Obvious Advice. Click at your own risks.
Von elombitakola - aktualisiert: 3 Jahre, 10 Monate vor - 2 messages
To improve your typing skills, you have to type a lot.
Recently I started learning Django, to make websites.
I try to type every lesson, in my own words. I'm learning to type while I'm doing actual work. Instead of coming here to make myself think that I'm doing something important. lol
I still come here to test from time to time., but I practice everyday for 3-4 hours while learning a new skill.
Now my average speed is 60WPM, my recent avg since I started Django is 66 WPM, and i get 70WPM regurlarly.
Hope it helps.
I think it applies to everything. I also started reading a book called : Crime and Punishment, and I type a summary of every chapter I read.
Just type, what is important to you, not just random quotes. And type a lot.
I told you it was obvious so don't bully me.
By typein2021 - posted: 3 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
That's a really cool thing you're doing! But while typing frequently is definitely integral to improving your speed, there is that saying that goes "practice doesn't make perfect, only perfect practice makes perfect." Volume does matter, but not as much as actively identifying errors in your typing and making an effort to fix them bit by bit. I would just advise you to not get into the habit of tolerating careless typing with lots of typos -- I fell into that habit for a while, and it was not pretty. Best of luck!
By elombitakola - posted: 3 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
I've never thought that I could actually become perfect, so that has never been my goal, but I see your point.
For me being good enough is enough. I am not reaching for the stars here, I'm fine just looking at them. lol if that even makes sense.
I should have said type a lot and focus on accuracy.
Updated 3 Jahre, 10 Monate vor