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Palabras con X by morango83

extra ataraxia taxidermia toxina axioma galaxia exigencia taxi expediente Luxemburgo sexualidad excreción exactitud saxofonista xerodermia exfutbolista taxonomía extinción examen axiología excelencia extenuación éxtasis extintor Máximo oxígeno sintaxis léxico exportación expropiación extraterrestre exclusividad exclusión dióxido Félix Alex experimento extrañeza Sixto boxeo Texas oxidación extremo toxicidad exilio auxilio óxido axila

asfixia experimentar saxofón expirar sexo exportar expresar exprimir expropiar exasperación xerografía excavar xilotila exclamar excluir Axel excusa exfoliar xilema éxito éxodo próximo Fénix experiencia

extramatrimonial exacto exigente tóxico mexicano exuberante sexto expatriado exaltado Luxemburgués sexual excreción excelente sexualizado examinado exiliado oxigenado extinto extraño mixto sexagesimal extenuado extasiado oxidado

Essex México Extremadura Xiamen Xicotépec Xalapa

xilófono xenófobo xenofobia Xosé Xerez Xavier Ximena Xabier xenoglosia Xi xenón xeroftalmia xerosis xerostomía xerodermia Xeraco xantina xilografía xantoma xifoides xecuda xilófago xocoyote xeroteca

Palabras con W by morango83

Wagner waffle watt wifi web Wilson webinario weimarés Wimbledon Wellingtonia Wellington wincha Wanda wélter washingtoniano Wembley windsurfista Waterloo wéstern waterpolista westfaliano wok waterpolo whiskería wolframio whisky Wuhan WhatsApp Wikipedia wikipedista wikipediano walkie-talkie windsurfing wahabí wantán wólfram Wisconsin Wenceslao wahabismo Walter windsurf wiphala Washington

Hollywood Rottweiler Darwin hollywoodense sándwich darwiniano Iowa sawali darwinismo kiwi software darwinista Kuwait swing hardware kuwaití taekwondo Hawái Newton Taiwán hawaiano newtoniano taiwanés kilowatt

bungalow show Trelew

Vježba_1.1 by prof_brzak

svemir rajski travka fudu divlji krevet zidati jezik raskid ljudi, zima zvuk divljak klizač maslačak krak rasvjeta, vitez tramvaj krila savjet riječ jaje zavjet frizura divlje vesla slikar rukav mrak razvitak ujak drva zavjera razred zaviriti kavez trkač dalek, sudar vatra zvijer sjaj svrta kratak, laviti zdjela kravata struja fajla misliti kava sličiti za marljiv, vratiti kriza razviti zvijezda jela kava farma krila vrat vila zavjesa, frajer zid krema mudar svijetliti kravlji, svitak vjetar mali fizika vrsta zlatar slika fakultet zavjera, ljutiti muzika vikar jeka vrsta vlast kava vuk razlika krasiti maslačak vjetar čizma slavuj kredit vjestak karta marka friz vreča kiseli drzava zmaj jaru

Vježba_1_2024 by prof_brzak

svemir rajski travka fudu divlji krevet zidati jezik raskid ljudi, zima zvuk divljak klizač maslačak krak rasvjeta, vitez tramvaj krila savjet riječ jaje zavjet frizura divlje vesla slikar rukav mrak razvitak ujak zubat drva zavjera razred zaviriti kavez trkač dalek, sudar vatra zvijer sjaj svrta kratak, laviti zdjela kravata struja fajla srebriti misliti kava sličiti za marljiv, vratiti kriza razviti zvijezda jela kava farma krila vrat vila zavjesa, frajer zid krema mudar svijetliti kravlji, svitak vjetar mali fizika vrsta zlatar slika fakultet zavjera vjezba, ljutiti muzika vikar jeka vrsta vlast kava vuk razlika krasiti maslačak vjetar čizma slavuj kredit vjestak karta marka friz vreča kiseli drzava zmaj jaru

AFFC - Brienne 4 by poschti

On the way to the cove where Nimble Dick led the fool and his two companions, Pod catches Dick looking through Brienne's saddlebags. She knew something like this might happen, and warned Pod to keep an eye on him. But having no recourse but to follow Dick, Brienne and Pod continue on their path to Crackclaw Point.

Dick tells them some of the history of the region, to pass the monotony of their journey. Brienne's mistrust of Dick has made him take notice, and she considers how easy it is for her to suspect others, after the mistreatments she has suffered in her life. She remembers getting her revenge on several of her false suitors during the mêlée at Bitterbridge, but this has done little to stay her natural distrust.

As they pass the Dyre Den, Lord Brune's castle, Pod takes note of a rider a couple miles behind them. When Brienne learns that Dick may have known Lord Brune, she considers the possibility that Dick is a deserter from the war.

After passing through many a treacherous bog and forest, they finally arrive at the ruins of the Whispers. Brienne commands Pod to watch their horses, as she and Dick investigate the ruins. When they find a recently put-out cookfire, Brienne realizes their quarry is still around.

