Benutzerdefinierte Tests

S]Q[ S]Q[ S]Q[ S]Q[ by moyotypes

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l[s] l[s] l[s] l[s] by moyotypes

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All Keys by yoon_sae-bom

A Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog. It's 1:23*PM, and the temperature is 45^degrees~ "Wow, it's hot! Should I take an umbrella?", said John. His homeland is New-Zealand. He has a few friends= <Karol>, (Vinh), (Oman). He has a Yellow Xylophone.
He's planning to visit 7 continents; namely, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia. He's saved $6,789 for his trip. He exclaimed, "I can't wait to embark on this journey!" He's also excited to try different cuisines. He loves_ Italian, Chinese, Mexican, and Indian food.
He's packed 10 shirts, 9 pants, and 8 pairs of shoes. He's also carrying a map, a compass, and a camera. He's leaving on 5/6/2024. He bought an airplane ticket with 10% discount. His email is {}. He's also created a blog to document his journey. The URL is [].
He's hoping to meet new people and learn about different cultures.\ He's also looking forward to seeing the Great Wall of China, the Eiffel Tower, the Pyramids of Egypt, and the Amazon rainforest. He's aware of the challenges he might face, but he's ready to tackle them head-on.
He's also taken necessary precautions for his safety+. He's excited and can't wait to start his journey! #travelsolo|`

BGH 1 by user461720

Die Hinweise der Revision auf das Vorliegen einer Vorsatztat (im Gegensatz zum in der Regel fahrlässig verursachten Verkehrsunfall), auf das Prozessverhalten der Beklagten und auf den Grundsatz von Treu und Glauben vermögen an dem Erfordernis eines Schadenseintritts und an der von Gesetzes wegen gebotenen Abgrenzung des ersatzfähigen materiellen Schadens von dem nicht ersatzfähigen immateriellen Schaden nichts zu ändern.

Nach diesen Grundsätzen war der Klägerin auf der Grundlage der vom Berufungsgericht getroffenen Feststellungen die Benutzung ihres Zweitwagens, des 3er BMW Kombi, zumutbar. Dass es sich bei diesem Fahrzeug nicht um ein Cabriolet handelt, es mithin nicht dasselbe Fahrgefühl für den geplanten Urlaub am Gardasee vermitteln konnte wie das Cabriolet, und es im Vergleich zu diesem eine geringere Wertschätzung erfährt, vermag einen materiellen Schaden nicht zu begründen.

Die Unzumutbarkeit der Nutzung des weiteren Fahrzeugs und damit ein Schaden lassen sich nicht mit dem Argument begründen, dass das Fahrzeug, dessen Nutzung vorübergehend entzogen ist, gegenüber dem Zweitfahrzeug eine höhere Wertschätzung des Geschädigten erfahre, etwa weil ihm ein höheres Prestige zukomme, es ein anderes Fahrgefühl vermittle oder den individuellen Genuss erhöhe

Nach ständiger Rechtsprechung des Bundesgerichtshofs beschränkt sich der Nutzungsausfallersatz auf Sachen, deren ständige Verfügbarkeit für die eigenwirtschaftliche Lebenshaltung typischerweise von zentraler Bedeutung ist. Dabei müssen die Nutzungseinbußen an objektiven Maßstäben gemessen werden können. Der Tatrichter soll den Schadensersatz nicht an unkontrollierbaren subjektiven Wertschätzungen festmachen müssen, die ihm der Geschädigte angibt, sondern an Werten, die der Verkehr dem Interesse an der konkreten Nutzung beimisst

Ersatzfähig ist grundsätzlich nur der Vermögensschaden (materieller Schaden). Gemäß § 253 Abs. 1 BGB kann Entschädigung für den Schaden, der nicht Vermögensschaden ist (immaterieller Schaden), nur in den durch das Gesetz bestimmten Fällen gefordert werden, wie etwa das Schmerzensgeld gemäß § 253 Abs. 2 BGB oder die Entschädigung für nutzlos aufgewendete Urlaubszeit gemäß § 651n Abs. 2 BGB. Die Voraussetzungen dieser Entschädigungsregelungen sind hier nicht erfüllt. Die Klägerin ist demnach auf die Geltendmachung eines materiellen Schadens beschränkt.

