Benutzerdefinierte Tests

Test 1 by sanair1

Paint-Interior Living Room Wall Paint-Interior Kitchen Wall Paint-Interior Bedroom 1 Wall Paint-Interior Hallway Bathroom Wall Paint-Interior Pantry Wall Paint-Interior Bedroom 2 Ceiling Paint-Interior Hallway Bathroom Ceiling Paint-Interior Living Room Ceiling Paint-Interior Kitchen Ceiling Paint-Interior Laundry Room Wall Paint-Interior Living Room Ceiling 2nd Layer Paint-Exterior Siding

germany by wishpath

Germany in Europe. After world. John F. visited 1963, "Ich bin ein Berliner", as "I am donut".

לפני שייגמר by zagu1

לא לפחד להתאהב
שיישבר הלב
לא לפחד בדרך לאבד

לקום כל בוקר
ולצאת אל החיים
ולנסות הכול לפני שייגמר

לחפש מאיפה באנו
ולחזור בסוף תמיד להתחלה
למצוא בכל דבר עוד יופי
ולרקוד עד שנופלים מעייפות
או אהבה

מכל הרגעים בזמן
למצוא אחד לאחוז בו
להגיד שהגענו
תמיד לזכור לרגע לעצור
ולהודות על מה שיש ומאיפה שבאנו

לחבק אותה בלילה
כשהיא נרדמת
אז כל העולם נרגע
לנשום אותה עמוק
לדעת שתמיד
אני אהיה שם בשבילה

Random sentences 3 by 0099

It was the first time he had ever seen someone cook dinner on an elephant

He learned the important lesson that a picnic at the beach on a windy day is a bad idea

He liked to play with words in the bathtub

The sight of his goatee made me want to run and hide under my sister-in-law's bed

Sometimes I stare at a door or a wall and I wonder what is this reality, why am I alive, and what is this all about?

She had convinced her kids that any mushroom found on the ground would kill them if they touched it

The three-year-old girl ran down the beach as the kite flew behind her

It didn't make sense unless you had the power to eat colors

She did not cheat on the test, for it was not the right thing to do

Her hair was windswept as she rode in the black convertible

The door slammed on the watermelon

The book is in front of the table

Sometimes, all you need to do is completely make an ass of yourself and laugh it off to realise that life isn’t so bad after all

Greetings from the real universe

The glacier came alive as the climbers hiked closer

Buried deep in the snow, he hoped his batteries were fresh in his avalanche beacon

She borrowed the book from him many years ago and hasn't yet returned it

The light in his life was actually a fire burning all around him

The water flowing down the river didn’t look that powerful from the car

The crowd yells and screams for more memes

The toddler’s endless tantrum caused the entire plane anxiety

She wanted a pet platypus but ended up getting a duck and a ferret instead

There's a reason that roses have thorns

He knew it was going to be a bad day when he saw mountain lions roaming the streets

Everything was going so well until I was accosted by a purple giraffe.
It was the best sandcastle he had ever seen

The paintbrush was angry at the color the artist chose to use

He didn’t want to go to the dentist, yet he went anyway

I want a giraffe, but I'm a turtle eating waffles

The opportunity of a lifetime passed before him as he tried to decide between a cone or a cup

A kangaroo is really just a rabbit on steroids

She wrote him a long letter, but he didn't read it

I can't believe this is the eighth time I'm smashing open my piggy bank on the same day

The fence was confused about whether it was supposed to keep things in or keep things out

Joe discovered that traffic cones make excellent megaphones

She is never happy until she finds something to be unhappy about; then, she is overjoyed

He felt that dining on the bridge brought romance to his relationship with his cat

Normal activities took extraordinary amounts of concentration at the high altitude

His ultimate dream fantasy consisted of being content and sleeping eight hours in a row

I was starting to worry that my pet turtle could tell what I was thinking

The virus had powers none of us knew existed

Jim liked driving around town with his hazard lights on

He was sitting in a trash can with high street class

The skeleton had skeletons of his own in the closet

Fluffy pink unicorns are a popular status symbol among macho men

There was no telling what thoughts would come from the machine

The irony of the situation wasn't lost on anyone in the room

He always wore his sunglasses at night

One Stop Type Test by hrezendes

award letter packaging financial aid unfortunately package declination 1098-T Subsidized Unsubsidized international success request awarding operations refund academic registration restriction hold review submission upload Powercampus decision DropBox prorate aggregate eligibility immunizations bursar registrar appeal reimbursement disbursement federal regulations appeal scholarship recommendation origination deferral verification declaration ensemble accounting extension Master Promissory Note Entrance Counseling statement Non-custodial parent profile Inceptia Gallagher petition transfer credits transcript