The trap is soon sprung, and the fool turns out to be Shagwell of the Bloody Mummers. Shagwell kills Nimble Dick with his brutal morningstar, then informs Brienne that Urswyck rode south to Oldtown with some of the Mummers, while Rorge headed for Saltpans. He also reveals a rumor that the "daughter of Lord Stark" has last been seen with Sandor Clegane.

When Shagwell's two companions attack, Brienne's strength and size are too much for Pyg and Timeon, who fall quickly to her strokes with Oathkeeper. Squaring off against Shagwell, the Fool is struck in the head by a stone thrown by Podrick.

Brienne forces the Fool to dig a grave for Dick, but upon completion of it, the former Brave Companion attacks her. She quickly dispatches him as well. After killing him, she leaves two gold dragons on Dick's grave, and is then surprised to hear a laugh from the ruined wall.

It is Ser Hyle Hunt, the rider who Pod had spied, sent by Randyll Tarly to stay at Brienne's side in the off chance that she finds Sansa.

AFFC - Drowned Man by poschti

Aeron is wading in the ocean, berating himself for running from Euron. He considers Nagga's bones, where the Grey King ruled for a thousand years and warred against the Storm God.

At dawn, Aeron has his drowned men sound the drums and warhorns to announce the onset of the kingsmoot on Old Wyk. The prophet wishes for Victarion to win the claim, and hopes Euron will make a mistake and declare early.

The first claimant is Gylbert Farwynd, who rules a small barrier island far to the west of the Iron Islands where skinchangers are said to live. Aeron sees madness in the lord's eyes. He offers to lead the ironmen to a bountiful land beyond the Sunset Sea; few of the gathered captains shout his name.

Next up is Erik Ironmaker, who once might have made a great king. But age and his immense weight make him an easy target for Asha to dismiss by asking him to stand up from his chair.

The following claimant is another famous ironborn, Lord Dunstan Drumm, who asks the gathering, "Where is it written that our king must be a kraken?" But the Drumm's downfall is the cheap loot he offers to swing the vote of the captains.

Victarion steps forth next and asks for Aeron's blessing. His speech is short and concise and he offers to continue the rule his brother Balon set. His offerings are generous, and many captains give him their voice.

But it is Asha who interrupts the shouts of "Victarion!", and declares that her claim is best as she is Balon's daughter. She tells the ironborn that war is bleeding their people and to continue it would be folly.

She offers peace with the northmen, and prosperous land on the western shores of the North. When she opens her chests to show the scant spoils of her warring in the north, the tumult of support she receives is staggering.

Fearing that a woman will win the kingsmoot, Aeron is shocked back to reality by the horrible bellowing of a horn. All eyes turn to a giant war-horn bound with ancient Valyrian glyphs being sounded by one of Euron's "mongrels".

After sounding the horn several times, the giant mute nearly falls over, his lips bloody and blistering. Euron steps forward and announces that he has sailed further and braved more than any other ironman. He offers not only peace and land, but all of Westeros to the ironborn.

When Asha asks him how he means to do so, her uncle responds that he will use dragons to conquer the Seven Kingdoms, as Aegon the Conuqeror did, using the dragon horn he found amongst the ashes of Old Valyria. When he tells the crowd that the horn can bind dragons to his will, and that he knows where three dragons can be found, he receives the overwhelming cheers of "Euron! Euron! Crow's Eye! EURON KING!"

AFFC - Iron Captain by poschti

Victarion has left the defense of Moat Cailin to Ralf Kenning, and sailed the Iron Fleet to Old Wyk for the kingsmoot. When the fleet arrives at Nagga's Cradle, Victarion has them blockade Euron's Silence. The first to greet him on shore is Aeron, and later that night the priest is at his side for the feast. Several captains pledge their voice to Victarion's claim, but Baelor Blacktyde seeks a king who will end the wars, saying,

"Balon was mad, Aeron is madder, and Euron is maddest of them all."

Soon, the captain finds his niece, advising her not to lay forth a claim, because a woman has no place ruling the ironborn. Asha stands by her claim, and notes that the Damphair may have underestimated the appeal of the kingsmoot, since the Drumm will present his claim and there is talk of Maron Volmark being presented as heir of the throne by Tarle the Thrice-Drowned, while it is apparent that Aeron's intent was to legitimize Victarion as Balon's successor.

Their chat is interrupted by the arrival of Euron. Victarion notes Euron does not seem to have aged in the almost three years that he has been gone. Aeron confronts Euron with the accusation that "no godless man may sit the Seastone Chair", but Euron cows his brother into leaving the hall.

Asha then accuses her uncle of the death of her father, but Euron denies he had anything to do with it. When a fight nearly breaks out between Asha and one of Euron's men, Victarion steps in and demands that Euron leave.

