I guess I have wrong opinions.

Von superboa - aktualisiert: 3 Jahre, 10 Monate vor - 1 message

It's a false narrative derived from those who want to inspire upon false foundations. Claiming everything is bad, because it takes place in a certain nation. So bored with peace and prosperity they want to claim otherwise, whilst promoting the deaths of others and the extermination of lives. Through lies, and deceit, warranting a check of the receipt. Finding we got double charged for the food that we eat. Getting back in-store credit, but there's no stock so forget it, we shouldn't fret it or we get crushed under the iron fist and regret it. Indebted, to our savior from itself. Dehumanized, debated and hated because of our wealth. Any straying from the path, any second opinion or thought is either treated with a bloodbath or is simply just bought. And this is all in the land of the free, a series, of everybody turning a blind eye and catching some Z's. Please, how is this even possible? They think everyone who disagrees is an obstacle. They call it the political compass but it's more like a map. It isn't flat, if you go far enough left you end up in the alt-right's lap. That's a slap, in the face of the regular civilian. They mob up like a bunch of Sicilians and make millions off of the back of their minions. So, I guess I have wrong opinions.