Untitled by user109180

Concretely, what this means is that if you push a 100MB file to your git repo, everybody else who ever clones that repo will also have to download your 100MB file and store on disk/in their git repo for the rest of eternity. This is true even if you immediately delete it in the next commit! It just sticks around forever, as unwanted dead weight.

But, this didn't satisfy my curiosity. It was a great high-level explanation, but I wanted to understand what was going on, one level deeper.

The Git object model
To understand exactly what's going on, it helps to understand how git works. There are 3 data structures in git: blobs, trees and commits.

How commits, trees and blobs all fit together. From
Blobs are individual files, stored in your .git/objects directory (which git calls the 'object database'). They’re not stored by filename, but instead by hash. What this means is that if you have two files named “text1.txt” and “text2.txt”, but they both contain the word “hello”, then you’ll only have one entry in the database: “hello”.

A fun and counterintuitive fact about blobs is that if you have one file, but you update it, git will store two blobs: one for the old version of the file and one for the new version of the file. And these aren’t diffs or deltas: git hashes and stores the entire file contents of the two file versions.

An example of how this is all implemented, from Git's documentation.
(This isn’t as horrifically inefficient as it seems, because Git does some compression along the way. You can read more about it by googling 'packfiles'.)

Git associates filenames to blobs using structures called trees, which store pointers to blobs and other trees. A commit is just a pointer to a specific tree. And a branch is basically a pointer to a commit.

This object database exists independently of commits and branches, because it is the thing that store the information about them. But what that means is that when you add a large file, even if it’s just to a side branch, you create a new entry in the object database for the rest of eternity.

Because the object database is independent of branches, so there's no real way to isolate your change. So everyone else who ever uses your repo will need to download your file changes, and that's why everyone is sad when you commit large files to Git.

What to do?
And yet the need exists: sometimes you do just need to move files between local and remote computers. If you're in this boat, your best options are:

scp: the classic. Getting the syntax and filenames right can be a bit of a pain, but on the whole scp works very well for individual files.
rsync: a better alternative, which does smart diffing if there are multiple files to transfer. This is what we use for Moonglow's file syncing.
Git-LFS is a separate, cool approach that doesn't quite solve this problem. You might know it because of Huggingface, which is basically Git-LFS-as-a-service.

Instead of storing large file contents as objects in the blob database, it store them in a cloud server that you set up, and puts a link to that in the blob database. This means the large file only gets pulled if it's needed. For repos that need to systematically store files that you expect everyone using the repo to need, Git-LFS is a very good option. But for one-off file syncs it's wasteful, as you'll still be adding a one-off file to a large, shared repo.

If you liked this, give Moonglow a try! It lets you start and stop GPUs instances on AWS and Runpod, and integrates with VSCode so that you can connect iPython notebooks to them without leaving your editor. We give you $5 of free GPU credit when you sign up.

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Untitled by user109180

Concretely, what this means is that if you push a 100MB file to your git repo, everybody else who ever clones that repo will also have to download your 100MB file and store on disk/in their git repo for the rest of eternity. This is true even if you immediately delete it in the next commit! It just sticks around forever, as unwanted dead weight.

But, this didn't satisfy my curiosity. It was a great high-level explanation, but I wanted to understand what was going on, one level deeper.

The Git object model
To understand exactly what's going on, it helps to understand how git works. There are 3 data structures in git: blobs, trees and commits.

How commits, trees and blobs all fit together. From
Blobs are individual files, stored in your .git/objects directory (which git calls the 'object database'). They’re not stored by filename, but instead by hash. What this means is that if you have two files named “text1.txt” and “text2.txt”, but they both contain the word “hello”, then you’ll only have one entry in the database: “hello”.

A fun and counterintuitive fact about blobs is that if you have one file, but you update it, git will store two blobs: one for the old version of the file and one for the new version of the file. And these aren’t diffs or deltas: git hashes and stores the entire file contents of the two file versions.