Aus der vorübergehenden Entziehung der Gebrauchsmöglichkeit eines Kraftfahrzeugs kann sich zwar ein ersatzfähiger Vermögensschaden ergeben. Ein solcher scheidet jedoch vorliegend aus, weil der Klägerin nach den Feststellungen des Berufungsgerichts ein Zweitwagen zur Verfügung stand, dessen Nutzung ihr zumutbar war.

Bei der Prüfung, ob nach der Verkehrsauffassung der vorübergehende Verlust der Nutzungsmöglichkeit eines Gegenstandes als wirtschaftlicher Schaden gewertet werden kann, ist ein strenger Maßstab anzulegen. Das verlangt die in § 253 BGB getroffene gesetzgeberische Entscheidung, wonach immaterieller Schaden nur ausnahmsweise, nämlich in den gesetzlich geregelten Fällen, zu ersetzen ist

Die Unzumutbarkeit der Nutzung des weiteren Fahrzeugs und damit ein Schaden lassen sich nicht mit dem Argument begründen, dass das Fahrzeug, dessen Nutzung vorübergehend entzogen ist, gegenüber dem Zweitfahrzeug eine höhere Wertschätzung des Geschädigten erfahre, etwa weil ihm ein höheres Prestige zukomme, es ein anderes Fahrgefühl vermittle oder den individuellen Genuss erhöhe. Denn dabei geht es um die Lebensqualität erhöhende Vorteile, die keinen ersatzfähigen materiellen Wert darstellen. Die genannten Gesichtspunkte betreffen nicht die alltägliche Nutzbarkeit zur eigenwirtschaftlichen Lebensführung und entziehen sich daher einer vermögensrechtlichen Bewertung

Soweit die Revision am Rande bemerkt, dass „dem Geschädigten“ jedenfalls Kostenersatz für die Haltung des Reservefahrzeugs (sogenannte Vorhaltekosten) zuzuerkennen wäre, ist Vortrag der Klägerin zu den tatsächlichen Voraussetzungen für die Ersatzfähigkeit dieser Kosten und zu deren Umfang weder festgestellt noch von der Revision als übergangen gerügt.

Mk03 by user838759

Another time Jesus went into the synagogue and a man with a shriveled hand was thereSome of them were looking for a reason to accuse Jesus so they watched him closely to see if he would heal him on the Sabbath
Jesus said to the man with the shriveled hand Stand up in front of everyone
Then Jesus asked them Which is lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do evil to save life or to kill? But they remained silent
He looked around at them in anger and deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts said to the man Stretch out your hand He stretched it out and his hand was completely restored Then the Pharisees went out and began to plot with the Herodians how they might kill Jesus

Jesus withdrew with his disciples to the lake and a large crowd from Galilee followed When they heard about all he was doing many people came to him from Judea Jerusalem Idumea and the regions across the Jordan and around Tyre and Sidon Because of the crowd he told his disciples to have a small boat ready for him to keep the people from crowding him For he had healed many so that those with diseases were pushing forward to touch him Whenever the impure spirits saw him they fell down before him and cried out You are the Son of God But he gave them strict orders not to tell others about him

Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted and they came to him He appointed twelve that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons These are the twelve he appointed Simon (to whom he gave the name Peter) James son of Zebedee and his brother John (to them he gave the name Boanerges which means sons of thunder) Andrew Philip Bartholomew Matthew Thomas James son of Alphaeus Thaddaeus Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot who betrayed him

Then Jesus entered a house and again a crowd gathered so that he and his disciples were not even able to eat When his family heard about this they went to take charge of him for they said He is out of his mind

And the teachers of the law who came down from Jerusalem said He is possessed by Beelzebul By the prince of demons he is driving out demons
So Jesus called them over to him and began to speak to them in parables How can Satan drive out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself that kingdom cannot stand If a house is divided against itself that house cannot stand And if Satan opposes himself and is divided he cannot stand his end has come In fact no one can enter a strong mans house without first tying him up Then he can plunder the strong mans house Truly I tell you people can be forgiven all their sins and every slander they utter but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven they are guilty of an eternal sin
He said this because they were saying He has an impure spirit

Then Jesus mother and brothers arrived Standing outside they sent someone in to call him A crowd was sitting around him and they told him Your mother and brothers are outside looking for you
Who are my mother and my brothers? he asked
Then he looked at those seated in a circle around him and said Here are my mother and my brothers Whoever does Gods will is my brother and sister and mother

Hero by ashokkumar11

Dear Mrs. Karla Barcling,

Do you wonder what your thousands of customers are thinking? Have you been plagued by gnawing concerns that your clients are not repeat purchasers of your goods or services? Has it crossed your mind that those who have bought from your company in the past are vocalizing their dissatisfaction with your company's service?

