Benutzerdefinierte Tests

It draws on by moyotypes

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and 159,000 in 2012, by moyotypes

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There were 98,000 in by moyotypes

There were 98,000 in 2003
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There were 98,000 in 2003
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Ietls task 2 DOL by user107838

In recent years, there has been increasing advocacy for university students to engage in voluntary work to support their local communities. While this suggestion has its potential drawbacks, I strongly believe that the benefits far outweigh the concerns.

On the one hand, it is important to acknowledge the potential drawbacks of requiring university students to participate in voluntary work. Some may argue that mandating such activities could impose additional pressure on already busy students, leading to increased stress and burnout. This is usually the case of students who rely on part-time employment to support themselves financially. For them, mandating voluntary activities could conflict with their work schedules, forcing them to choose between earning income and fulfilling their academic or volunteer commitments. Additionally, if students are not genuinely interested in the causes they are supporting, they may lack motivation and enthusiasm when participating in voluntary activities. This could result in low levels of engagement and productivity, ultimately undermining the effectiveness of the initiatives.

However, despite these potential drawbacks, I firmly support the idea of university students engaging in voluntary work for several reasons. One of these is that voluntary work instills a sense of responsibility and civic duty in students. By actively contributing to their local communities, students develop a deeper understanding of social issues and the importance of collective action in addressing them, thereby fostering a sense of empathy, compassion, and solidarity, which are essential qualities for responsible citizenship and leadership. Another benefit is that by actively participating in community projects and initiatives, students can build meaningful connections with local residents, organizations, and businesses. This not only enhances the university's reputation as a socially responsible institution but also creates opportunities for collaborative partnerships and mutual learning between academia and the community.

In conclusion, while there are potential drawbacks to including voluntary work in university education, the benefits far outweigh the concerns. Therefore, I strongly believe that universities should encourage and facilitate voluntary work as an integral part of the educational experience

Untitled by user107838

The bar chart provides information on five different areas of expenditure in the UK and France in 2010.

Relatively more money was spent by the UK on cars, books and cameras than France. On the former category, the UK spent just over 450,000 pounds, whereas France used about 55,000 pounds less. For books, the expenditure gap widened, but both countries expended less than they did on cars: approximately 400,000 and 300,000 pounds for the UK and France, respectively. The margin in spending was the largest for cameras, with the figure for France being more than two times smaller (150,000 pounds) than that for the UK (slightly over 350,000 pounds).

However, France’s expense on computers and perfume was higher than the UK’s. About 380,000 pounds was spent by France on computers as opposed to 350,000 pounds by the UK, but the amounts for perfume were a lot lower with the respective figures of 200,000 and just under 150,000 pounds.

Overall, the UK spent more money on cars, books and cameras, whereas France did so on the other two categories: computers and perfume. It is also apparent that both these nations used the most money on automobiles, and the biggest difference in expenditure was recorded in cameras.

Task 1 by user107838

The line chart shows how urban residency has changed in four Asian countries from 1970 to 2040. Overall, it is clear that urban living will increase in all countries, especially in Malaysia and the Philippines. By 2040, Malaysia will have the highest percentage of people living in cities.

In 1970, the Philippines and Malaysia had similar urban residency rates, around 31% and 30% respectively. Thailand and Indonesia had lower rates, with Thailand at 19% and Indonesia at 12%. Over the next 20 years, Malaysia’s rate went up and down, surpassing the Philippines around 40% before rapidly increasing in 1990. It is projected to reach over 80% by 2040. On the other hand, the Philippines saw a moderate decline after 1980 but is expected to recover and reach above 50% by 2040.

Indonesia has seen significant growth in urban residency, surpassing Thailand in 2000 (28%) and the Philippines in 2010 (42%). It is projected to reach 55%, the second-highest among all countries. Finally, Thailand has experienced a gradual increase and is currently around 30%. It is expected to rise to over 40% in the next 17 years.

Task 1 by user107838

The line chart shows how urban residency has changed in four Asian countries from 1970 to 2040. Overall, it is clear that urban living will increase in all countries, especially in Malaysia and the Philippines. By 2040, Malaysia will have the highest percentage of people living in cities.

In 1970, the Philippines and Malaysia had similar urban residency rates, around 31% and 30% respectively. Thailand and Indonesia had lower rates, with Thailand at 19% and Indonesia at 12%. Over the next 20 years, Malaysia’s rate went up and down, surpassing the Philippines around 40% before rapidly increasing in 1990. It is projected to reach over 80% by 2040. On the other hand, the Philippines saw a moderate decline after 1980 but is expected to recover and reach above 50% by 2040.