An example of how this is all implemented, from Git's documentation.
(This isn’t as horrifically inefficient as it seems, because Git does some compression along the way. You can read more about it by googling 'packfiles'.)

Git associates filenames to blobs using structures called trees, which store pointers to blobs and other trees. A commit is just a pointer to a specific tree. And a branch is basically a pointer to a commit.

This object database exists independently of commits and branches, because it is the thing that store the information about them. But what that means is that when you add a large file, even if it’s just to a side branch, you create a new entry in the object database for the rest of eternity.

Because the object database is independent of branches, so there's no real way to isolate your change. So everyone else who ever uses your repo will need to download your file changes, and that's why everyone is sad when you commit large files to Git.

What to do?
And yet the need exists: sometimes you do just need to move files between local and remote computers. If you're in this boat, your best options are:

scp: the classic. Getting the syntax and filenames right can be a bit of a pain, but on the whole scp works very well for individual files.
rsync: a better alternative, which does smart diffing if there are multiple files to transfer. This is what we use for Moonglow's file syncing.
Git-LFS is a separate, cool approach that doesn't quite solve this problem. You might know it because of Huggingface, which is basically Git-LFS-as-a-service.

Instead of storing large file contents as objects in the blob database, it store them in a cloud server that you set up, and puts a link to that in the blob database. This means the large file only gets pulled if it's needed. For repos that need to systematically store files that you expect everyone using the repo to need, Git-LFS is a very good option. But for one-off file syncs it's wasteful, as you'll still be adding a one-off file to a large, shared repo.

If you liked this, give Moonglow a try! It lets you start and stop GPUs instances on AWS and Runpod, and integrates with VSCode so that you can connect iPython notebooks to them without leaving your editor. We give you $5 of free GPU credit when you sign up.

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Moonglow Blog: tech notes for Jupyter notebook users © 2024
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El test para Jordi by user109175

El otro día estaba yo jugando una tremenda partida de Fortnite con mi colega Manel y me hice un team de 3 yo solito. El problema es que uno de ellos llevaba el escudo del capitán amierica, y voy yo y digo "lo pillo y Victoria Royale", pero el ratilla de Manel lo pilló y no me lo quiso dar. Ahora ya no le hablo ni lo llevo en coche a trabajar.

ewfWF by stenovxl


ASOS - Jon 2 by poschti

Jon is observing Mance's host, taking note of all the giants and mammoths that make up the army. Tormund is telling Jon some tall tales about himself, when the eagle that was once Orell rakes Jon's face. Rattleshirt has arrived to bring Jon before Mance, this time at the Fist of the First Men.

The king confronts Jon about how many men were at the Fist, and who led. Jon, seeing how many of the Watch died here and realizing Mance may kill him for lying, tells the truth. The situation is still tense. Jon feels that Mance may still have him killed because Jon lied to him previously.

Briefly he thinks about attacking Mance but Ygritte saves him by telling them that they are lovers. The wildlings respect any man who steals his woman, and Rayder informs Jon that he will be leaving with Styr and Jarl on the morrow to climb the Wall. That night, Jon and Ygritte share a bed together.

Diagnóstico by capitalhumano

Coordinar, supervisar y evaluar el correcto y oportuno registro, almacenamiento, sistematización, control, seguimiento y administración de la información que deba ser incorporada al sistema informático nacional interoperable, previsto en el artículo 38 de la Ley, y al Banco Nacional de Datos Forenses, así como a cualquier otro sistema informático que sea de observancia obligatoria, en el ámbito de su competencia, para que permita conocer con certeza la situación que guarda el fenómeno de los mercados criminales, así como realizar estudios criminógenos y geo delictivos que permitan coadyuvar con los actos de investigación, combate al delito y definir políticas en materia de procuración de justicia, conforme a las directrices que emita la persona titular de la Agencia de Investigación Criminal.

Diagnóstico by capitalhumano

Coordinar, supervisar y evaluar el correcto y oportuno registro, almacenamiento, sistematización, control, seguimiento y administración de la información que deba ser incorporada al sistema informático nacional interoperable, previsto en el artículo 38 de la Ley, y al Banco Nacional de Datos Forenses, así como a cualquier otro sistema informático que sea de observancia obligatoria, en el ámbito de su competencia, para que permita conocer con certeza la situación que guarda el fenómeno de los mercados criminales, así como realizar estudios criminógenos y geo delictivos que permitan coadyuvar con los actos de investigación, combate al delito y definir políticas en materia de procuración de justicia, conforme a las directrices que emita la persona titular de la Agencia de Investigación Criminal.

