Is there a limit?

Von rathadin - aktualisiert: 4 Jahre, 2 Monate vor - 3 messages

Hello, I've been a user for almost 2 years, my average is about 90 WPM, but 100 WPM is not that rare, and 110-ish WPM is my maximum. I've been looking at others' stats and can't help but wonder if I have reached my limit. I'm a researcher, and the typing really helps, and there isn't a day where I don't type - especially during this pandemic. Can I still improve?
By liluglymane - posted: 4 Jahre, 2 Monate vor

I think once you're able to reach the speed of 100WPM, the goal should be to focus on achieving consistency. When you do your tests, pay attention to the graph of your speed and try to keep a sustained speed throughout the quote.

The best way to do this is to improve your accuracy, since incorrect keystrokes are what will cause the biggest dips. You can definitely keep pushing your speed up, but my humble opinion is that beyond 100 wpm (which honestly is a pretty arbitrary figure), you won't see much practical benefit in most real-world typing scenarios.
By cnt_ply - posted: 4 Jahre, 2 Monate vor

Focus on accuracy, looking at your most recent games, you average about 91%, which is very impressive given how fast you can type. Try typing slower but shoot for 98+% accuracy, and do that for a week. You should see improvement up to around 120-130 WPM. I used to have the same problem as you, I had low accuracy and could only reach about 70wpm tops, but after spending time just focusing on acc and not speed I ended up where I am right now at around 95 wpm.
By blaqshaq - posted: 4 Jahre, 2 Monate vor

You can improve by learning home row and using more fingers.