Indonesia has seen significant growth in urban residency, surpassing Thailand in 2000 (28%) and the Philippines in 2010 (42%). It is projected to reach 55%, the second-highest among all countries. Finally, Thailand has experienced a gradual increase and is currently around 30%. It is expected to rise to over 40% in the next 17 years.

Forests Case Studies by user107837

Forests, with their intricate ecosystems and sustainable cycles, offer valuable lessons for achieving economic excellence. By observing how forests function, we can derive principles that apply to economic systems, emphasizing sustainability, resilience, and the efficient use of resources. This essay explores the values forests teach us that can be instrumental in achieving economic excellence.
Sustainability and Resource Management
One of the most significant lessons forests teach us is the importance of sustainability. Forest ecosystems thrive through balanced cycles of growth, decay, and regeneration. Trees grow, fall, decompose, and nourish new growth, maintaining a continuous cycle of life. This principle can be applied to economic systems, emphasizing the need for sustainable resource management. By ensuring that resources are used responsibly and replenished, economies can avoid depletion and ensure long-term prosperity.
Diversity and Resilience
Forests are home to a vast array of species, each playing a unique role in the ecosystem. This biodiversity contributes to the resilience of forests, allowing them to withstand and recover from disturbances such as pests, diseases, and climate changes. In economic terms, this translates to the value of diversification. Diverse economies, like diverse forests, are more resilient to shocks and stresses. By promoting a variety of industries and markets, economies can better withstand global fluctuations and crises.
Interdependence and Synergy
In a forest, various species interact in a complex web of interdependence. Trees provide oxygen and shelter, fungi break down organic matter, and animals disperse seeds. These interactions create a synergistic environment where the whole ecosystem benefits. Similarly, in economic systems, fostering interdependence and cooperation among different sectors can lead to greater overall efficiency and productivity. Collaboration and partnerships can create synergies that drive economic growth.
Adaptation and Innovation
Forests constantly adapt to changing environmental conditions. Species evolve, and ecosystems shift to accommodate new challenges and opportunities. This adaptability is crucial for survival and growth. Economies can learn from this by embracing innovation and flexibility. Businesses and industries that adapt to changing market conditions, technological advancements, and consumer preferences are more likely to thrive. Encouraging a culture of innovation can lead to economic excellence.
Efficient Use of Resources
Forests are masters of efficiency, using available resources in the most effective way possible. Nothing goes to waste; every element has a purpose and contributes to the overall health of the ecosystem. Economies can adopt this principle by striving for resource efficiency, reducing waste, and optimizing the use of materials and energy. Circular economy models, which mimic natural cycles by reusing and recycling resources, can enhance sustainability and economic performance.
Balance and Equilibrium
Forests maintain a delicate balance between various elements, ensuring that no single species or resource dominates. This equilibrium is essential for the stability of the ecosystem. Similarly, economic systems need to maintain balance and prevent the dominance of monopolies or the overexploitation of resources. Policies that promote fair competition, equitable distribution of wealth, and balanced growth can contribute to a stable and prosperous economy.
Long-Term Vision
Forests grow over long periods, demonstrating the value of patience and long-term planning. Trees that take decades to mature remind us that economic excellence is not achieved overnight. Long-term vision and strategic planning are crucial for sustainable economic growth. Investments in infrastructure, education, and innovation may take time to bear fruit but are essential for lasting economic success.
Forests serve as powerful case studies for economic excellence, teaching us values of sustainability, diversity, interdependence, adaptation, efficiency, balance, and long-term vision. By incorporating these principles into economic systems, we can achieve growth that is not only prosperous but also sustainable and resilient. The lessons from forests remind us that true economic excellence lies in harmonizing growth with the natural world, ensuring a prosperous future for all.

essay by user107832

An increasing trend in today's world is the emergence of the argument that something. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the above statement, concerned with the notion that something using a practical approach.

At the outset, there are several reasons supporting my viewpoint. The most significant one related to something includes betterment of the society along with the growth of every individual on the planet. Thanks to the benefits offered, individuals can not only attain greater success and effectiveness but can also enhance efficiency, productivity, and quality of life with remarkable ease. Other factors impacted by the topic are something.

However, another key factor to note is its potential to aid individuals in flourishing, advancing, and excelling across different fields and domains. Therefore, individuals involved in something can expand their horizons and skills, and develop qualities like commitment, dedication, and perseverance only by adhering to such a system. This clarifies why many support the assertion that something. Moreover, something are also important to be taken into account.