If you answered "yes" to any of the preceding 3 questions, then perhaps Targeted Results Surveys (TRS) are the answer to your concerns. TRS have been painstakingly developed by our staff of highly trained Industrial-Organizational Psychologists; well over 4/5ths of who have earned their PhDs. These customer satisfaction questionnaires have been piloted on samples of customers in the airline, manufacturing, cosmetology, medical, and plumbing industries.

These TRS have been proven to be both highly valid and reliable measurement instruments. Perhaps you are wondering how these TRS work. It is really quite a simple procedure that is a) effective and b) time efficient. Basically, your organization simply collects customer information at the time of service/delivery.Client specifics are entered into a hand-held, computerized device called a BAPPAR, which is the size of a cell phone.

This piece of technology immediately transmits the data back to our headquarters, where we compile the information. Then, our organization does in-depth research through our highly classified means to figure out which one of our 16 differently instructional letters will best encourage completion of the accompanying TRS. Pallanca Customer Service Consultancy (PCSC) handles the rest.

Test by user588610

identificarea calculatoarelor in cadrul retelei se face cu ajutorul adreselor Internet. Acestea pot fi de doua tipuri: adrese numerice si adrese simbolice. o adresa numerica este formata din treizeci si doua de cifre binare patru octeti.

Untitled by portfoliogst

With the NUHS App, you can directly access and manage a wide range of healthcare services across 14 NUHS institutions

Untitled by portfoliogst

With the NUHS App, you can directly access and manage a wide range of healthcare services across 14 NUHS institutions*. These include appointments, teleconsultation, requesting for medical report, viewing your test results and more. Download the NUHS App to manage your care or that of your loved ones today!

Transparency 101 by jj69420

think it's pretty common for dating to happen on autopilot. We inherit a cultural script of what dating looks like, and we sort of just follow it and hope it works perhaps calibrating a bit along the way to compensate for trauma when our script fails entirely. I want to interrupt that. I want to be mindful, deliberate and intentional about each step we take:

Is there overlap in the experiences we want to share?
Is there good communication between us? Is there openness, trust, respect?
Do we have good chemistry? Is it fun for us to spend time together?
Can our lives be complimentary? Do we work well as a team?
How deeply do we want to integrate in each other's lives? Are we going to be side-by-side on everything? Or instead do we each serve as an empowering base for the other to pursuit their ambitions independently?

I'd like to be clear about where I'm at in my dating life, and how I'd like things to possibly unfold between us.

At the moment I'm dating casually, but there's no one who I'm presently seeing with whom I see long-term potential. I'm pretty clear about this with them.
In saying that, I'm past the point where I feel like I need variety.
I would be ready for something committed in the right circumstances.

My romantic fantasy is that initially we're both dating around. So we have our needs met and we're seeing each other because we actually like each other, not just for convenience. We also have a good idea what we like and don't like.

So we start seeing each other casually.
In the short term, I want to feel that there's authenticity and we have open communication, as well as we have good chemistry.
If that's the case, and we're both open to things going further, then in the long term the main thing I'm thinking about is how well we work as a team. That either means we work directly toward shared goals, or we're just super supportive of each other's ambitions and our relationship serves as is a healthy base for our individual pursuits.

To the extent that we're able to grow through our shared experience, even short-term relationships have potential to be great. They have the power to help us set a healthy standards for future relationships, and equip us with better relationship skills when we do find the one.

Before we proceed, I'll be upfront about definite incompatibilities:
If you're intent on starting a family in the next few years, then I'm not the one for you.
Or if you expected commitment right from the start of dating, then I'd suggest that we just be friends for a while, because I'd want to know you a lot better before deciding to try being exclusive.

