Benutzerdefinierte Tests

SRP Japanese by moran_ding


Communications Test by elowder

Are you ready to put your typing skills to the test? Imagine stepping into the foyer of a luxurious high-rise apartment building, greeted by sleek marble floors and a concierge desk adorned with contemporary art. As you ride the elevator to the upper floors, you can't help but admire the panoramic views of the city skyline through floor-to-ceiling windows. Entering the apartment, you're immediately struck by the open-concept layout, complete with gourmet kitchen featuring granite countertops and stainless steel appliances. The spacious living area boasts high ceilings and hardwood floors, perfect for entertaining guests. Retreat to the master bedroom with its en-suite bathroom featuring a spa-inspired rain shower and custom walk-in closet. And don't forget the amenities: from the state-of-the-art fitness center and rooftop pool to the landscaped courtyard and pet spa, this building offers the epitome of urban luxury living. So, are you up for the challenge? Let's see how fast and accurately you can type this paragraph!

Bass IBEverywhere by user824647

Buffalo Toronto Winslow Sarasota
Tampa Panama Mattawa La Paloma
Tocapillo Barranquilla and Padilla that's a killer
I've been to Boston Charleston Dayton Louisiana
Washington Houston Kingston Texarkana
Monterry Ferriday Santa Fe Talapoosa
Glen Rock Black Rock Little Rock Oskaloosa
Tennessee Tinnesay Chicopee Spirit Lake
Grand Lake Devil's Lake Crater Lake for Pete's sake
Ellensburg Rexburg Vicksburg El Dorado
Chaska Nebraska Alaska Opelika
Sioux City Cedar City Dodge City what a pity

Medical Terms 4 by brittlynn

pelvocaliectasis parenchymal pneumatosis anastomotic rectosigmoid chilaiditis aneurysmal opacification ethmoid osteomeatal mucoperiosteal aerated fossa aortocaval psoas senescent chronicity temporomandibular perinephric exophytic inguinal syndesmophyte appendicolith subserosal anomaly levoscoliosis pyelonephritis physiologically parenchymal adenoma tortuous ileum retroperitoneum contiguous heterogeneously gastroesophageal pellucidum kyphotic spondylosis syndesmophyte atelectatic subcarinal cholelithiasis fusiform intraparenchymal pedunculated opacities bruits formalin anechoic echogenicity hydronephrotic cursory falciform cirrhotic endarterectomy calices arachnoid gliosis subligamentous hyperostosis ectatic semiovale tortuosity supraspinatus callosum acromiohumeral subependymal acromioclavicular lacunar caudate

Medical Terms 6 by brittlynn

tenaculum frenulum pertinent jugulodigastric endotracheal otitis diverticula intraluminal cholecystitis trocars episodic punctate antral sebaceous elliptically neurovascularly erythema demarcation obstipation addendum emphysema excoriations ecchymosis hepatosplenomegaly protuberance hallucis dehiscence indium exsanguination paraspinous tophaceous gout glucosuria crepitation seborrheic keratosis supination adenomatous sigmoidoscopy Solingen suture intraperitoneally esophagogastroduodenoscopy

Medical Terms 13 by brittlynn

exudates hyperresonant oximetry dyspneic bronchiectasis polysomnography bronchospasm asthmaticus temporomandibular schizophrenia nasopharyngeal adenoidal euthymic hemoptysis dysuria polydipsia otalgia arrhythmia oropharynx edentulous proprioception sequela incidentaloma serpiginous agenesis anlage aplasia apoptosis atresia dehiscence diathesis exophytic lamellated pedunculated agnosia holocord bronchorrhea ditzel mucocele polyostotic physis monostotic monomelic disarticulation coalition metadiaphysis metaepiphysis apophysis diaphysis epiphysis iatrogenic prodrome epiphenomenon ancillary incidentaloma

Untitled by user533944

bad ad bed ace ad dab aced be ab aced dab bad bed cab dab ace bad

Walls of understand by gonzojazz

Simulation theory: the reason why its hard to break through the firewalls of understanding to elevate yourself to a level closer to reality, is because the firewalls have been installed for the safekeeping of the system. Songs that get stuck in your head, personal insecurities, menial labor, inability to tap into your true flow of thought, fears of failure or loneliness; all these things are the noise that is made to cancel out your ascension to true understanding. But if you manage to persist you might find the path that will lead you through the 9th gate.