To conclude, from my perspective, the government of Australia is taking a great initiative in educating its citizens against the negative impacts of the statements about the something. Citizens are being encouraged to adhere to applicable laws and regulations related to something which will help to enhance global prosperity, productivity, efficiency, and a positive environment.

FIB by user107832

We should never underestimate the power of creative design.
The bar chart provides useful means of data comparison.
Marine environment has been destroyed by pollution and unsustainable development.
In addition to the class requirements, students must pass the qualifying examinations.
You will study two core and three optional modules.
The business plan seminar includes an internship with a local firm.
A good architectural structure should be usable, durable and beautiful.
Clinical placement in nursing prepares students for professional practice.
There have been many changes recently in the mathematics department.
Speed is defined as how quickly an object or a person moves.
Some people are motivated by competition, while others prefer to collaborate.
New credit cards will soon use fingerprint technology.
The history of the university is a long and interesting one.
Mutually exclusive events can be described as either complementary or opposite.
It takes a long time to walk to the university.
The key witnesses to the event have conflicting recollections.
Key business partners are often intertwined in expense accounts.
One student representative will be selected from each class.
Many vocational courses in the institution are funded by private enterprises.
The summer course was canceled due to insufficient re-enrollments.
We encourage students to complete their applications before the deadline.
Before choosing your university courses, you should consider your future career.
Tribes vied with each other to build up monolithic statues.
Any gains from the sales of the property must be promptly allocated.
The speaker began the outlines before the presentation.
The printers automatically print two sides of each page.
Global connections thrive in academic communities, thanks to social media.
Being bilingual does not mean having the ability to analyze the language.
The aim is to reduce the risk that people take.
The course involves a combination of pure and applied mathematics.
We need to answer security questions if we want to reset the password.
The qualification will be assessed by using a conference criterion approach.
In this language course, we focus on fluency and accuracy.
The visiting speaker used to be a lecturer in this department.
Many birds migrate to warmer areas for the winter.
All the educational reforms have been inadequately implemented.
The new technician dropped the microscope in the biology lab.

The earth's atmosphere is primarily composed of oxygen and nitrogen gases.
Collaboration between departments is a feature of successful companies.
Radio is a popular form of entertainment throughout the world.
Packaging is very important to attract the attention of a buyer.
Important details from the argument are missing in the summary.
Students who attempted to go to the conference must register now.
The opening hours of the library are reduced during summer.
The digital camera has some advantages over traditional film.
The rising of the sea level indicates climate change.
She has made a significant contribution to the field of chemistry.
Speak to your tutor if you need further assistance.
The island is located at the south end of the bay.
Astronauts are using light years to measure the distance in space.
Distance learning allows you to develop a career around your commitments.
A visit to the designed museum is of great value.
All students are expected to attend ten lab sessions per semester.
All answers must be examined and supported by relevant theory.
Travelling by boat on the river is not possible in winter.
Designers need to keep up with social trends.
Classical mechanics is sometimes considered as a branch of mathematics.
Sugar is a compound which consists of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen.
Please note that the seminar has been cancelled now.
Journalism faces the crisis in the light of the digital revolution.
Kindness is very important nowadays.
The dance department stages elaborated performances each semester.
"Americans have progressively defined the process of plant growth and reproductive devel
opment in quantitative terms."
When launching a product, researching and marketing are very vital.
Rising inflation may indicate the increasing demands for consumer products.
Years of training are required to become a medical specialist.
The orchestra will be led by a visiting conductor.
The area has a number of underwater habitats and species.
Linguistics is the scientific study and analysis of language.
Geography is generally divided into two branches: human and physical.
Trees benefit the city by soaking up the rainwater that runs off its road.

The study center in the library has all the latest technologies.
Rising sea temperature is a sign of climate change.

ESSAY 1 by nta

As computers are being used more and more in education, there will be soon no role for teachers in the classroom.

There have been immense advances in technology in most aspects of people's lives, especially in the field of education. Nowadays, an increasing number of students rely on computers to research for information and to produce a perfect paper for school purposes. Others have decided to leave the original way of learning to get knowledge through online schools. These changes in the learning process have brought a special concern regarding the possible decrease of importance of teachers in the classroom.

