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Conscious Sleep by user730610

What is conscious sleep? It’s “the ability to be aware of the self, but not of our body or surroundings, during different stages of sleep.” In fact, in Eastern meditation traditions, conscious sleep is taught as a way to maintain self-awareness, but without being aware of the body or environment, during deep non-dream sleep. It is considered to be a form of deep meditation that teaches those who practice how to sustain their meditative state.

-120 by user663894

You must submit your assignments by next Friday at the latest.
You will acquire many skills during the academic studies.
Speak to your tutor if you require further assistance.
Education and training provide important skills for the labor force.
Farming methods across the world have greatly developed recently.
Find out how to get resources before your research.
Global connections thrived in academic communities, thanks to social media.
Several candidates would be qualified as the greatest scientists of all time.
The Industrial Revolution in Europe was driven by steam technology.
The theater study course encourages students to exercise creativity.
There are opportunities to receive grants in most artistic fields.
There have been many changes recently in the mathematics department.
There is a welcome party for all new students each term.
This course considerably emphasizes critical thinking skills.
Every student has both the right and the ability to succeed.

was born on April 13 by moyotypes

was born on April 13, 1743
was born on April 13, 1743
was born on April 13, 1743
was born on April 13, 1743
was born on April 13, 1743

the third of ten chi by moyotypes

the third of ten children,
the third of ten children,
the third of ten children,
the third of ten children,
the third of ten children,

Thomas Jefferson, by moyotypes

Thomas Jefferson,
Thomas Jefferson,
Thomas Jefferson,
Thomas Jefferson,
Thomas Jefferson,

Untitled by jellychenjiali

Neil Armstrong was the first human to walk on the surface of the moon. He was an astronaut who flew on tow space missions. The first was Gemini 8. The second was Apollo 11, which landed on the moon in 1969. Armstrong was also an engineer, a pilot and a college professor.
What Was Neil Armstrong’s Life Like Growing Up?
Neil Armstrong was born in Ohio on Aug.5, 1930. He had a brother and a sister. His family moved several times when he was young. They settled in Wapakoneta, Ohio, when he was 13. Armstrong first flew in an airplane when he was 6. That flight made him love airplanes. He was an Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America. Armstrong attended Blume High School in Wapakoneta.
Armstrong went to college at Purdue University. While he was in college, he left to serve in the U.S Navy. He was a Navy pilot during the Korean War. Afterwards, he turned and finished his bachelor’s degree in aeronautical engineering. He later earned a master’s degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Southern California.
What Did Neil Armstrong Do Before He Became an Astronaut?
After he graduated from college in 1955, Neil Armstrong went to work for the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. NACA was a government agency that researched airplanes. Congress formed NASA in 18958, and NACA became part of this new agency.
Armstrong flew several planes for the agency. He also helped design planes. One of the planes he flew was the X-15 rocket plane. This plane set records for speed and altitude. Some of those records still stand, more than 40 years later.
Neil Armstrong was selected as an astronaut in 1962. He was part of the second group of astronauts ever chosen. After finishing his initial training, he was picked to be mission commander of Gemini 8 in 1966. The two-person crew was Armstrong and David Scott. They were the first astronauts to dock two vehicles in space. The Gemini docked with an Agena spacecraft. The Agena, which had no crew, was launched so the Gemini could practice docking with it. After docking, the Gemini had a thruster problem. The capsule started spinning, and the mission ended early. Armstrong and Scott were able to pilot the Gemini safely back to Earth.
What Happened On the Apollo 11 Mission?
Armstrong’s second flight was as commander of Apollo 11 in 1969. The other crew members were Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins. Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon in the lunar lander named Eagle. They were the first people to land on the moon. Collins stayed in the orbit around the moon in the Apollo capsule. After landing, Armstrong and Aldrin walked on the moon. Armstrong took the first step on the moon. He said, “That’s one small step for (a) man; one giant leap for mankind.”
Armstrong and Aldrin spent more than two-ad-a-half hour working outside their spacecraft on the moon. They studied the surface and collected rock samples. The two astronauts were on the moon for 21-and-a-half-hours, including time inside the lander. After they blasted off, they docked with the Apollo capsule still in the orbit around the moon. All three astronaut then flew back to Earth in the Apollo capsule.
The first footprints on the moon could be there for a million years. The moon has no wind to blow them away.
What Did Neil Armstrong Do After Apollo 11?
Neil Armstrong retired from NASA the year after Apollo 11. Armstrong was a professor at the University of Cincinnati from 1971 to 1979. He taught classes and did research. Armstrong later went into the business world. The stayed active in various groups that studied space ad aeronautics.