After his departure, Victarion and his niece walk outside, and Asha asks why Euron was banished by her father, for he refused to ever speak of it. Victarion eventually tells her that Euron impregnated Victarion's wife. Victarion wanted to kill his brother but Balon forbid it and sent Euron to exile. Later Victarion killed his wife with his own hands.

Asha offers to set aside her claim if Victarion will name her his Hand of the King and end the war. She feels that the Ironborn have overextended themselves and tells her uncle that she has reached an agreement with Lady Sybelle Glover, and that their people may keep Sea Dragon Point and the Stony Shore in return for the release of Deepwood Motte, Torrhen's Square, and Moat Cailin. Victarion is not receptive. Asha replies that she then will claim the throne.

KAPLAN - ACTIVITY D by yingisiwa

i) Risk Register
Risk management should be seen as a vital role of any Board under any organisational structure. It shows a commitment to minimising risks and maintaining a sound set of internal controls so that the business remains a going concern. From a governance perspective, a risk register is essential.
It allows the Board to see any new risks and identify changes to existing risks. Companies can use it to prioritise risks by looking at the likelihood of the risk occurring and the impact it may have.
Often a risk register will turn this into a numeric value to rank risks and highlight the key ones.
Then an appropriate risk management strategy can be determined to mitigate the risk. It can also ensure that the best is made of any opportunities that arise.
Controls can reduce risks, but are not the only way to deal with risks. Diversification, hedging and or joint ventures could be used to help reduce risks. Risks can also be mitigated through risk transfer such as insurance and/or outsourcing. Certain risks are considered to be so severe the activity may be avoided.
A detailed risk register for Rotomyne should have the following elements:
• Risk Description: A comprehensive explanation of each risk. For instance, Rotomyne might detail risks associated with "Environmental Impact" by referencing specific types of environmental damage such as soil erosion, water pollution, and habitat destruction due to mining operations.
• Ratings for Likelihood and Impact: Assigning a probability of occurrence and a measure of potential consequences to each risk. For example, given Rotomyne’s international presence, "Geopolitical Instability" in certain markets could be rated as medium likelihood but high impact, due to potential disruptions in mining operations or risks to employee safety.
• Overall Risk Rating: A composite score that synthesizes likelihood and impact assessments. This might involve scoring each risk on a scale from 1 to 5, with 5 being the most severe, and then multiplying the scores to arrive at an overall risk rating. For instance, a risk with a high likelihood (4) and high impact (5) would have an overall rating of 20.
• Identification Date: The date when the risk was initially recognised, which could be particularly relevant for emerging risks such as "Cybersecurity Threats" due to the integration of OT and IT systems.
• Last Review/Change Date: This would reflect the most recent assessment or modification of the risk, which is essential for dynamically evolving risks such as "Technological Obsolescence" where Rotomyne needs to continuously innovate in lithium extraction and processing techniques.
• Residual Risk Rating: The degree of risk that persists after mitigation strategies have been applied. For instance, even with advanced safety protocols, the "Risk of Industrial Accidents" might still carry a residual risk due to the inherent dangers of mining operations.
• Risk Owner: An individual appointed to oversee the management of each risk. In Rotomyne’s case, the "Production Director" Dr Andrey Prokhorov might be the risk owner for "Environmental Impact" due to the close connection with mining and processing activities. The risk owner would be responsible for implementing and reviewing the effectiveness of environmental protection measures.
ii) Additional Risks and Mitigations
In terms of additional risks and mitigations for these risks, below are some other factors that could pose issues for Rotomyne and how they could be mitigated: (This is not an exhaustive list & you may think of more risks and different mitigations)
Corporate Reputation Risk The danger that negative perceptions could damage Rotomyne's brand and financial standing. In the mining sector, where environmental and social responsibility are paramount, Rotomyne’s clients and stakeholders depend on the company to operate sustainably and ethically. Any lapse in environmental practices, employee misconduct, data breaches, or adverse media attention can severely impact Rotomyne’s reputation.
• Mitigation: Rotomyne has implemented several risk management strategies to maintain its reputation and ensure the safety and quality of its operations. It conducts rigorous environmental assessments and adheres to strict regulations. The company also invests in community engagement and corporate social responsibility initiatives. Additionally, Rotomyne could benefit from media monitoring and a formal crisis management plan to proactively manage and safeguard its reputation.
Operational Risks These could include supply chain disruptions, where delays or issues with suppliers of mining equipment or technology could hinder production. Additionally, Rotomyne might encounter challenges related to the integration and compatibility of various mining and processing systems, especially when operating in diverse geographical locations.
• Mitigation: To mitigate supply chain risks, Rotomyne could develop a diversified supplier network to avoid reliance on a single source and create contingency plans for critical supplies. Regular audits and evaluations of suppliers’ capabilities and financial stability can also help to anticipate and manage potential supply chain issues. For the integration of mining systems, Rotomyne could invest in cross-platform technologies and employ specialists to ensure seamless integration of different mining infrastructures.