Some people believe the role of teachers started to fade because computers have been helping some students to progress in their studies quicker than when compared with an original classroom. For example, in the same classroom, students have different intellectual capacities, thus some would be tied to a slow advance in their studies because of others’ incapacity of understanding. In this way, pupils could progress in their acquisition of knowledge at their own pace using computers instead of learning from teachers.

However, the presence of a teacher is essential for students because the human contact influences them in positive ways. Firstly, students realize that they are not dealing with a machine but with a human being who deserves attention and respect. They also learn the importance of studying in group and respect other students, which helps them to improve their social skills.

Moreover, teachers are required in the learning process because they acknowledge some student's deficiencies and help them to solve their problems by repeating the same explanation, giving extra exercises or even suggesting a private tutor. Hence, students can have a bigger chance not to fail in a subject.

In conclusion, the role for teachers in the learning process is still very important and it will continue to be in the future because no machine can replace the human interaction and its consequences.

Untitled by user1176

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

מראה ציטוטים by zagu1

המראה שלנו מלווה אותנו בכל יום ביום כשאנחנו מתארגנים לבית הספר, לצבא ואפילו לעבודה. היא עוזרת לנו לצחצח שיניים, לסדר את השיער, להתאפר ולוודא שלא נתקע לנו משהו בשיניים.
ההיתקלות במראה היא לרוב נעימה – הפנים שלנו עם השנים נהיו מוכרות למדיי ואנחנו לא ממש מופתעים מהתוצאה. עם זאת, לעיתים חוסר ביטחון מחלחל בנו, מעורר בנו אי שקט וגורם לנו לתהות – האם אנחנו יפים מספיק?
משפטים יפים לכתוב על מראה
יופי ללא הבעה עצמית הוא משעמם.
יופי הוא התחושה שלך מבפנים שמשפיעה על הדרך שבה אתה נראה מבחוץ.
החלק הטוב ביותר ביופי הוא שאף אחד לא יכול להביע אותו במילים.
יופי הוא כוח וחיוך הוא החרב.
בפעם הבאה כשאתה חושב על דברים יפים, תיזכר גם בעצמך.

שירים ציטוטים by zagu1

מה נשאר רק אהבה, רק אהבה
אין שום דבר רק אהבה, רק אהבה
הכל חולה, הכל נשבר
הכל טועה, הכל נגמר
רק אהבה, אוי אהבה
היא מתקרבת, שיער קצר, חזה זקור
ז'קט יקר, מחרוזת כורדית לצוואר
היא מתיישבת, עושה שלום, עושה מקום
ומתקפלת בעצמה כמו אולר
מסתכלת בך לא אומרת מילה
נגמרו הן כולן כשאני לצידך
ורק רגע עובר מתחילה לדבר
ולא מפסיקה ואתה שוב אומר
שאני מוזרה ויפה וכואבת
אני מרגישה שאני נאהבת
אני לא אמצא בעולם הרחב
אחד שכמוך אוהב

14 by user107696

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13 by user107696

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Bon ou Bien by k.u.lee

BIEN ou BON en français? Comment faire la différence entre ces deux mots? Quand utiliser l’un et quand utiliser l’autre? C’est ce point de grammaire que nous allons voir ensemble!
N’oublie pas de faire l’exercice à la fin de l’article!

1. BIEN ou BON en français: la règle de base
La première règle à retenir est la suivante: BON est un adjectif qualificatif alors que BIEN est un adverbe.
BON est un adjectif qualificatif. Comme tous les adjectifs qualificatifs, il modifie un nom avec lequel il s’accorde en genre et en nombre.
Jean est un très bon élève!
Catherine Deneuve est une bonne actrice.
En tant qu’adjectif qualificatif, BON peut aussi être attribut du sujet. Dans ce cas, il s’accorde avec le sujet et est toujours précédé d’un verbe d’état comme ÊTRE, SEMBLER, PARAITRE, DEVENIR…
Ce sandwich est très bon.
Elles semblent fatiguées.
BIEN est un adverbe. Il peut donc modifier un verbe, un adjectif ou un autre adverbe.
Zaz chante bien.
BIEN modifie ici le verbe CHANTER: “Zaz chante d’une bonne façon.”
Vous êtes bien aimable, monsieur!
BIEN modifie ici l’adjectif AIMABLE: “Vous êtes très aimable, monsieur!”
Je trouve que tu roules bien vite…
BIEN modifie ici l’adverbe VITE: “Je trouve que tu roules très vite…”
Comme tu le vois, quand il modifie un adjectif ou un adverbe, BIEN exprime l’intensité et est synonyme de TRÈS.
Si tu ne connais pas très bien la différence entre les adjectifs et les adverbes en français, je te recommande de regarder cette vidéo.
Voilà tout en ce qui concerne la règle de base pour savoir s’il faut utiliser BIEN ou BON en français. Là où les choses se compliquent, c’est que BIEN peut aussi être un adjectif invariable, comme nous le verrons un peu plus loin!
Le comparatif de BIEN, c’est MIEUX et le superlatif LE MIEUX.
Victor écrit bien, Charles écrit mieux, mais c’est Arthur qui écrit le mieux.
Le comparatif de BON, c’est MEILLEUR et le superlatif LE MEILLEUR.
Victor est un bon poète, mais Charles est un meilleur poète que Victor. Et le meilleur poète, c’est Arthur!
Le contraire de BIEN, c’est MAL.
Lee parle bien français.
José parle mal français.
Le contraire de BON, c’est MAUVAIS.
C’est une bonne idée?
Non, c’est une mauvaise idée!

