Is quote rating supposed to act like this?

Von gianttoenail99 - aktualisiert: 1 Jahr vor - 5 messages

Just today I liked my own new quote (Shamelessly of course) and instead of it going to 2.5 stars like usual, it shot up straight to 5 stars; And whenever I dislike a new quote it shoots up to 3.8 instead of 2 or 2.5 stars! Is this intended? It seems like it'll introduce a lot of bad or poorly written quotes into the stream if anyone can instantly give a quote all-star status with a like or an above-average status with a dislike, based on only one rating! And it'll take a lot more dislikes to get a bad quote archived, to have a premature 5-star quote disliked down to 2.4 and under.
2 years later, a quote romanticizing the act of offing one's self via drowning beats out MLK's civil rights Quotes for top quote spot: "Clementine Ford - Fight Like A Girl"

The future is now Netizens, I'll catch you folks at the next Sarco-Pod shin-dig.
By gianttoenail99 - posted: 2 Jahre, 10 Monate vor

My quotes on Big Iron beat out historical civil rights quotes like MLK on the "Best Quote" list, for crying out loud!
Updated 2 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
By gianttoenail99 - posted: 2 Jahre, 10 Monate vor

Disliking a quote with 2 or less stars will boost its rating! I'm not even sure we can archive quotes by disliking if this is the case.
Updated 2 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
By root - posted: 2 Jahre, 9 Monate vor

You may not have seen this thread here: https://www.keyhero…

Some changes were made to eliminate the issue where a single downvote would instantly banish a quote forever. So, quotes with few ratings are "weighted" toward the middle (i.e., 3). After they have a few ratings, the weighting is removed and they live or die based on their avg rating.

As mentioned in the thread referenced above, a new system is being developed in which quotes can be rated on a 1-5 scale so that more information can be gained from each rating.
By gianttoenail99 - posted: 1 Jahr vor

2 years later, a quote romanticizing the act of offing one's self via drowning beats out MLK's civil rights Quotes for top quote spot: "Clementine Ford - Fight Like A Girl"

The future is now Netizens, I'll catch you folks at the next Sarco-Pod shin-dig.
Updated 1 Jahr vor
By root - posted: 1 Jahr vor

If you don't like a quote, then the best thing you can do it give it 1 or 2 stars. Very few quotes get even 10 ratings, so your vote can make a very big difference.