Untitled by jayjayli

Setsuna Yuki (優木 せつ菜, Yūki Setsuna), whose real name is Nana Nakagawa (中川 菜々, Nakagawa Nana), is a main character in Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club. She is a second year student at Nijigasaki High School. She is a member of A・ZU・NA, a unit under Nijigaku, and was the leader and founder of the original group. Her image color is scarlet red.

Sorry by jayjayli

Hashiridashita! Omoi wa tsuyoku suru yo Nayandara kimi no te o nigirou Daiji na kimochi maru de uragiru you ni sugoshita Kinou ni wa mou baibai shite Kurikaeshita risuku to koukai Iiwake bakari sagashite kimetsuketa Furimawasu no wa yamete Ashi o fumidasu saisho wa kowai kamo Demo "susumitai" sono kokoro ga areba! Hashiridashita! Omoi wa tsuyoku suru yo Nayandara kimi no te o nigirou Naritai jibun o gaman shinaide ii yo Yume wa itsuka hora kagayaki dasunda! Hanpa na kimochi de idomitaku wa nai kara Suteeji ni wa hitotsu mo kui wa nokosanai Kurabete mita risou to riaru Mada todokanai kedo kanjiru kara Michi no saki no gooru o Doryoku to keizoku nemurenai yoru datte "Egao ga mitai" sou, minna ga ireba! Hazumidashita! Omoi wa uso janai yo Namida kara umareru kibou mo Me ni wa mienai chikara de tsunagaru Yume wa itsuka hora kagayaki dasunda! Mabuta o tojireba nando datte deaeru Takanaru kodou shinjiru mirai o koko ni yadosu Sekai ga irozuite hikaridasu shunkan o Kimi to mitai sono kokoro ga ansaa Hashiridashita! Omoi wa tsuyoku suru yo Nayandara kimi no te o nigirou Naritai jibun o gaman shinaide ii yo Yume wa itsuka hora kagayaki dasunda! Hazumidashita! Omoi wa uso janai yo Namida kara umareru kibou mo Me ni wa mienai chikara de tsunagaru Yume wa itsuka hora kagayaki dasunda!

Sorry by jayjayli

Hashiridashita! Omoi wa tsuyoku suru yo
Nayandara kimi no te o nigirou

Daiji na kimochi maru de uragiru you ni sugoshita
Kinou ni wa mou baibai shite
Kurikaeshita risuku to koukai
Iiwake bakari sagashite kimetsuketa
Furimawasu no wa yamete

Ashi o fumidasu saisho wa kowai kamo
Demo "susumitai" sono kokoro ga areba!

Hashiridashita! Omoi wa tsuyoku suru yo
Nayandara kimi no te o nigirou
Naritai jibun o gaman shinaide ii yo
Yume wa itsuka hora kagayaki dasunda!

Hanpa na kimochi de idomitaku wa nai kara
Suteeji ni wa hitotsu mo kui wa nokosanai
Kurabete mita risou to riaru
Mada todokanai kedo kanjiru kara
Michi no saki no gooru o

Doryoku to keizoku nemurenai yoru datte
"Egao ga mitai" sou, minna ga ireba!

Hazumidashita! Omoi wa uso janai yo
Namida kara umareru kibou mo
Me ni wa mienai chikara de tsunagaru
Yume wa itsuka hora kagayaki dasunda!

Mabuta o tojireba nando datte deaeru
Takanaru kodou shinjiru mirai o koko ni yadosu
Sekai ga irozuite hikaridasu shunkan o
Kimi to mitai sono kokoro ga ansaa

Hashiridashita! Omoi wa tsuyoku suru yo
Nayandara kimi no te o nigirou
Naritai jibun o gaman shinaide ii yo
Yume wa itsuka hora kagayaki dasunda!

Hazumidashita! Omoi wa uso janai yo
Namida kara umareru kibou mo
Me ni wa mienai chikara de tsunagaru
Yume wa itsuka hora kagayaki dasunda!