Bon ou Bien by k.u.lee

BIEN ou BON en français? Comment faire la différence entre ces deux mots? Quand utiliser l’un et quand utiliser l’autre? C’est ce point de grammaire que nous allons voir ensemble!
N’oublie pas de faire l’exercice à la fin de l’article!

1. BIEN ou BON en français: la règle de base
La première règle à retenir est la suivante: BON est un adjectif qualificatif alors que BIEN est un adverbe.
• BON est un adjectif qualificatif. Comme tous les adjectifs qualificatifs, il modifie un nom avec lequel il s’accorde en genre et en nombre.
Jean est un très bon élève!
Catherine Deneuve est une bonne actrice.
• En tant qu’adjectif qualificatif, BON peut aussi être attribut du sujet. Dans ce cas, il s’accorde avec le sujet et est toujours précédé d’un verbe d’état comme ÊTRE, SEMBLER, PARAITRE, DEVENIR…
Ce sandwich est très bon.
Elles semblent fatiguées.
• BIEN est un adverbe. Il peut donc modifier un verbe, un adjectif ou un autre adverbe.
Zaz chante bien.
-> BIEN modifie ici le verbe CHANTER: “Zaz chante d’une bonne façon.”
Vous êtes bien aimable, monsieur!
-> BIEN modifie ici l’adjectif AIMABLE: “Vous êtes très aimable, monsieur!”
Je trouve que tu roules bien vite…
-> BIEN modifie ici l’adverbe VITE: “Je trouve que tu roules très vite…”
Comme tu le vois, quand il modifie un adjectif ou un adverbe, BIEN exprime l’intensité et est synonyme de TRÈS.
Si tu ne connais pas très bien la différence entre les adjectifs et les adverbes en français, je te recommande de regarder cette vidéo.
Voilà tout en ce qui concerne la règle de base pour savoir s’il faut utiliser BIEN ou BON en français. Là où les choses se compliquent, c’est que BIEN peut aussi être un adjectif invariable, comme nous le verrons un peu plus loin!
• Le comparatif de BIEN, c’est MIEUX et le superlatif LE MIEUX.
Victor écrit bien, Charles écrit mieux, mais c’est Arthur qui écrit le mieux.
• Le comparatif de BON, c’est MEILLEUR et le superlatif LE MEILLEUR.
Victor est un bon poète, mais Charles est un meilleur poète que Victor. Et le meilleur poète, c’est Arthur!
• Le contraire de BIEN, c’est MAL.
Lee parle bien français.
José parle mal français.
• Le contraire de BON, c’est MAUVAIS.
— C’est une bonne idée?
— Non, c’est une mauvaise idée!

Bien ou Bon by k.u.lee

BIEN ou BON en français? Comment faire la différence entre ces deux mots? Quand utiliser l’un et quand utiliser l’autre? C’est ce point de grammaire que nous allons voir ensemble!
N’oublie pas de faire l’exercice à la fin de l’article!