Product Reputation Risk Rotomyne’s reputation hinges on the reliability and effectiveness of its lithium products. Product failures, inaccurate geological surveys, or subpar processing could tarnish the company's standing as a trusted lithium supplier.
• Mitigation: Rotomyne should implement stringent quality controls, invest in ongoing staff development, actively seek customer feedback, and communicate product capabilities transparently. Regularly updating processing technology and maintaining high standards in product quality can also help in mitigating these risks.
Technology and Cybersecurity Risks With the increasing integration of Operational Technology (OT) and IT systems, Rotomyne faces significant cybersecurity risks that could disrupt operations or compromise sensitive data.
• Mitigation: Rotomyne should implement robust cybersecurity measures, including data encryption, network security protocols, and regular security audits. Training employees on cybersecurity best practices and developing a comprehensive incident response plan can also help mitigate these risks.
Environmental Regulatory Compliance Risk Rotomyne operates in multiple countries, each with its own set of environmental regulations. Non-compliance can result in significant fines, legal action, and damage to the company’s reputation.
• Mitigation: Rotomyne should ensure full compliance with all relevant environmental regulations across its operations. This includes implementing a centralised compliance monitoring system and conducting regular audits. The company should also exceed local regulations by adopting the strictest global standards. Continuous training for staff on environmental laws and best practices can further mitigate this risk.
Economic and Market Risk The prices of lithium compounds are highly volatile and are influenced by global supply and demand dynamics. Economic downturns can also reduce demand for lithium products, impacting Rotomyne’s revenues and profitability.
• Mitigation: Rotomyne can use hedging strategies to manage price volatility. Diversifying its product range and customer base can also reduce dependency on specific markets. Additionally, maintaining strong relationships with key customers and continuously monitoring market trends can help the company to respond quickly to economic changes.
Geopolitical Risk Rotomyne has mines in countries with varying degrees of political stability. Geopolitical events such as changes in government, civil unrest, or trade restrictions can disrupt operations.
• Mitigation: Rotomyne should develop contingency plans for each of its mining locations, including alternative supply chains and evacuation plans for employees. Building strong relationships with local governments and communities can also help to mitigate this risk. Diversifying mining operations across multiple stable regions can further reduce the impact of geopolitical events.
Supply Chain and Logistics Risk Rotomyne’s operations depend on a complex supply chain for equipment, materials, and logistics. Disruptions in the supply chain can impact production and delivery schedules.
• Mitigation: Developing a diversified supplier network and maintaining strong relationships with key suppliers can help mitigate this risk. Implementing robust supply chain management systems and developing contingency plans for critical supplies can also enhance resilience. Regularly reviewing and optimising logistics processes can further mitigate supply chain risks.
Human Resource Risk Attracting and retaining skilled professionals, particularly in remote mining locations, can be challenging. High turnover rates can disrupt operations and increase recruitment and training costs.
• Mitigation: Rotomyne should invest in employee development and offer competitive compensation packages to attract and retain talent. Providing a safe and supportive work environment, along with opportunities for career growth, can also help to reduce turnover. Developing strong employer branding and engaging in community outreach can further enhance the company’s ability to attract skilled professionals.
Health and Safety Risk Mining operations pose significant health and safety risks to employees. Accidents or unsafe working conditions can lead to injuries, legal action, and reputational damage.
• Mitigation: Rotomyne should implement stringent health and safety protocols and ensure compliance with all relevant regulations. Regular safety audits, training programmes, and the use of advanced safety equipment can help to mitigate this risk. Promoting a strong safety culture and involving employees in safety initiatives can further enhance workplace safety.
Ethical Risks Rotomyne must navigate various ethical dilemmas, such as labour practices, community impact, and environmental sustainability. Ethical lapses can lead to legal action, reputational damage, and loss of stakeholder trust.
• Mitigation: Rotomyne should establish a robust ethical framework, including clear policies and codes of conduct. Regular training on ethical practices for employees and management can help foster an ethical culture. Implementing a whistleblower policy and ensuring transparency in operations can also mitigate ethical risks. Engaging with stakeholders and maintaining open communication channels can further enhance ethical compliance.
Environmental Sustainability Risks The extraction and processing of lithium have significant environmental impacts, including habitat destruction, water pollution, and carbon emissions. Failing to manage these impacts can lead to regulatory penalties and reputational damage.
• Mitigation: Rotomyne should adopt sustainable mining practices and invest in technologies that reduce environmental impact. This includes using direct lithium extraction methods where feasible, which have lower environmental footprints. Regular environmental impact assessments and compliance with the highest environmental standards can also help. Engaging in reforestation and habitat restoration projects, as well as reducing carbon emissions through renewable energy sources, can further enhance environmental sustainability.

