I love the fact this forum isn't moderated.

Von zizuke - aktualisiert: 4 Jahre, 2 Monate vor - 15 messages

I wish every site was like this. This is one of the last places you can speak your mind lmao. Who knew a spanish typing practice website would be a bastion of free speech and discourse. Take note my dudes.

I don't even practice typing that much anymore, I just check in every so often to see what the personalities on this site are fighting about. You love to see it.

Keyhero will change the tides of polarization in western society haha
Fifteen characters
By mattman2255 - posted: 4 Jahre, 3 Monate vor

Yeah unfortunately it seems freedom of speech may soon be a thing of the past. Let's hope we can get past this mob mentality. I would like to remain out of prison for things I said years ago that I don't even believe anymore.
By catrice - posted: 4 Jahre, 3 Monate vor

The problem is that private individuals and corporations actually have a lot of power over many people, but they have no legal obligation to respect free speech. Even if you don't go to prison, the social media platforms, your cable company, local grocery owner and mechanic could gang up against you to deny you service based on something you say.
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre, 3 Monate vor

@zizuke I wouldn't get super excited, my dude. There's already been a precedent when @root (= admin) took down multiple threads on Russia-US relations and (traditional) family values discussion w/ that commie-gay flag bearer @coolby.
By mumma - posted: 4 Jahre, 3 Monate vor

You're despicable. Who says things like 'commie-gay flag bearer'?
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre, 3 Monate vor

Oh, get off your high horse.
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre, 3 Monate vor

Sooooo, I checked @mumma's location on her profile page.
Is @mumma = @weesin? LMFAO

She used "you're despicable". That's one of @weesin's staple phrases... a dead giveaway so to speak ;) Also, in Canada, they spell "mom" with a "u", like in Britain (God Shave the Queen!!!). She did say she's a single mom but that's obviously a big fat lie.

Welcome back, our beloved Canadian @weesin! How are you?
Updated 4 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
By seinfeld - posted: 4 Jahre, 3 Monate vor

"This is one of the last places you can speak your mind lmao."
Not to toot my own horn, but I've played some part in bringing alternative point of view to the table. This site used to have a much more sinister CNN-ish vibe.
By zizuke - posted: 4 Jahre, 3 Monate vor

Power to you then my bro. I was just going on an internet nostalgia binge. The internet sucks now. Someone said tor/i2p still has the early 2000s vibe. Feel free to drop some links haha.
By zizuke - posted: 4 Jahre, 3 Monate vor

Fifteen characters
Updated 4 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
By zizuke - posted: 4 Jahre, 3 Monate vor

Stop parroting other people as an excuse to seem intelligent. You’re digging your own grave unintentionally. It’s stopping ideas from being spread and therefore not getting to the corporate overlords that you’re talking about. If this sentiment is spread and is consistent, eventually corps/ad networks will go along with the hip new profitable trend. Unless...ya know.

If you can’t follow my logic, w/e haha. Do what you want, idc.
Updated 4 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
By zizuke - posted: 4 Jahre, 3 Monate vor

You have to be a troll. You have too many stereotypes. No one like this can exist on my keyboarding website. I will now deny you exist.

Who says despicable anymore? What are you, a hit film/motion picture 2010 American 3D computer-animated comedy produced by Illumination Entertainment distributed by Universal Pictures?
By mattman2255 - posted: 4 Jahre, 3 Monate vor

Man, the mumma saga has been a real rollercoaster lol.
By coolby - posted: 4 Jahre, 2 Monate vor

I have a commie gay flag as a relic from our lovely discussions, seinfeld. Did Root really take down our threads?

These kinds of useless and inflammatory discussions can be had on lots of different websites right now. I do miss the early 2000s internet though. Agree corporations and white knights are too prevalent.

LOL if weesin is back
By coolby - posted: 4 Jahre, 2 Monate vor

Who ad hominems so flagrantly anymore? You are offended this guy used a word you don't like? Did you have anything to add regarding his actual point or did you just want to sling insults to someone you disagree with?