Quotes - KTest 2 by user109019

If I do my full duty, the rest will take care of itself.

The power of excellence is overwhelming. It is always in demand and nobody cares about its color.

The most important thing I learned is that soldiers watch what their leaders do. You can give them classes and lecture them forever, but it is your personal example they will follow.

ACOK - Theon 5 by poschti

Theon Greyjoy is woken from a nightmare, in which he is being chased by large wolves with the faces of children, by his squire, Wex Pyke, with Reek standing behind him. Reek informs Theon that Asha has arrived at Winterfell.

As Theon prepares to see his sister, he thinks back about the nightmares he has been having lately, ever since the night he and Reek killed the two boys at the mill. After washing his face, Theon dresses in rich clothing, only to realize that Asha cares more for blades. He changes again, this time dressing in felted black wool and ringmail. Lastly, he dons his crown.

Theon has taken to using guards for his own safety, while his own men have become sullen and anxious following the murders of Gelmarr, Aggar, and Gynir. Although the three ironborn had been killed by Reek with Theon's permission, to ensure they would not be able to reveal what had happened at the mill the night they returned with the corpses of the children, Theon had felt the need to blame someone for their deaths.

To that end, he had executed Farlen, going as far as to personally execute him like Eddard Stark would have done. The memory is a sour one, as it had taken him four difficult blows to sever Farlen's head, afterward feeling sick about it.

His men would prefer to leave Winterfell, a thought that makes Theon angry. He refuses to be driven from his own seat, being the Prince of Winterfell. He blames Asha, feeling she had taken this long to respond to his commands on purpose. Reek, Urzen and Kromm escort Theon to the hall, where he finds Asha in the high seat of the Starks. Theon is dismayed to discover that Asha brought only twenty men.

In turn, she scolds him for having killed Bran and Rickon Stark and having mounted their heads upon Winterfell's gates. The memory of returning the bodies to Winterfell is a sour one for Theon as well. He recalls forbidding Luwin from sewing the heads back onto the bodies and placing them in the crypts of Winterfell.

Theon leads Asha to Eddard Stark's solar, where he tells her that Dagmer has lost the fight at Torrhen's Square. Asha tells him she was not surprised to learn about it, and informs him that Dagmer is currently leading the survivors back to the Stony Shore, making Theon realize that she is better informed than he is.

Theon is furious about the fact that Asha is planning on leaving only ten of her men behind for him. Leobald Tallhart has joined Ser Rodrik Cassel, Lord Wyman Manderly has sent a dozen barges upriver, and the Umbers are gathering beyond the Last River.

Asha compliments her brother for the clever way he took Winterfell, but tells him that the wise course of action would have been razing the castle and taking the two princes as hostages back to Pyke. Winterfell is too far from the sea, and every northman is now his enemy.

Theon counters her, telling her that he killed two of Eddard Stark's sons to lay to rest the ghosts of their brothers, Rodrik and Maron. Asha tells him that Rodrik might feel the need to avenge Eddard's sons and asks Theon to return with her to Deepwood Motte. When Theon refuses, Asha leaves, telling him he shall hold the castle for the remainder of his life.

Asha departs the castle with her men and Theon watches her go from atop the wall, where he is approached by Reek. Reek offers to find Theon two hundred good men if Theon provides a horse and a bag of coin. He asks for Palla as a reward.

Although Reek makes Theon uneasy, he does not dare kill the man, as he is literate and cunning, and could easily have left a hidden account of what they had done behind. Theon agrees to give him the girl if he can deliver two hundred men, and Reek leaves the castle before the sun goes down.

That night Theon dreams about the welcoming feast Eddard Stark had thrown King Robert I Baratheon when the king visited Winterfell. Although the feast is jolly at first, the room grows darker and suddenly Theon finds himself dining with the dead. Robert's guts are spilling out on the table from a great gash in his belly, while Eddard Stark is headless.

Lining the benches below are the corpses of men he knows: Jory Cassel, Fat Tom, Porther, Cayn, Hullen, and all the others who had gone south to King's Landing. Mikken, Chayle, Benfred Tallhart and his Wild Hares, the miller's wife, Farlen, and the wildling Theon had killed to rescue Bran are among them.

There are also people who Theon has never met, including Rickard, Lyanna, and Brandon Stark. Then, Robb Stark enters through the doors with Grey Wind beside him, both of them bleeding "from half a hundred savage wounds".

