Just a thought

Von elombitakola - aktualisiert: 4 Jahre, 1 Monat vor - 1 message

I think that to improve your speed you should practice more, capital letters and ponctuation.

I used to pratice on this website keybr.com without caps or punctuation. And recently my average speed was 61 WPM and my pb(personal best) is 82 WPM.

However, when I do the test with punctuaction and caps on this website, my average goes to 55WPM and my pb to 62 WPM.

On this website keybr.com you can choose to train with capital letters and punctuation. Almost every word start with a cap letter and there is a diffenrent punctuation sign after each word-ish.

With those setting my avg and pb are respectively 41 WPM and 45 WPM lol but it's just for training.
It. Will" Be- Pretty Rare! For'me, To. Type" Like-this.

I'll do that for a while and see if my speed gets a bump.
By mindsight - posted: 4 Jahre, 1 Monat vor

I'm also looking for ways to practice differently so I'll try to do this too. Keep us udpated about your progress !