1. BIEN ou BON en français: la règle de base
La première règle à retenir est la suivante: BON est un adjectif qualificatif alors que BIEN est un adverbe.
• BON est un adjectif qualificatif. Comme tous les adjectifs qualificatifs, il modifie un nom avec lequel il s’accorde en genre et en nombre.
Jean est un très bon élève!
Catherine Deneuve est une bonne actrice.
• En tant qu’adjectif qualificatif, BON peut aussi être attribut du sujet. Dans ce cas, il s’accorde avec le sujet et est toujours précédé d’un verbe d’état comme ÊTRE, SEMBLER, PARAITRE, DEVENIR…
Ce sandwich est très bon.
Elles semblent fatiguées.
• BIEN est un adverbe. Il peut donc modifier un verbe, un adjectif ou un autre adverbe.
Zaz chante bien.
-> BIEN modifie ici le verbe CHANTER: “Zaz chante d’une bonne façon.”
Vous êtes bien aimable, monsieur!
-> BIEN modifie ici l’adjectif AIMABLE: “Vous êtes très aimable, monsieur!”
Je trouve que tu roules bien vite…
-> BIEN modifie ici l’adverbe VITE: “Je trouve que tu roules très vite…”
Comme tu le vois, quand il modifie un adjectif ou un adverbe, BIEN exprime l’intensité et est synonyme de TRÈS.
Si tu ne connais pas très bien la différence entre les adjectifs et les adverbes en français, je te recommande de regarder cette vidéo.
Voilà tout en ce qui concerne la règle de base pour savoir s’il faut utiliser BIEN ou BON en français. Là où les choses se compliquent, c’est que BIEN peut aussi être un adjectif invariable, comme nous le verrons un peu plus loin!
• Le comparatif de BIEN, c’est MIEUX et le superlatif LE MIEUX.
Victor écrit bien, Charles écrit mieux, mais c’est Arthur qui écrit le mieux.
• Le comparatif de BON, c’est MEILLEUR et le superlatif LE MEILLEUR.
Victor est un bon poète, mais Charles est un meilleur poète que Victor. Et le meilleur poète, c’est Arthur!
• Le contraire de BIEN, c’est MAL.
Lee parle bien français.
José parle mal français.
• Le contraire de BON, c’est MAUVAIS.
— C’est une bonne idée?
— Non, c’est une mauvaise idée!

Bien ou Bon by k.u.lee

BIEN ou BON en français? Comment faire la différence entre ces deux mots? Quand utiliser l’un et quand utiliser l’autre? C’est ce point de grammaire que nous allons voir ensemble!
N’oublie pas de faire l’exercice à la fin de l’article!

1. BIEN ou BON en français: la règle de base
La première règle à retenir est la suivante: BON est un adjectif qualificatif alors que BIEN est un adverbe.
• BON est un adjectif qualificatif. Comme tous les adjectifs qualificatifs, il modifie un nom avec lequel il s’accorde en genre et en nombre.
Jean est un très bon élève!
Catherine Deneuve est une bonne actrice.
• En tant qu’adjectif qualificatif, BON peut aussi être attribut du sujet. Dans ce cas, il s’accorde avec le sujet et est toujours précédé d’un verbe d’état comme ÊTRE, SEMBLER, PARAITRE, DEVENIR…
Ce sandwich est très bon.
Elles semblent fatiguées.
• BIEN est un adverbe. Il peut donc modifier un verbe, un adjectif ou un autre adverbe.
Zaz chante bien.
-> BIEN modifie ici le verbe CHANTER: “Zaz chante d’une bonne façon.”
Vous êtes bien aimable, monsieur!
-> BIEN modifie ici l’adjectif AIMABLE: “Vous êtes très aimable, monsieur!”
Je trouve que tu roules bien vite…
-> BIEN modifie ici l’adverbe VITE: “Je trouve que tu roules très vite…”
Comme tu le vois, quand il modifie un adjectif ou un adverbe, BIEN exprime l’intensité et est synonyme de TRÈS.
Si tu ne connais pas très bien la différence entre les adjectifs et les adverbes en français, je te recommande de regarder cette vidéo.
Voilà tout en ce qui concerne la règle de base pour savoir s’il faut utiliser BIEN ou BON en français. Là où les choses se compliquent, c’est que BIEN peut aussi être un adjectif invariable, comme nous le verrons un peu plus loin!
• Le comparatif de BIEN, c’est MIEUX et le superlatif LE MIEUX.
Victor écrit bien, Charles écrit mieux, mais c’est Arthur qui écrit le mieux.
• Le comparatif de BON, c’est MEILLEUR et le superlatif LE MEILLEUR.
Victor est un bon poète, mais Charles est un meilleur poète que Victor. Et le meilleur poète, c’est Arthur!
• Le contraire de BIEN, c’est MAL.
Lee parle bien français.
José parle mal français.
• Le contraire de BON, c’est MAUVAIS.
— C’est une bonne idée?
— Non, c’est une mauvaise idée!