Should I really be worried about my typing speed?

Von user85577 - aktualisiert: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor - 5 messages

Every time I look at my typing score, I get frustrated. And that causes me to have low scores. That's why I don't type fast yet. Do you hav any tips about how I can type faster?
By allors.4612 - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor

Try to focus properly on the words you are typing and try not to have so many distractions. Try to make it so that your hands are doing the job not your brain. But with that said, trying not to be distracted can be quite difficult. I've never tried it, but you could cover the typing and accuracy scores with masking tape or a post-it note, preferably coloured white so that you don't get distracted by any vibrant colours.

Also, focus on accuracy, not speed. If you're really fast, but keep making mistakes, your final speed will be incredibly low. Start off with an average speed and make sure your accuracy is top notch, and then slowly increase with time.
By username43211 - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor

Focus on accuracy, maybe I should really try that...
By user84021 - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor

I have this chrome extention that can inject javascript into a webpage after it's loaded, and it hides the score from being shown (both the accuracy and the speed, which is how I like it, It doesn't however, hide the graph chart):…

After installing it, open it when you are at https://www.keyhero…

paste the following code into the text area in the extention and click save.

document.querySelector('div.col-md-4').hidden=true;;(function($,window){var intervals={};var removeListener=function(selector){if(intervals[selector]){window.clearInterval(intervals[selector]);intervals[selector]=null;}};var found='waitUntilExists.found';$.fn.waitUntilExists=function(handler,shouldRunHandlerOnce,isChild){var selector=this.selector;var $this=$(selector);var $elements=$this.not(function(){return $(this).data(found);});if(handler==='remove'){removeListener(selector);} else{$elements.each(handler).data(found,true);if(shouldRunHandlerOnce&&$this.length){removeListener(selector);} else if(!isChild){intervals[selector]=window.setInterval(function(){$this.waitUntilExists(handler,shouldRunHandlerOnce,true);},200);}} return $this;};}(jQuery,window));$('[data-reactid="."]').waitUntilExists(()=>{var el=document.querySelector('[data-reactid="."]');el.parentNode.removeChild(el);});

hope it works for you
By user85577 - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor

Thanks guys! It really helped!
By elombitakola - posted: 3 Jahre, 11 Monate vor

I did the same thing with ublock. Since then I'm less worried and I think my accuracy has improved. I try not to worry about my speed so much. As long as I can type without hitting the backspace key everytime, I'm fast enough.