Power steering 3 by user546887

Hydraulic, electric, and hydro-electric power steering systems represent the most common types you're likely to find on modern vehicles. However, those systems can rely on different mechanisms and parts to transfer your steering wheel's motion to the wheels. We've covered rack and pinion steering already, but now we'll briefly discuss some of the other gear systems you're likely to see. Outside of rack and pinion gears, worm gears are one of the most common types of steering gears you'll encounter. These devices encompass various kinds of steering systems, including the traditional Pitman arm setups found in older cars and trucks, as well as some modern off-road vehicles like certain Jeep models. Besides worm gear systems, other relatively common types of power steering systems include recirculating ball and RAM-type steering systems. While recirculating ball systems are usually found on off-road and heavy-duty vehicles, RAM-type systems are more commonly used in marine applications.

Power steering 2 by user546887

Rack and pinion steering systems — as they're sometimes called — are an extremely common type of power steering system. You can find them in both standard hydraulic and newer electric power steering systems, and unless you drive an antique car or a modern off-road vehicle like a Jeep, chances are that your vehicle has a rack and pinion gear. These components are designed to transform the rotational motion of your steering wheel into the linear movement necessary to aim the wheels of the car. Rack and pinion systems work using an ingenious and highly complicated set of gears. They're essential parts of your car's steering and suspension systems, and they play key roles in keeping your wheels aligned and your tires in good condition. If you're interested in learning more about rack and pinion steering, stick around. As a former professional mechanic who spent years specializing in steering and suspension, I'll break it down for you. We'll explore how these parts work, and we'll compare them to some other popular types of steering systems. Let's dive in and check it out.

Power steering by user546887

If you've ever driven an older vehicle without power steering or a contemporary car with a power steering malfunction, you probably understand just how important these systems are. They drastically reduce the amount of force necessary to turn the steering wheel, making it substantially easier to maneuver your car. However, not all power steering systems are created equal or work using the same methods and power sources. Today, the two most common types of power steering systems are hydraulic power steering systems and electric power steering systems. But while these systems rely on different sources of power, they often function using similar gears and components, including the famous rack and pinion gear.

Codes of Conduct by lilactrex

I: I am an American, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.

II: I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist.

III: If I am captured, I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.

IV: If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information nor take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior I will take command. If not I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and back them up in every way.

V: When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number, and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause.

VI: I will never forget that I am an American, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in the United States of America.

Palabras aleatorias by morango83

muscles procedimiento comfortable jewelry science glamorous forma cuando azar parte casa desconocido lípido rugby del conducir vaca yogurt ejemplo objeto humanos salmón aprendes nunca asar wafle escribir tocuyo popular Japón discurso Alma from symbols plants should would planes extraoficial radiológico más quinientos cronotopo nunca discurso verdad rápido prueba Los con pronto advierte condescendencia actualidad demás humana equipo mezclar dióxido ventanas sexto este civilizaciones encima respecto exterior visuales Napoleón test referencia encuentro depósito ordinario lo impide sincero estar negro conocimiento alegraba un momento

Thursday 21 Nov by staceyj10

Holly had a big kite with bright blue stripes, and she couldn't wait to fly it on the hill. She held the string tight and laughed as the wind helped lift it high into the sky. As the kite danced and twirled, a happy hawk flew by to take a look!

KeyStoneHabits-1 by puzzlled

Key Stone Habits

It can be challenging to work new habits into your lifestyle.
According to one study, it takes anywhere from 18 to 254 days of repetitive behaviour before a new habit takes hold.
It sounds like a lot of work. But all habits aren’t developed one by one. It turns out that some habits compound and make the adoption of other good habits a lot easier. So wouldn’t it make sense to just focus on those habits?

Well, let’s talk a little more about keystone habits. The idea of keystone habits was first introduced in Charles Duhigg’s book, The Power of Habit. Unlike normal habits, keystone habits create positive effects that spill over into other areas. They start a chain reaction which shifts other patterns. Essentially, it creates a domino effect that changes various aspects of your life. When you focus on building keystone habits, you hit two birds (or even more) with one stone. And so, focusing on these habits is a highly productive use of your time.

Now, you don’t have to choose from a limited set of actions to build a keystone habit. As it turns out, it’s not the exact act that causes the chain reaction, but rather the intent behind the act. Duhigg explains: “The power of a keystone habit draws from its ability to change your self image. Basically, anything can become a keystone habit if it has this power to make you see yourself in a different way.”

The range of habits is limitless. Acts which are seemingly unconnected can breed unexpected benefits. So take the following for example you start to develop an exercise routine. Over time you increase your energy level to function better throughout the day. Your quality of sleep improves because you’ve expended energy and are resting and recovering properly. Not to mention that your diet and nutrition get better since you’re eating healthier meals at home and even saving more money by not eating out as much. Notice the domino effect?

On the other hand, whenever I fall off-track with my exercise routine, I tend to also slack more with my work, nutrition, and finances cause I have less energy, and lower willpower. Some other great keystone habits I’ve tried to develop include: Meditating. I’ve found that it improves memory and awareness and reduces my stress levels especially since my mind is always racing throughout the day.

