"Scores on this quote" section rarely shows full quote history
Von a_yeti - aktualisiert: 3 Jahre, 5 Monate vor - 1 message
I've encountered most quotes at this point, but most of the time, the "Scores on this quote" section is empty, despite the fact that I've finished them before. Does anyone know why this is? I was thinking it might be because some people use the same quotes as others: are there any measures put in place to prevent this?
By inferno36 - posted: 3 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
I think it's more likely that only our recent scores, as the column itself says, are showed. So they might have a particular max limit beyond which they may not store the history of our scores. Sort of similar to the way in which we are only displayed the score of our last 10 quotes but with a slightly larger time limit or quote limit.