Should I do this bug report to the developer(s)?
Von skat - aktualisiert: 2 Jahre, 1 Monat vor - 1 message
Following paragraph is the one I wrote in order to report to the developer(s) before I learened that there is a forum in the site, therefore I will let you guys read it first:
"Dear Mr. or Mrs. keyhero developer(s), I have no idea if other users see this as issue, but I always have been disturbed by the fact that typo'ing before "f" also highlight the letter after "f" - e.g., typo'ing f in "flash" as other wrong letter causes the error highlight appeared with "l" included in it, affecting the instinct to backspace twice unnecessarily and having to hit spacebar again - and typoing after f didn't make the typo'ed letter highlighted as error - e.g., typo'ing l in "flash" cause the light red background but don't mark the letter l highlighted as the error, making it really confusing since you have to think if you even made the mistake; true, I learned that some pros delete the whole word with Ctrl+backspace and start typing it all over again, but for common people it isn't the case - in the typing script. The site would be closer to perfection if you could notice my report and generously fix this bug with grace. Have a nice day, and long live the keyhero!"
What do you guys think about that? Do you also have the similar issue? I'm posting the issue in the forum first, curious about other's opinion, because I have insecurity that my claims might not be the case (or big deal) for everyone, also I don't want the developer being annoyed by a small issue because of me. Moreover, I don't want myself being a stand out (I'm a shy boy).