Typing learning curve
Von insertreference - aktualisiert: 2 Jahre, 2 Monate vor - 2 messages
We all know you can improve your typing speed by training.
The question is how much quickly is adequate, is there any way you can think of for estimating how efficient the wpm improvement is?
I feel like some people skyrocket to 100wpm relatively easily while others barely get to scrape it even after years of consecutive typing.
comparing yourself with others makes you sad.
So don't compare yourself with others!
By mindmaster - posted: 2 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
If you're typing 80wpm you're typing 2x faster than 80% of the population already.
If you type around 100wpm you are typing in the top 5% of all people on the planet, AKA no one is going to think you need to be faster. To some extent, speeds over 100wpm are redundant as few people actually type a long work or program in such a continuous manner. They stop, they think, they rest, and they certainly aren't going for speed over quality. Most of what you have to type on a daily basis naturally is under 200 words of content, so you can type that in 2 mins? Whether you get that to one minute and thirty seconds, or get stuck at two minutes is largely a poor return on effort.
I mostly practice for accuracy which takes a lot of time to cultivate and I ignore speed. I want more value for the time I spend typing rather than trying to max it out per se.
By _kookie - posted: 2 Jahre, 2 Monate vor
comparing yourself with others makes you sad.
So don't compare yourself with others!