Another one is Journaling, which could also help you improve your writing, channel your thoughts onto a piece of paper and boost your creativity. I’ve discovered that the trick is that this keystone habit has to be small enough to avoid overwhelming you so that it can have a ripple effect for other behaviours to follow.

There was a famous speech given by Admiral William McRaven where he talked about the importance of something seemingly trivial like Making your Bed. If you make your bed every morning. You will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride and will encourage you to do another task, and another and another. It sounds ridiculous, but for some this simple act could be a small win that gives one discipline and brings a sense of control that trickles down to the rest of your day.

The hack to making any habit stick long-term—keystone or not—is ensuring that you do it regularly. The more often you do the habit, the more you'll get used to it, and eventually you'll do it without thinking, which is the definition of a habit. The idea of starting small is common among successful habit builders. Social scientist BJ Fogg calls this "Minimal Viable Effort," and suggests that this is one of the best ways to approach building new habits.

For example, taking a walk outside or doing pushups for a few minutes is a better start than trying to run several miles every day of the week. Once you've built consistency in doing that tiny behaviour every day, it's a lot easier to scale up how much you're doing. Creating consistency is the hardest part, so start there.

And listen, it’s perfectly fine to feel uninspired on some days and not want to indulge in your habit. When this happens, think about ways that you can make your keystone habit a little easier to do like swapping an hour long workout for 30 minutes. This is something that Malcolm Gladwell calls the "tipping point." The point at which you overcome resistance and engage in this new behaviour.

Now, not all keystone habits are positive. Think of the negative impacts that could occur in your life if you started drinking a six pack of beer every night. Your physical health, mental health, relationships, and career would all probably suffer as a result of this. This means that it’s important to recognise how one action that you do on a regular basis can influence the larger picture of your life–and because of this, we want to make sure that everyday our actions are leading us to becoming the best version of ourselves rather than hurting us in the long run.

If you recognise and adopt good keystone habits, you will notice that your life can improve dramatically because of that one small change. If you liked this video, I make a lot of them. That’s it. Thanks for reading.

malloc by harshehe

This is one of the big areas where C likely diverges from languages you already know: manual memory management.

Other languages uses reference counting, garbage collection, or other means to determine when to allocate new memory for some data—and when to deallocate it when no variables refer to it.

And that’s nice. It’s nice to be able to not worry about it, to just drop all the references to an item and trust that at some point the memory associated with it will be freed.

But C’s not like that, entirely.

Of course, in C, some variables are automatically allocated and deallocated when they come into scope and leave scope. We call these automatic variables. They’re your average run-of-the-mill block scope “local” variables. No problem.

But what if you want something to persist longer than a particular block? This is where manual memory management comes into play.

You can tell C explicitly to allocate for you a certain number of bytes that you can use as you please. And these bytes will remain allocated until you explicitly free that memory89.

It’s important to free the memory you’re done with! If you don’t, we call that a memory leak and your process will continue to reserve that memory until it exits.

If you manually allocated it, you have to manually free it when you’re done with it.

So how do we do this? We’re going to learn a couple new functions, and make use of the sizeof operator to help us learn how many bytes to allocate.

In common C parlance, devs say that automatic local variables are allocated “on the stack”, and manually-allocated memory is “on the heap”. The spec doesn’t talk about either of those things, but all C devs will know what you’re talking about if you bring them up.

All functions we’re going to learn in this chapter can be found in <stdlib.h>.

malloc by harshehe

This is one of the big areas where C likely diverges from languages you already know: manual memory management.

Other languages uses reference counting, garbage collection, or other means to determine when to allocate new memory for some data—and when to deallocate it when no variables refer to it.

And that’s nice. It’s nice to be able to not worry about it, to just drop all the references to an item and trust that at some point the memory associated with it will be freed.

But C’s not like that, entirely.

Of course, in C, some variables are automatically allocated and deallocated when they come into scope and leave scope. We call these automatic variables. They’re your average run-of-the-mill block scope “local” variables. No problem.

But what if you want something to persist longer than a particular block? This is where manual memory management comes into play.

You can tell C explicitly to allocate for you a certain number of bytes that you can use as you please. And these bytes will remain allocated until you explicitly free that memory89.

It’s important to free the memory you’re done with! If you don’t, we call that a memory leak and your process will continue to reserve that memory until it exits.

If you manually allocated it, you have to manually free it when you’re done with it.

So how do we do this? We’re going to learn a couple new functions, and make use of the sizeof operator to help us learn how many bytes to allocate.

In common C parlance, devs say that automatic local variables are allocated “on the stack”, and manually-allocated memory is “on the heap”. The spec doesn’t talk about either of those things, but all C devs will know what you’re talking about if you bring them up.

All functions we’re going to learn in this chapter can be found in <stdlib.h>.

AFFC - Cersei 4 by poschti

After yet another group presents her with a dwarf's head that is not Tyrion's, Cersei walks together with Qyburn to meet the small council. The new Master of Whisperers indicates that he has prepared the "skull" in an ebony box for delivery to Prince Doran, but no mention is made that it belongs to Gregor Clegane.