Untitled by ouiin

Neil Armstrong was the first human to walk on the surface of the moon. He was an astronaut who flew on tow space missions. The first was Gemini 8. The second was Apollo 11, which landed on the moon in 1969. Armstrong was also an engineer, a pilot and a college professor.
What Was Neil Armstrong’s Life Like Growing Up?
Neil Armstrong was born in Ohio on Aug.5, 1930. He had a brother and a sister. His family moved several times when he was young. They settled in Wapakoneta, Ohio, when he was 13. Armstrong first flew in an airplane when he was 6. That flight made him love airplanes. He was an Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America. Armstrong attended Blume High School in Wapakoneta.
Armstrong went to college at Purdue University. While he was in college, he left to serve in the U.S Navy. He was a Navy pilot during the Korean War. Afterwards, he turned and finished his bachelor’s degree in aeronautical engineering. He later earned a master’s degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Southern California.
What Did Neil Armstrong Do Before He Became an Astronaut?
After he graduated from college in 1955, Neil Armstrong went to work for the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. NACA was a government agency that researched airplanes. Congress formed NASA in 18958, and NACA became part of this new agency.
Armstrong flew several planes for the agency. He also helped design planes. One of the planes he flew was the X-15 rocket plane. This plane set records for speed and altitude. Some of those records still stand, more than 40 years later.
Neil Armstrong was selected as an astronaut in 1962. He was part of the second group of astronauts ever chosen. After finishing his initial training, he was picked to be mission commander of Gemini 8 in 1966. The two-person crew was Armstrong and David Scott. They were the first astronauts to dock two vehicles in space. The Gemini docked with an Agena spacecraft. The Agena, which had no crew, was launched so the Gemini could practice docking with it. After docking, the Gemini had a thruster problem. The capsule started spinning, and the mission ended early. Armstrong and Scott were able to pilot the Gemini safely back to Earth.
What Happened On the Apollo 11 Mission?
Armstrong’s second flight was as commander of Apollo 11 in 1969. The other crew members were Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins. Armstrong and Aldrin landed on the moon in the lunar lander named Eagle. They were the first people to land on the moon. Collins stayed in the orbit around the moon in the Apollo capsule. After landing, Armstrong and Aldrin walked on the moon. Armstrong took the first step on the moon. He said, “That’s one small step for (a) man; one giant leap for mankind.”
Armstrong and Aldrin spent more than two-ad-a-half hour working outside their spacecraft on the moon. They studied the surface and collected rock samples. The two astronauts were on the moon for 21-and-a-half-hours, including time inside the lander. After they blasted off, they docked with the Apollo capsule still in the orbit around the moon. All three astronaut then flew back to Earth in the Apollo capsule.
The first footprints on the moon could be there for a million years. The moon has no wind to blow them away.
What Did Neil Armstrong Do After Apollo 11?
Neil Armstrong retired from NASA the year after Apollo 11. Armstrong was a professor at the University of Cincinnati from 1971 to 1979. He taught classes and did research. Armstrong later went into the business world. The stayed active in various groups that studied space ad aeronautics.

Untitled by chachi

Le compete el conocimiento de lo actuado en la audiencia de vista de la causa y la emisión de la sentencia de fondo y mérito que pone fin a alguno de los litigios que enumera el artículo 541 del Código Procesal Civil y Comercial. Además, la emisión del juicio de fundabilidad en el recurso de revocatoria ante el Tribunal Pleno. Este recurso procede sólo contra las decisiones dictadas con sustanciación previa por el juez de trámite y contra sus decisiones denegatorias del recurso de reposición previsto en el artículo 344 del Código Procesal Civil y Comercial. No se requiere su interposición conjunta.
La ausencia de uno de los jueces a la audiencia de vista de la causa produce de pleno derecho la nulidad de todo lo actuado con automática imposición de costas al ausente.

