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ASOS - Jaime 1 by poschti

Ser Jaime is being escorted to King's Landing by Brienne and his cousin, Ser Cleos Frey, by boat. He was released in secrecy from Riverrun by Catelyn after swearing never again to take up arms against the Starks or Tullys, and to honor his brother Tyrion's pledge to release Sansa and Arya. The oath was sworn at sword point and while drunk, and Jaime considers killing Brienne and getting away. He is still chained hand and foot.

Jaime ponders Cersei's feelings with him after the Bran incident and wonders if she sent the assassin to Bran's room, but dismisses that notion thinking that she would have sent Jaime himself to do the dirty work. Jaime has Cleos shave his head so he will be less recognizable should they get caught. He and Brienne treat each other with contempt.

As their boat moves down the Red Fork of the Trident, they see abandoned shacks and a burned towerhouse. While they are in lands of House Bracken, they see a burned inn and the corpses of several tavern wenches hanging from a nearby oak. Brienne stops their boat to cut down the bodies and bury them. Jaime reads a sign which states They Lay with Lions, and Jaime mocks Brienne because they were killed by northmen or rivermen for servicing Lannister men. Jaime wonders if the deaths were ordered by Lord Jonos Bracken, and Cleos suggests Marq Piper, Beric Dondarrion, and Roose Bolton as alternatives. Since Lord Bolton took Harrenhal, Jaime worries that the Trident and the kingsroad are being watched.

Before they can start to dig graves for the women, Brienne spots a river galley bearing down on them. The galley is under the command of Ser Robin Ryger, sent by Ser Edmure Tully to return the Kingslayer to Riverrun. Brienne jumps out of the skiff and climbs a cliff face. Jaime distracts the men on the galley by challenging Robin to single combat, allowing Brienne to dislodge a large boulder which crashes down on the galley, sinking it.

When Brienne swims back to the skiff, Jaime considers smashing her in the face with his oar, but instead pulls her into the boat. Jaime derides Brienne and asks her if she wants his thanks, but she rebuffs the Kingslayer and says she is only motivated by the oath she swore to Catelyn to return him to King's Landing. Jaime marvels at Brienne's sense of duty.

Untitled by user109133

Rather than memorizing all medical terms and their meanings individually, we can learn the component parts and their meanings. By learning these component parts, we can understand new terminology when we encounter it.

Your goal should be to relate medical terms to where the organs are located in the body and and how the body works.

Spelling and pronouncing the terms correctly is also an important part of learning medical terminology.

This weeks words and component parts are:
arteri, arter

Template by liluzihurt

Hello Jamie, Buyers have 30 days from the estimated delivery date to inform the seller that you didn't receive your item. Here is the link where you can directly open the item not received request. Once a request is opened, sellers have 3 business days to resolve the issue. After that time, the buyer can ask us to step in to help resolve the issue. In rare scenario, where the seller hasn't been able to resolve your problem, you can ask eBay to step in and help via these steps- 1. Find the item in your Purchase History. 2. Select See request details (if your item didn’t arrive) or See return details (if you’re trying to return an item). 3. Select Ask eBay to step in.We are delighted to tell you that you have now been our customer for these many years. We would just like to say thank you for being a part of our family. We are very grateful for your continued patronage because we wouldn’t be here without loyal users like you. Thanks and Regards, eBay Customer Service

Untitled by user109131

Your Role in Learning Contracts
The Casebook. The required materials for this course are in the casebook: Stewart
Macaulay, William Whitford, Jonathan Lipson, Wendy Netter Epstein & Rachel Rebouché,
Contracts: Law in Action (5th edition, 2024) (“CLA”). You should purchase a hard copy of the
casebook so that you can have access to it during our class discussions and while
completing the problem sets and the final examination.
The Course Website. The course Canvas site contains, among other things,
announcements, the course syllabus, instructional slides, homework assignments,
outlines, practice examinations, instructional videos, and other study materials, as well as
videos of certain course content. You can find all the content for the course organized
topically under the Modules tab. Materials will be added to Canvas throughout the
semester, and you should make a habit of checking it regularly.

ACOK - Tyrion 11 by poschti

Tyrion dispatches his clansmen into the kingswood to raid Stannis's baggage trains, ambush his scouts, and perform night raids. Tyrion feels he can trust only about a quarter of the six thousand men in the City Watch, and feels unprepared for the coming battle. He orders Bronn to start burning down the houses along the wall by the quay, feeling that the enemy could scale the wall easier by climbing on the roofs of the houses. Tyrion is aware that Winterfell has fallen to the ironmen.

Balon Swann has been named to the Kingsguard to replace Preston Greenfield, and Tyrion approves, but he does not approve of Cersei's choice of Osmund Kettleblack to replace Boros Blount. Boros was stripped of his white cloak after he surrendered Tommen immediately when Jacelyn's men overtook them. Boros is rotting in Rosby’s dungeon on the count of treason, since the Kingsguard are supposed to give their lives in defending the royal family. Joffrey gives Balon and Osmund their white cloaks in the royal sept.

Tyrion has appointed the new High Septon, and tells him to warn the people that Stannis means to burn the Great Sept of Baelor. Tyrion is also visited by Hallyne from the Alchemists' Guild, and is surprised to learn that they have thirteen thousand jars of wildfire, way ahead of schedule. When Tyrion asks why, the pyromancer explains that their spells have been more potent of late, but is at a loss to explain why. He asks Tyrion if there are any dragons about, and elaborates something he heard a long time ago, that magic began to disappear from the world when the last dragon died.

