I am stuck :(
Von yuki83 - aktualisiert: 3 Jahre, 10 Monate vor - 24 messages
People who have achieved a decent typing speed of a 100 and more, can you please share your experience of your beginnings?
I only started several months ago, when I realized that I basically type with 4 fingers. I had an okay speed back then of 55-70wpm. I had to start over with touch typing and relearn from scratch, because everything I did was wrong. But I was making consistent progress and I went from 10wpm to 55-65wpm.
However, ever since then I feel that I am stuck. I find it sooo discouraging.
No matter how much I practice I am not improving at all. I can do a very occasional 70wpm, but mostly I am just around 60wpm, my speed is not improving, my overall accuracy is not improving. Has anyone else hit a plateau like that?
Any advice on how to move forward?
Man 55-65 is good.
100 WPM is not decent it's amazing.
It's like saying you run the 100m at only 12 s. And you want to reach a decent time of 9 s.
What I did. I use ublock to hide my speed after each test. Now I even hide the accuracy.
I just type now, and from time to time I go to my profil to see my evolution.
I went from 59WPM to 62 WPM but i don't know if it's gonna sticks.
I think that removing the stress of constantly comparing yourself to others or to your best scores will help you.
By roboto - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
I feel you bro. Ive been stuck in 50-60 wpm for 4 months now despite following proper typing techniques and practicing almost everyday. I'm starting to think this is my peak.
By user86220 - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
Me too! I have been facing the same problem. My WPM is also around 50-60 I want to improve and I practice every day but I am not improving either. How do we improve after this? It is so discouraging.
By username43211 - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
Yeah same here, expect I cant even achieve 70... :((
By treasure - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
Me over here in the corner typing 40s...
By amarriarria04 - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
None of these comments are helpful. Someone, please write something actually helpful.
By kaitou_joker333 - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
i think just keep doing it until u get ur goal. once God sees that u are doing ur best. god will help u. so keep it up cuz look at me my farthest is around 28wpm. but still did not give up ok?? i am here man. so if u have a problem. just tell me ok?? i hope this is helpful.:) :) :)
By shetsuneh - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
*Cries in 40wps
By shetsuneh - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
Thanks buddy, this is all I need to keep me motivated :)
By zhangaloser - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
I have absolutely no idea why I usually average over 100 WPM, I need to be honest. I can play the piano, I guess? It probably improves my dexterity which contributes to the speeds that I get. A 55-65 wpm is actually pretty good, though. It's above average. Try doing dexterity or finger exercises to help improve the speed and flexibility of them.
By elombitakola - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
Man 55-65 is good.
100 WPM is not decent it's amazing.
It's like saying you run the 100m at only 12 s. And you want to reach a decent time of 9 s.
What I did. I use ublock to hide my speed after each test. Now I even hide the accuracy.
I just type now, and from time to time I go to my profil to see my evolution.
I went from 59WPM to 62 WPM but i don't know if it's gonna sticks.
I think that removing the stress of constantly comparing yourself to others or to your best scores will help you.
Updated 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
By user84614 - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
I used to be a 60-70 wpm user as well, my advice is to just keep practicing, I've been practicing typing for almost a year now, had to relearn my form and the correct fingers for each letter, but just keep practicing and trust that you will improve, it happens spontaneously. I did that and now I average about 120 wpm.
By mussorgsky - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
My suggestion is to try a website like keybr. keyhero is what I use to work on accuracy, keybr is what I use to increase speed. I can't explain keybr very well but it uses certain word combinations that get you used to fluidly typing and also uses gibberish words that you don't have a muscle memory for. This gets you in the habit of looking at words letter by letter or a few letters at a time rather than just relying on your old muscle memory to type them. When you're training speed, don't worry so much about accuracy, and when you're training accuracy don't worry so much about speed. Obviously you never want to neglect the other one too much and at some point you have to bring the two together and focus on both at once. Good luck!
By bennyues - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
You just have to keep going.
I spent probably a year going from 100 to around 110-120.
Only lately have I been "consistently" hitting 130, and I have over 6k games over 3 years.
You'll get there ;)
By kaitou_joker333 - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
I am here for u to keep u motivated man both body, mind and soul
By shetsuneh - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
LMAO, thanks tho
By alexnguyen11 - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
I usually average around 150 WPM, and a long time ago, I recall when I made the jump from like 80WPM to 100+, was because I realized I was using a lot of the wrong fingers for keys because I was used to it — I kind of retrained myself to use more fingers for different keys.
I still have certain quirks like only using the right shift ( I never use left shift) and I only use my right thumb for spacebar.
I got to about 120 WPM and couldn’t really get higher consistently, until I focused purely on accuracy for awhile rather than speed. Once I was consistently hitting 100% accuracy while going far slower than I felt I was capable of — I started adding more and more speed to it again.
Another thing that helps me is actually reading out loud or mouthing what I’m typing. Helps me focus on each word and type more accurately.
Hope this helps!
By yuki83 - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
Actually, I'm gonna second that. I find keybr very very helpful. It definitely helps with both speed and accuracy, even if you do 10-15min a day, it somehow helps. It very much helped to make a transition from below 50 to almost 60, I am not sure how it works, but it sort of pushes you up with tiny tiny propulsions, barely noticeable, but you go up.
By yuki83 - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
Thanks, that sounds like a good advice. :) I think playing a musical instrument does help, my bf plays piano and easily types over 100wpm with way less practice with me. I'll try some dexteriry exercises.
By kaitou_joker333 - posted: 3 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
Is this forum still active??
By kaitou_joker333 - posted: 3 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
Plus i believe that to cut all your hardwork into short sessions. so u wont have to deal with a big thing, trust me it works. i hope this is helpful.
By joshjacobs - posted: 3 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
You haven't fully learned how to type. You need to practice and learn where they keys are and type with 10 fingers. You should use a different program other than keyhero. Keyhero is for when you know how to type it isn't a great training tool. Use one that practices a few letters at a time I know there is a free in browser website. Other than that, go slow, learn where they keys are because if you don't know where the keys are you will never reach 100. If you have 100% accuracy you would be surprised how slowly you can go and how high the wpm will still remain because you type smooth and consistently.
By heschides - posted: 3 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
I'm a little rusty lately, but in college I was able to type between 80-90 wpm with extremely high accuracy. Here's a big tip: once you've fully internalized the placement of all the keys, the next step is to develop your ability to read ahead. You should be able to see at least five words ahead of where you're at; preferably, you want to see the whole sentence. That way you're able to hear the sentence aloud as you type, and you keep pace with that sound, NOT with your eyes tracking across the screen. Does that make sense? That is to say, if you're typing what you see with your eyes, you're going to struggle because your eyes only perceive so much at a time. Typing to what you hear will really take you to the next level.
And obviously the keyboard is important. Paradoxically, I find I type faster when the keys travel farther. Something about the tactile response gives me the confidence to increase my speed.
Updated 3 Jahre, 10 Monate vor