Theon wakes screaming, and Wex and his guards fetch Luwin, but Theon does not dare drink the sleeping draught that the maester leaves him. Instead, he summons Kyra and fucks her, but even that cannot help him sleep again, and she leaves sobbing of pain.

At dawn, Theon goes outside. Seeing everything belonging to the Starks around him, he thinks to himself he should have gone with Asha. In silence, he looks at the heads mounted atop the iron spikes of the gatehouse, reflecting on what fools people could be.

Although everyone had accepted his story, the heads on the wall actually belong to the miller's sons, who had been of an age and coloring with the two missing Starks. With their faces flayed, no one had been able to tell the difference. Theon never found Bran and Rickon

best test by ankitpandya

the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

ASOS - Catelyn 2 by poschti

Catelyn hears Robb’s return from the west, and recalls that when Edmure returned, dozens of men left after trampling Robb’s banner, all of them Freys. She is brought before her son to explain why she released Jaime Lannister.

Rickard Karstark, whose sons Eddard and Torrhen were killed by Jaime, is angry at her but Robb is more gentle and acknowledges that "love is not always wise". Thinking about her daughters whom she had hoped to trade for Ser Jaime, Catelyn agrees. Lord Karstark, however, is unappeased and leaves the room in a fury.

In privacy, Robb introduces his mother to his new bride. Catelyn immediately realizes that, as Robb was pledged to marry a Frey, he has insulted the Freys and broken the alliance. But with his "love is not always wise" speech Robb has made it impossible to blame him, as Catelyn disobeyed him because of her love for her daughters.

Robb tells her how he met his wife. He had taken a wound storming the Crag, and Jeyne nursed him back to health. The night he was told his brothers were murdered, Jeyne consoled him and they slept together. Robb married her the next morning.

As the Westerings were vassals of House Lannister, Jeyne has taken her family with her to escape the revenge of the Lannisters. Catelyn notices that Grey Wind is not with her son, because Jeyne is afraid of the wolf, and the beast growls whenever her uncle, Rolph Spicer, is near. Catelyn does not like that and convinces him to send Ser Rolph off on some errand, for Grey Wind should always be near him. She considers what it may take to appease Lord Walder Frey after this slight. The loss of the Freys is strongly felt by Robb, and there was nothing that could be done when Ryman and Black Walder led their men back to the Twins.

Edmure tells his uncle about his victory against the Lannisters but the latter interrupts him and both the Blackfish and Robb berate Edmure for his actions. Edmure was told to not to engage the Lannisters because Robb wanted them to come West. His plan was to hold them there so that the Lannisters would be unable to defend King's Landing against Stannis Baratheon's invasion.

Edmure's attack delayed Tywin Lannister long enough for messengers to reach him, allowing the Lannister host to turn around, link up with Mace Tyrell's army and arrive at King's Landing to turn the tide at the Battle of the Blackwater. Edmure ruined their whole plan, and admits that he must make amends. Robb plans to retake the North, but first he must win back the Freys

ASOS - Arya 2 by poschti

Arya is gathering vegetables when she hears voices. She warns Gendry and Hot Pie. They try to hide but one of their horses gives them away. They are discovered by three men: Tom of Sevenstreams, Lem and Anguy. The men say they are Kingsmen and ask them to come with them to a nearby inn. Arya hesitates but after Anguy shows how skilled he is with the bow she realizes that they stand no chance and she agrees.

At the inn Gendry remains in the stable to watch their horses although Tom assures them that they are safe. Arya and Hot Pie enter the inn with the three men.[1] The atmosphere is friendly. The men talk with the innkeeper and his wife about the food and the last visitors of the inn.[2] The innkeeper sold them horses and gave them directions. Tom and his friends were waiting for them to get the horses back but they did not see them.

Tom gives Arya a paper acknowledging a future payment of three dragons after the war for their horses. Arya protests and wonders how they will be able to reach Riverrun. Suddenly Gendry runs in to warn them that there are strangers outside.

The people in the inn are not worried but Arya is afraid that it will be Ser Gregor Clegane's men. She slams a tankard in Lem's face and tries to escape but to no avail. The men outside come in and among them, Arya recognizes Harwin. He recognizes her and proclaims her real name to the surprise of all.