Request: Delete whole word

Von a_yeti - aktualisiert: 3 Jahre, 5 Monate vor - 10 messages

I have a petition. Usually you can press Ctrl+Backspace (PC) or Option+Delete (Mac) to delete whole words. This works on typing sites (it even works while I am typing this). But it does not work on this site. How can we get this added?
Interesting. It looks like deleting whole words works with the 'Custom Text Test', though it does not work with the normal typing test.
By mcspeller - posted: 3 Jahre, 7 Monate vor

Just don't make mistakes lol.
By rcyj - posted: 3 Jahre, 7 Monate vor

I second this suggestion!
By kheng - posted: 3 Jahre, 7 Monate vor

Ctrl+Backspace (PC) to delete whole words works perfectly.
By rcyj - posted: 3 Jahre, 7 Monate vor

The function itself (i.e. clicking Ctrl+Backspace to delete whole words) works perfectly, but the tracker (that tracks whether you've typed the words in the quote) is inconsistent when it comes to registering the deletion of whole words. So for instance, when you delete the whole word, the tracker continues to register the word you've just deleted as still being present. Every once in a while I test it to confirm that this is still the case, and as of 15 seconds ago this issue is certainly still present.
By i_just_wanna_type - posted: 3 Jahre, 7 Monate vor

What I read:

"Request: Delete the whole world"
By a_yeti - posted: 3 Jahre, 7 Monate vor

I really like this site, but it would be so much nicer to have this function (deleting whole words) available! Hope the developers see this and agree.
By skjking - posted: 3 Jahre, 7 Monate vor

1+ OP is Right about the tracker. Needs to be adjusted when Deleting a Whole
Word back.
By a_yeti - posted: 3 Jahre, 7 Monate vor

Interesting. It looks like deleting whole words works with the 'Custom Text Test', though it does not work with the normal typing test.
By codelis - posted: 3 Jahre, 6 Monate vor

For me sometimes deleting the whole word works, but other times the tracker state only seems to delete half the word. I'm using ctrl backspace all the time in my everyday computer usage and i guess for short words I'm faster when I delete the whole word and start again rather than deleting just a few characters when I made a typo, therefore it's annoying to me when the website considers my input to be wrong after semi-deleting a word.
By flexximilian - posted: 3 Jahre, 5 Monate vor

Seconded. Since it will affect your WPM, and this is a normal function of a modern system, it should be supported. I do have accuracy issues sometimes, but I am way faster correcting whole words than to figure out where I am in the first place, and how much "backspace" I need.

Which is really a flaw in the way such tests typically work. Normally, I instantly correct "subconsciously", I don't even stop vocalizing fluently while doing it. If that makes sense? I correct visually, while the actual typing is based more on internal vocalizing turned into hand movement. That's especially true for frequent/typical errors. The backspace+correction sequence, when needed, is almost built into the muscle memory (as is the error ;)... Also, in real life, I would realize I made an error but won't interrupt the flow until, say, the next interpunctuation, end of a sentence or train of thought, and then correct using the cursor while these tests force us to using just backspace. As a programmer I use the cursor *a lot*, and I am more accurate with _it_ than I am writing just prose... Actually a lot of my work is about _editing_ and not so much text entry in the first place.

So yeah, I'd like a tracker (or tracker mode) that is a same-size window below, which allows me to use a cursor and all the standard cursor commands (like CTRL-LEFT to skip words backwards, and END to go on writing). My accuracy wouldn't improve but I think the effective WPM would actually go up. Not that I hunt WPM scores, really, I ended up here because I meant to compare my performance on different keyboards/keyboard switches, really. ;)

Sorry for the detour anyways. ;)