20 to 26 by vishu

Abstruse unclear incomprehensible unintelligible vague esoteric recondite nebulous implicit obscure equivocal inarticulate arcane ambiguous, comprehensible intelligible pellucid lucid explicit distinct eloquent expressive coherent transparent apparent obvious perspicuous conspicuous limpid articulate evident noticeable, Maverick nonconformist rebel dissenter bohemian unconventional unorthodox iconoclast deviant, conforming conventional orthodox conservative, Consternation dismay distress anxiety disquietude trepidation angst discomposure fear apprehension fright perturbation overstrung distraught, peacefulness solace comfort consolation relief easiness calmness quietude, Disparate contrasting differing different dissimilar unlike incongruous varying, alike akin similar agreeing identical tantamount uniform congruous homogenous, Outlandish strange peculiar weird preposterous eccentric ludicrous zany eerie absurd aberrant illogical abnormal insane odd unusual offbeat bizarre outre atypical queer idiosyncratic freakish grotesque quirky anomalous, normal sensible wise prudent sane usual conventional common, Mercurial volatile unstable capricious whimsical erratic fickle fluctuating wavering changeable flighty temperamental, constant steady certain predictable unchangeable steady, Rancid sour stale foul rotten putrid putrefied fetid musty decayed unpleasant, fresh new clean pure pleasant.

Yellowstone by user614045

Welcome to the Yellowstone Office, where daily life is a wild ride through the wonders of nature! Imagine starting your workday with the crisp mountain air filling your lungs as you step out onto the office porch, greeted by the majestic sight of bison grazing in the meadow. Meetings take place amidst the breathtaking backdrop of geysers erupting and bubbling mud pots, sparking creativity and innovation. When it's time for a break, employees lace up their hiking boots and embark on thrilling treks through the rugged terrain, encountering stunning vistas and wildlife along the way. And as the day draws to a close, colleagues gather around a campfire, swapping stories and roasting marshmallows under the starry sky. In the Yellowstone Office, work isn't just a job—it's an exhilarating adventure through one of the most awe-inspiring landscapes on Earth!

Yellowstone by user614045

Welcome to the Yellowstone Office, where daily life is a wild ride through the wonders of nature! Imagine starting your workday with the crisp mountain air filling your lungs as you step out onto the office porch, greeted by the majestic sight of bison grazing in the meadow. Meetings take place amidst the breathtaking backdrop of geysers erupting and bubbling mud pots, sparking creativity and innovation. When it's time for a break, employees lace up their hiking boots and embark on thrilling treks through the rugged terrain, encountering stunning vistas and wildlife along the way. And as the day draws to a close, colleagues gather around a campfire, swapping stories and roasting marshmallows under the starry sky. In the Yellowstone Office, work isn't just a job—it's an exhilarating adventure through one of the most awe-inspiring landscapes on Earth!

goop by user956181


i[p] i[p] i[p] i[p] by moyotypes

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c]z[ c]z[ c]z[ c]z[ by moyotypes

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w[d] w[d] w[d] w[d] by moyotypes

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_ and + are _more_ e by moyotypes

_ and + are _more_ examples +of+ symbols_ on +the keyboard+

_ and + are _more_ examples +of+ symbols_ on +the keyboard+

_ and + are _more_ examples +of+ symbols_ on +the keyboard+

_ and + are _more_ examples +of+ symbols_ on +the keyboard+

_ and + are _more_ examples +of+ symbols_ on +the keyboard+

keyboard+ keyboard+ by moyotypes

keyboard+ keyboard+ keyboard+ keyboard+ keyboard+

keyboard+ keyboard+ keyboard+ keyboard+ keyboard+

keyboard+ keyboard+ keyboard+ keyboard+ keyboard+

keyboard+ keyboard+ keyboard+ keyboard+ keyboard+

keyboard+ keyboard+ keyboard+ keyboard+ keyboard+

Spin Down 2.0 by user870370

Fair enough, Tom. I can appreciate that. And I recognize that your shipping manager handles the day to day aspects of shipping in your business. But I also realize that the financial decisions, and the decisions to make a change, ultimately come across your desk.

Again, I’ve already done my homework on your account, and I know I can bring value to your business, as well as control your shipping spends. I promise not to waste your time. How does thursday at X work in your schedule?