Pycelle is near apoplectic upon hearing that Qyburn has been raised to Lord and has replaced Varys on the council, and Cersei makes it clear how unfit she considers the old Grand Maester. Cersei has finalised her appointments, placing men she considers to be meek and loyal and giving them the titles used in the Free Cities, thinking that she will have no "masters" with her in the small Council.

The council first discusses the unrest in Sunspear and Prince Doran's letter that he imprisoned the Sand Snakes. Cersei notes that they are sending Balon Swann to Dorne with Gregor Clegane's head as has been promised, but she does not mention that Balon will have another task as well.

We also learn that Tyrion's High Septon has died in his "sleep", and the council brings up the continuing influx of "sparrows" into King's Landing, stirring up the populace with their preaching of "doom and demon worship". But Cersei cares not, nor does she care who becomes High Septon, provided he "pronounces an anathema upon the Imp."

The next topic is a letter by the Lords Declarant in the Vale of Arryn, but the Queen Regent decides not to intervene directly on Littlefinger's behalf, but only send a letter warning these Lords that no harm must come to Lord Petyr.

When the subject of rebuilding the fleet comes up, Cersei is adamant against making any pact with the ironborn, stating, "Their turn will come, once we have dealt with Stannis." Aurane Waters will get his fleet of dromonds however, and Cersei will find the coin by deferring the crown's debt to the Faith of the Seven and to the Iron Bank of Braavos until the end of the war. Pycelle warns her against this route, cautioning that it would be foolish to make an enemy of the Iron Bank, but the decision is made regardless.

The council also discusses the prudence of making someone pay for the Red Wedding so as to appease all the "sparrows"; and in the mean time offering whomever succeeds the sure-to-die-soon Lord Walder Frey a chance to rid himself of unwanted brothers, half-brothers and nephews.

On the topic of the North, the council indicates that Stannis may soon be confronted by Roose Bolton's army, once his bastard son hits Moat Cailin from the north, allowing the Lord of the Dreadfort passage through the Neck. Cersei mentions that Wyman Manderly has taken Davos Seaworth captive, after the latter was sent by Stannis to treat with him.

Lord Manderly seeks the favor of the Iron Throne, and the queen will recommend that he can achieve that favor if he beheads Stannis's Hand. When Sansa is mentioned, Cersei shocks the council into silence with a violent tirade about how she plans to deal with the girl once she is found.

In the uneasy silence that follows, Cersei also remarks that Lord Bolton possesses Arya Stark and that her marriage to his bastard should appease the north, keeping to herself the fact that "Arya Stark" is really a "steward's whelp" provided by Littlefinger.

Next they debate the fact that the Night's Watch might be joining its might to Stannis, especially now that Jon Snow is their Lord Commander. The council decides to warn the Watch that the crown will stop sending men to the Wall, but Qyburn suggests that they do send 100 men.

Cersei picks up on Qyburn's reason for suggesting ostensibly an act of goodwill, and interrupts him to indicate that the men sent will really be assassins ordered to remove Eddard Stark's bastard.

Back in her apartments, Cersei learns from Taena that Dorcas fancies Osney Kettleblack, and also hints that she herself likes dangerous, scarred men. Cersei tries to learn the name of Taena's old flame, but the Myrish woman is evasive.

When Osney arrives, Cersei butters him up with an offer to join the Kingsguard and a chance to bed her again, provided he accomplishes a couple of tasks. First, Cersei wants him to seduce, and hopefully bed, Queen Margaery; this will enable Cersei to execute her lawfully.

Second, she plans to send him to the Wall as "punishment" for his treason with Margaery, but in reality he will lead a group of men to assassinate Jon Snow. She assures him that the men would not be required to serve in the Watch after they complete their task, and promises him a lordship, should he accomplish both missions.

Later that night, Cersei asks Lady Taena to remark to Margaery that she has a secret admirer, but not to let out Ser Osney's name unless the girl probes.

P3 -TRIGGERS VI by yingisiwa

To counter the risk of social engineering threats at Rotomyne’s Mayland processing plant, one of the most direct measures is to ensure that all employees are thoroughly trained on identifying and avoiding such tactics. This is especially critical given that the same employee failed to identify the threat on two occasions; first by disclosing sensitive data during the phone call, and then again by responding to a fraudulent email with a seemingly genuine address. All staff, particularly those with access to sensitive operational data, should undergo comprehensive training before being granted system access, with refresher sessions held annually. This training should stress that no external party, even those appearing to be legitimate authorities like the Mayland Environmental Regulatory Authority, has the right to request confidential information without proper internal verification and high-level approval. Employees should be made accountable for any unauthorized access attempts made using their credentials to reinforce the need for heightened vigilance and confidentiality.

