9 Monate vor
It kind of depends on how long your nails are. Can you still make a fist with your fingers touching your palm? If yes then probably you're still just adjusting and maybe try typing with your fingers at a different angle. Sometimes it helps to lay your fingers kind of flat and focusing on the pads. If you can't make a fist then you'll have better luck using the actually nail itself to type. But at that point you really can't count on having a great wpm but your fingers will look nice :)
By youh_vejesus - posted: 2 Jahre, 9 Monate vor
It worked out I couldn't stand them (rolling my eyes) not my type... but thanks for the advice