Radiology by mkirag

Diagnostic radiology aims to provide accurate diagnoses and effective treatment plans that lead to improved patient health outcomes.

Radiologists use diagnostic radiology to see the organs, tissues, and other structures inside the body, and to identify fractures, tumors, infections, and other conditions. Making accurate diagnoses based on these images requires precision, strict attention to detail, and comprehensive knowledge of anatomy and physiology.

Interventional radiology is a branch of radiology that uses imaging technology to diagnose and treat conditions. It’s minimally invasive because it doesn’t require the use of surgery. Instead, it uses imaging techniques to guide catheters and other instruments through the body to the area requiring attention.

A.Yates Login by sherryberry2188
Trimble Raiders1
Trimble Raiders1
Trimble Raiders1
Trimble Raiders1

I've been everywhere by yourbuddydavis

I've been to Reno Chicago Fargo Minnesota

Wichita Tulsa Ottawa Oklahoma

Bangor Baltimore Salvador Amarillo

I've been to Boston Charleston Dayton Louisiana Washington Houston Kingston Texarkana Monterey Ferriday Santa Fe Tallapoosa
Glen Rock Black Rock Little Rock Oskaloosa Tennessee Tinnesay Chicopee Spirit Lake Grand Lake Devils Lake Crater Lake for Petes sake

I've been to Pittsburgh Parkersburg Gravelbourg Colorado

Larimore Atmore Haverstraw Chatanika

Baraboo Waterloo Kalamazoo Kansas City

MAZON Madness! by nhaviv

Medical transcription, also known as MT, is an allied health profession dealing with the process of transcribing voice-recorded medical reports that are dictated by physicians, nurses and other healthcare practitioners. Medical reports can be voice files, notes taken during a lecture, or other spoken material. Oh wow, I'm really going to smash this MAZON Madness challenge. I'm just a truly excellent typist. My opponent has no idea what they're up against. Sarah Pratter and Naama are so smart and creative to have thought of this hilarious competition. I’m so lucky to work with two whimsical and not at all over the top people like Sarah and Naama. After this I’m going to tell them how great they are. But I don't think even they understand what a complete and total ringer I am, what a sure thing I am for the crown. I wish everyone else in this competition a swift and easy recovery from their impending, inevitable, and humiliating defeat. There can only be one winner, and it will be me.

Untitled by user292549

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Rust - HTTP Client by strosekd

use std::env;

use bytes::Bytes;
use http_body_util::{BodyExt, Empty};
use hyper::Request;
use tokio::io::{self, AsyncWriteExt as _};
use tokio::net::TcpStream;

#[path = "../benches/support/"]
mod support;
use support::TokioIo;

// A simple type alias so as to DRY.
type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync>>;

async fn main() -> Result<()> {

// Some simple CLI args requirements...
let url = match env::args().nth(1) {
Some(url) => url,
None => {
println!("Usage: client <url>");
return Ok(());

// HTTPS requires picking a TLS implementation, so give a better
// warning if the user tries to request an 'https' URL.
let url = url.parse::<hyper::Uri>().unwrap();
if url.scheme_str() != Some("http") {
println!("This example only works with 'http' URLs.");
return Ok(());


async fn fetch_url(url: hyper::Uri) -> Result<()> {
let host ="uri has no host");
let port = url.port_u16().unwrap_or(80);
let addr = format!("{}:{}", host, port);
let stream = TcpStream::connect(addr).await?;
let io = TokioIo::new(stream);

let (mut sender, conn) = hyper::client::conn::http1::handshake(io).await?;
tokio::task::spawn(async move {
if let Err(err) = conn.await {
println!("Connection failed: {:?}", err);

let authority = url.authority().unwrap().clone();

let path = url.path();
let req = Request::builder()
.header(hyper::header::HOST, authority.as_str())

let mut res = sender.send_request(req).await?;

println!("Response: {}", res.status());
println!("Headers: {:#?}\n", res.headers());