To strengthen these measures, Rotomyne’s internal audit team at the head office can verify that every employee across all plants, in all countries, has undergone the required annual training and assess its overall effectiveness. This assessment should be comprehensive, covering both local and international operations. Additionally, conducting simulated social engineering scenarios, such as email-based phishing attacks, can serve as practical tests to gauge employee responses

globally. These exercises will provide valuable feedback and help inform future training sessions, ensuring that employees at every Rotomyne facility are well-prepared to identify and resist real- world social engineering attempts. The Internal Audit team from the head office can lead this initiative to ensure consistency and thoroughness across all regions.

Another vital control is limiting access to sensitive information. Access controls within Rotomyne’s systems must be robust, ensuring that each employee is granted access only to the data relevant to their specific duties. This means administrative staff should only have visibility over information necessary for their roles, while confidential operational data such as processing activities must remain restricted. Each employee should clearly understand their scope of responsibility and be aware of the level of information they are authorized to share. It is also highly questionable that an administrative assistant assumed the responsibility of disclosing such sensitive information for regulatory purposes without proper verification, indicating a gap in understanding and enforcement of access policies. Strengthening these access permissions and ensuring employees know the boundaries of their duties will help mitigate the risks of data leakage, especially through social engineering.

Establishing a formal reporting system for employees to flag any suspicious calls, emails, or other interactions is also crucial. This system should ensure that any unusual contact is swiftly escalated to the cybersecurity team for investigation, enabling prompt action. Employees must be trained to avoid responding to unfamiliar email requests, clicking on suspicious links, or sharing sensitive data via email without internal verification. Implementing protocols for reporting potential phishing emails will raise awareness and encourage caution.

Finally, Rotomyne should invest in a threat-monitoring system that keeps track of potential cyber risks, particularly email-based attacks. This system should include regular consultations with cybersecurity experts and ongoing discussions at the board level to maintain a proactive stance on evolving threats. By combining early detection with continuous staff training and awareness programs, Rotomyne can significantly reduce the risk of social engineering incidents at its processing plants

P3 TRIGGERS - XII by yingisiwa

One primary concern is the potential for unauthorized access to the robots and their control systems. If cybercriminals gain access, they could manipulate the robots to either disrupt surveillance activities or cause intentional damage, leading to operational inefficiencies and safety hazards. For instance, an attacker could exploit vulnerabilities in the system to execute a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, overwhelming the central command center with traffic and rendering it unable to respond to legitimate monitoring needs. This could lead to delays in identifying and addressing hazardous situations, such as excess heat or harmful emissions, thus compromising safety protocols.

Another vulnerability lies in the data transmitted between the robots and the central command center. This data stream may contain sensitive information regarding operational protocols and environmental conditions. Hackers could use techniques such as man-in-the-middle attacks, intercepting communications between the robots and the command center. By gaining control over these communications, they could issue unauthorized commands to the robots, resulting in unwanted actions or data manipulation. Such intrusions could not only disrupt operations but also create false alarms, diverting resources away from genuine threats. Additionally, attackers might deploy ransomware attacks, encrypting vital operational data and demanding payment to restore access.

To effectively mitigate these risks, we should implement a multi-layered security approach that includes stringent access controls. Limiting access to the central command center and the robots to only authorized personnel will help reduce the risk of unauthorized manipulation. Employing strong authentication measures, such as two-factor authentication and encryption of sensitive communications, can further enhance our security posture and protect against data breaches. By implementing strong security measures, including intrusion detection systems, regular software updates, and employee training, we can mitigate the risks associated with unauthorized access and ensure the reliable operation of our robotic surveillance technology.

Moreover, the automation of these robots increases reliance on software and algorithms, which may be susceptible to vulnerabilities, bugs, or malicious code. If the software controlling the robots is compromised, it could lead to erratic behavior, malfunction, or even a complete

shutdown of surveillance operations. Such a scenario could be particularly disruptive, as it may not only cause the surveillance to stop but could also necessitate a pause in overall mining operations, especially since both the robots and the brine extraction processes are automated. This could result in significant downtime, affecting productivity and potentially leading to financial losses.

The risk of compromised software emphasizes the importance of implementing robust software development practices, including secure coding standards and comprehensive code reviews. Regular updates and stringent testing protocols are essential to ensure that vulnerabilities are identified and addressed before they can be exploited. Moreover, employing redundancy in critical systems could help mitigate the impact of a software failure, allowing for quick recovery and minimizing operational disruptions. Ensuring that software undergoes rigorous testing in simulated environments can help catch bugs and vulnerabilities early in the development process.

Additionally, establishing a comprehensive incident response plan is crucial. This plan should outline procedures for detecting, responding to, and recovering from potential cyber incidents, ensuring swift action to minimize impact. Regular security audits, employee training on cybersecurity awareness, and ongoing monitoring of the robots and command center systems will also play vital roles in maintaining the integrity and security of our automated surveillance operations. By proactively addressing these vulnerabilities and implementing robust controls, we can safeguard our monitoring system and enhance the overall security of the Porrland brine mine.