McAffee Sucks Dude

Von gianttoenail99 - aktualisiert: 3 Jahre vor - 3 messages

Anyone got any McAffee annoyance stories?

For me it's the pop-ups ruining 2-3 typing tests a day.
By smokemifugottem - posted: 3 Jahre vor

It does suck lol. I use Malwarebytes.

John McAfee was an interesting guy though. I refuse to believe that he wasn't suicided lol . Got a conspiracy on our hands... (half joking, half kidding lol)
By jcas092 - posted: 3 Jahre vor

Not McAffee specifically, but I hate antivirus software lol It's basically a virus itself.
By smokemifugottem - posted: 3 Jahre vor

True, also I meant to say half joking half serious. What I said makes no sense lmao.