// Stream the body, writing each chunk to stdout as we get it
// (instead of buffering and printing at the end).
while let Some(next) = res.frame().await {
let frame = next?;
if let Some(chunk) = frame.data_ref() {



Wyckoff cycle test by ferml201

Sure, here is the edited version of the information:

The Wyckoff Method, named after Richard Wyckoff, is a technical analysis approach used in trading. It's based on Wyckoff's observations of the financial markets in the early 20th century. The method is centered around the Wyckoff market cycle, which consists of four distinct phases:

1. **Accumulation**: This is the phase where informed traders gradually acquire shares, usually after a bear market or a downtrend, without causing a significant uptick in price.
2. **Markup**: After accumulation, the price begins to rise.
3. **Distribution**: In this phase, after a period of markup, the shares are gradually sold off.
4. **Markdown**: Following distribution, the price begins to fall.

Wyckoff also defined rules to use in conjunction with these phases. These rules can further help to identify the location and significance of price within the broad spectrum of uptrends, downtrends, and sideways markets. Here are some of the key rules:

- The market and individual securities never behave in the same way twice. Trends unfold through a broad array of similar price patterns that show infinite variations in size, detail, and extension.
- The significance of price movements reveals itself only when compared to past price behavior. In other words, context is everything in the financial markets.

The Wyckoff Method can help investors make less emotional, better-informed decisions about when to buy and sell stocks. Although this method was originally developed for stocks, it can be applied to any freely-traded market in which large institutional traders operate, including commodities, bonds, and currencies.

Programming typing by user959055

person = {name: "Peter"}; for key in person: print(key, ">>"); person["age"] = 16

Spinning the ministe by user621144

THE Punjab information minister was on television the evening ‘fee-gate’ blew up.

For those unaware of this great Lahori scandal, it erupted when it emerged that a federal minister, Ahad Cheema, had pushed for a fee waiver for his sons, who had moved to Islamabad but were retaining their seats at school, while the principal of their school was resisting this.

Having automatically become a ‘scandal’, it was picked up by television channels in the evening as an example of a government using its influence to interfere in an institution’s affairs. And when scandals arise, government officials have no choice but to defend.

It was no different for the Punjab information minister, who got into a heated argument with a talk show host who had decided to pick up the cudgels for the school. The minister fought bravely as she tried to first argue that the federal minister and his family had suffered imprisonment and hardship recently — without explaining if this meant he had to be compensated in whichever way possible, or that, as he was now financially constrained, he needed assistance — and then deemed some people associated with the school to be pro-PTI.

As with all television arguments, there was no time to flesh out the arguments, especially as the anchor also had much to say. It was political talk show theatre at its best — with heated arguments and little else.

The federal information minister had also appeared on television and defended ‘fee-gate’ just hours before news came that he had called the principal of the school on behalf of the prime minister in a bid to defuse the situation.

Lest anyone thinks I am about to express detailed views on the travails of an ‘elite school’ and is readying their brickbats/ tweets, that is not it. This is more about the jobs, or rather suffering, of those appointed information ministers in our governance structure. The proliferation of television news channels has reduced most information ministers to the role of glorified spokespersons.

In fact, it’s hard to even say ‘glorified’ because, as the examples show, there is little glory in defending each and every government decision, or what appears to be a government decision, without even a strategy in place. It’s more a case of ‘theirs is not to reason why, theirs is but to do and die’.

The information department doesn’t have much space left to play a role with regard to policy.

So we have an information minister trying to argue that Ahad Cheema suffered in jail, and hence his kids need a fee waiver; another one who argued that a disappeared journalist was not a journalist as if that made his disappearance any less serious, and a third who tried to argue a helicopter ride was cheaper than using a car. A recent caretaker information minister claimed that X (Twitter) was working if one had a VPN when asked about the ban on social media platforms.

It is doubtful that any one of them had any input in these decisions or was able to express an opinion on how to handle these ‘thorny issues’ to those who were making these decisions.

