Question - Touch Type Should I Correct My Left Hand Finger Letter Combo? Is it worth it? Thanks!
Von user837477 - aktualisiert: 4 Jahre, 1 Monat vor - 3 messages
I recently taught myself Touch Typing. I have been typing around 60-70 wpm - by hunt and peck. However, over the years I also developed muscle memory. My left hand does not use the index finger - all keys that are supposed to be typed by my index finger is the middle finger.
I learned touch typing and went down to 25wpm. I practiced for 3 months and hit 75wpm. My left hand continues to use it's middle finger for r, t, f and ring finger goes for the e sometimes with the index finger going for the c. It's now pretty inconsistent.
Question - is it WORTH it correct this or let it ride me into the 80s. I tried for a few days to consciously correct it. But now I've dropped the wpm and accuracy. I appreciate responses from those who have had this issue and corrected it - my goal is to touch type at 100wpm.
Type as slowly as you need such that you're conscious of which finger is hitting which key. The next step would be increasing your speed after you've learned the proper fingering.
By _user_ - posted: 4 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
Yes, I think so. I used to type letters that are supposed to be typed by my left index finger with the right, I corrected it. Yeah, my wpm went down, but after about three days, I got used to it and felt more comfortable typing and got faster.
By user837477 - posted: 4 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
Wow - three days to recover is a fast turn around for muscle memory. I think that is awesome. I am strongly considering focussing on the left hand which seems such a heavily utilized hand for qwerty.
My fear of correction is that it drops both accuracy and wpm. However, it is hard to know when you've hit the key with the wrong finger. How do you recognize you've used the wrong finger? I could record myself typing I guess.
By user88217 - posted: 4 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
Type as slowly as you need such that you're conscious of which finger is hitting which key. The next step would be increasing your speed after you've learned the proper fingering.