Untitled by chachi

En caso de excusación, ausencia, impedimento, licencia o vacancia de alguno de sus jueces, es suplido por otro de la misma cámara. En su defecto, por los de otras Cámaras de la misma Circunscripción y por abogados de la lista de conjueces designados por sorteo hecho en acto público notificado a las partes en litigio.
Los jueces de las Cámaras de lo Contencioso Administrativo se suplen por los de la Cámara de Apelación en lo Civil y Comercial de la Circunscripción en que tienen su sede. En su defecto, por conjueces designados por sorteo hecho en acto público y notificado a las partes en litigio

Untitled by chachi

suspender preventivamente a cualquier integrante del Poder Judicial
cuando, en principio, aparezca como autor de un delito doloso o falta grave
que dé lugar a la instrucción de sumario administrativo.
La suspensión no puede exeder de noventa días y se hará efectiva sin
prestación del servicio. Si se ha dictado auto de procesamiento en razón del
mismo hecho que funda la imputación disciplinaria, la suspensión puede
prolongarse hasta que se resuelva el proceso penal o se dicte la decisión en el
sumario administrativo a criterio de la Corte Suprema y de acuerdo a las
circunstancias particulares de cada caso. Si la sanción es suspensiva y no se
percibieron haberes durante la medida preventiva, éstos son devueltos en la
proporción debida

Untitled by chachi

suspender preventivamente a cualquier integrante del Poder Judicial
cuando, en principio, aparezca como autor de un delito doloso o falta grave
que dé lugar a la instrucción de sumario administrativo.
La suspensión no puede exeder de noventa días y se hará efectiva sin
prestación del servicio. Si se ha dictado auto de procesamiento en razón del
mismo hecho que funda la imputación disciplinaria, la suspensión puede
prolongarse hasta que se resuelva el proceso penal o se dicte la decisión en el
sumario administrativo a criterio de la Corte Suprema y de acuerdo a las
circunstancias particulares de cada caso. Si la sanción es suspensiva y no se
percibieron haberes durante la medida preventiva, éstos son devueltos en la
proporción debida

test by testsubjecttt


Random Words 3 by estinroy

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u h by user107696

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hudong2-1 by user107189

In this epoch, delineated by pronounced advancements in N, the significance of. N is a vital requisite/ indispensable nature. I firmly advocate for the need to incorporate N, supported by several compelling reasons. Initially, the value of N is widely recognized by numerous institutions that offer dedicated courses and degrees in this field. Furthermore, N surpasses mere N as it ventures into the domains of emotional resonance and individual expression, empowering people to seize and transmit profound sentiments through N. Ultimately, Thus, N has the critical importance in many perspectives.

11-20 by user107666

John found out that the pizza place near his flat was looking for bike couriers. Since he loves biking and pizza, he decided to apply. During the interview, he was very nervous and hesitated a lot. Despite this, the manager hired him because of his excellent biking skills.
This is our yearly reminder to all employees. Our hospital is well-known in the community for excellent customer care. We have always provided friendly and high-quality services to our patients and will continue to do so this year. Please greet your patients with a smile and show hospitality.
David worked at a bank for three years. He liked his job but wanted more career choices. He decided to attend business school. After earning his degree, he returned to the same bank as a manager.
John is the sales manager of a small store. An upset customer called to complain about a home security system that she recently purchased there. She said it malfunctioned because the alarm went off while she was in the house. At first, she wanted a refund, but John apologized and offered to replace the system. She agreed to the replacement.
A man was employed at a factory making music boxes. On Saturdays, he would bring his daughter to work. The workers on the assembly line enjoyed chatting with the girl, and she liked the attention. At the end of the day, they would always gift her a small music box.
John and Lisa had a baby. They worked at the same company but in different departments. Their neighbor was also their colleague, so the three of them had lunch together every day.
Sam was on a crowded flight that was delayed. When the plane finally landed and reached the gate, the passengers stood up to get their bags. The woman in front of Sam accidentally bumped his arm. While she was apologizing, her bag fell from the overhead bin and hit his head. She felt terrible. Sam decided he didn't want to fly again for a while.
Employees wanting summer time off should ask their managers ahead of time. Since many plan vacations in summer, the company needs to ensure that projects have enough staff before approving time off.
My name is Amy Jones, the new marketing manager. This memo is to inform you all that I will hold a staff meeting on Friday at 9:00 am to introduce myself properly. I look forward to meeting you all then.
David has an exam the next day, so he stayed up late studying. In the morning, his alarm rang, but David accidentally knocked it to the floor, breaking it. Then he fell back asleep. When he finally woke up, he felt rested but had missed the exam.

Untitled by user107696


Untitled by user107696