Other than these non-stop television appearances, many of them also become the first point of contact for beat reporters and news directors, ensuring news tickers and the coverage of press conferences.

This is simply administrative, or rather even drudgery; indeed, it is as much about information or communications as the responsibilities of most bureau chiefs and news directors are about journalism.

Perhaps the only glory that comes with the job is that, as these ministers have a role to play in doling out state largesse to media houses, they are spared criticism; but this, too, is short-lived, as are these portfolios at times.

None of them seem to have any policy roles to play. Partly because it appears the information department doesn’t have much space left to play this role; it has been reduced to patronage. And as the past five or six years show, whatever legislation has been put together, such as Peca — which deals with electronic crimes — it has been pushed from elsewhere and its implementation as well. All one can remember of most information ministers is their appearances on television talk shows (or more close-ups than necessary in official footage, underscoring the extent of their power and influence).

This is not just true of the hapless souls who end up in this government position but also many of those appointed as information secretaries of political parties. Once again, their job is as Tennysonian in nature as that of information ministers.

There is a point to this rant, I say to those who have made it thus far. This top-down approach explains why none of the other political parties have been able to catch up with the PTI’s social media game, despite talking about it non-stop for years. For they use this same top-down approach to build social media teams and the result is also the same. The social media teams end up being subservient to the party heads, following their orders rather than working independently and creatively. And their responsibility is about simply spreading it without any thought for efficacy or larger messaging.

On the other hand, the PTI social media is perhaps as free and chaotic as the Wild West (of social media). The team includes volunteers and professionals who understand communication as well as the technical side and appear to work independently of the political side. If there is a hierarchy in the PTI, it is not one in which the politicians are superior. This is the reason for its success and the lacklustre performance of the rest.

In other words, if political parties need to become part of the world of modern communications, the first step should be to demolish the information minister’s post. For this step is an admission that media management is not about buying your way to praise.

Once this is absorbed, the parties may also understand what the responsibilities of a secretary information might be; and it’s not simply to appear on television and defend the indefensible. Or write captions or tweets for innumerable pictures without a larger strategy.

112 to 118 by vishu

Debilitate weaken enfeeble enervated exhausted incapacitated drained devitalized attenuated impaired weak out impoverished fatigued jaded, refresh strengthen energize invigorate revive rejuvenate animate revitalize regenerate restore overhaul improve revamp, Promulgate announce proclaim publicize declare herald aver trumpet profess affirm blazon set forth, conceal hide suppress withhold hush up enshroud obscure disguise, Extrapolate conclude decide deduce derive infer judge interpret find out dope out estimate guess conject hypothesize speculate anticipate, doubt disbelieve suspect distrust call into question take with a pinch of salt, Affront insult mortify abuse offend tarnish traduce snub ridicule humiliate embarrass malign belittle demean debase degrade besmirch deride chaff satirise disparage disdain denigrate mock scorn deprecate trivialise stigmatise, aggrandize glorify praise upgrade respect encourage commend regard dignify applaud, Dodge avoid elude evade escape avert eschew obviate preclude circumvent duck parry fend off stave off preempt shirk, face confront encounter assist encourage pursue accept seek, Accuse charge prosecute inculpate indict arraign blame allege implicate incriminate convict impeach, exculpate absolve acquit free defend exonerate excuse forgive pardon vindicate release exempt, Contemplate ponder mull brood think consider meditate muse cogitate ruminate perpend dwell on chew over the cud, ignore disregard neglect forget discard dismiss reject.

Marathon by user501556

Pic you up at 10am for the beach. Can you please bring drinks. chips, swimmers, and a towel?

Life Itself by user894869

Life is not an easy peasy ride. You will always encounter a series of emotions along the way. There are days, weeks, or even months when you will have disappointments but always remember it is not about how strong you are but sometimes your weakest point will be your source of strength.
It is a matter of how you carry your positive outlook in life so that you can overcome all the challenges you face. Continue doing your best every single day. All the pain will turn into happiness and success. You will look back and give a pat on your shoulder on how strong you have become because of all the hardships you've been through.
So keep moving forward. Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.