Jacelyn informs Tyrion that Tommen is safe, but the Hand does not know where the boy is being kept in case Tyrion is captured and tortured by the invaders. Varys then informs Tyrion of a plot by several merchants calling themselves Antler Men to arm commoners in the streets. Tyrion writes the order for their arrest, one of them being the master smith Salloreon.

ACOK - Arya 9 by poschti

Arya and Hot Pie are eating tarts in the kitchens when the Bloody Mummers return, this time with nearly 100 northmen as prisoners, along with their lord commander, Robett Glover, and Aenys Frey. Vargo Hoat claims that Lord Roose Bolton fled with his host after the battle. Ser Amory Lorch has the men imprisoned in the Widow's Tower. Arya tries to convince Gendry to help her free the northmen, but the apprentice smith is happy enough where he is and wants no part of it. Arya later goes to the godswood to practise with a wooden stick, and she meets Jaqen H'ghar there. The Lorathi tells her he would have done with his promise, and asks her to name a third. He also knows her to be Arya Stark, and tells her that some people have many names. She asks him to help her free the northmen, but Jaqen reminds her that she has only one name left. When Arya asks if she could name anybody, even the king, Jaqen tells her, "Speak the name, and death will come. On the morrow, at the turn of the moon, a year from this day, it will come. A man does not fly…but one foot moves and then another and one day a man is there, and a king dies." Arya whispers "Jaqen H’ghar", and stuns the man. But Jaqen is unafraid, and a dagger appears in his hand, telling her she would lose her only friend. Arya says that a friend would help her, and Jaqen agrees to help her if she names another name. They go and find Rorge and Biter, and Jaqen tells her, "The hungry gods will feast on blood tonight, if a man would do this thing", but Arya is resolute.

Jaqen brings Arya along, and has her demand several kettles of hot soup from the cooks. Each man takes one of the huge kettles, with Rorge carrying two, and they invade the tower where the prisoners are kept. Boiling soup flies everywhere as the guards are dispatched, and when Rorge unlocks the door to the cells, Robett Glover thanks them and asks if they are from the Brave Companions. Arya is confused, but has no time to ask him what he meant when fighting breaks out in the great castle. Jaqen wipes blood from his sword on Arya’s shift, telling her this is her work. Later, Arya takes back the name, and asks if she still can name a third, but Jaqen responds that she has gotten far more than three deaths. As she watches, Jaqen tells her the debt is paid and that he must die, and his features change as he passes a hand over his face. Arya asks who he is and if she could learn to do the same, but Jaqen tells her she would need to go with him across the narrow sea. He leaves her with a coin, of great value in the right place, and tells her that if she ever needs to find him again, she should give the coin to any man from Braavos, and say "valar morghulis". Jaqen, who claims his name is as dead as Arry, then disappears into the night.

Lord Roose Bolton arrives in the aftermath of the fall of Harrenhal, and Vargo Hoat turns the castle over to him. The prisoners were all a ruse to begin with, and apparently Bolton had bought the services of the Qohorik sellsword. As Roose Bolton takes control of the castle, Shagwell grabs Arya and presents her to her brother Robb's bannerman as the weasel who made the soup. Bolton asks her name, and Arya tells him ‘Nan’. The Lord of the Dreadfort then asks if she is afraid of leeches, for he claims that a man must purge himself of bad blood. When Arya tells him she is not afraid, Bolton names her his cupbearer. The banners over the gatehouse are changed to the flayed man of the Dreadfort and the direwolf of the Starks. Arya watches as the Bloody Mummers parade Ser Amory around naked, then feed him to a caged bear, and she thinks to herself, a bear all in black, like Yoren.

ACOK - Bran 6 by poschti

Bran is once again dreaming through the eyes of Summer, who is alerted by a faint clink, and he and his brother can smell something wrong in the air. The direwolf desperately tries to escape from the godswood, but the gate is locked, so tries to climb a tree to reach the wall, following Bran’s thoughts. Summer falls from the tree, and Bran awakes with a sore shoulder to find a strange man in his room, followed by Theon Greyjoy. Theon, calling himself a prince, tells him that the castle is his now, that his ironmen swam the moat and unlocked the postern gate. His father’s former ward informs him that he must make the people of Winterfell aware that Theon is in command, and that no one will be hurt if they concede. Bran watches as all those whom Jojen saw in his dream die, and all of the crannogman’s words have come true. The sea has come to Winterfell, and Mikken drowns on his own blood as he refuses to bend the knee.[1] Most in the castle defy Theon, but Reek and Osha join his service. Bran is disappointed about the latter, but manages to convince the rest that fighting is not the answer.

olive by wishpath

While beats olives Spanish 45% world's olive produced in Spain year, 14 (or 3.7 gallons) olive oil.

ACOK - Catelyn 6 by poschti

Catelyn reflects on how she has always done her duty, remembering that she never comforted Littlefinger after Brandon had injured him, nor did she bid him farewell when her father sent him off. Later, Maester Vyman shows her a letter from Lord Elwood Meadows, the new castellan at Storm's End. The man does not make note of Edric Storm, and she wonders again why Stannis is so interested in the boy, thinking he might mean to use the boy’s appearance as proof of Joffrey’s ill heritage. Catelyn is considering the nature of bastards and their fathers, and recalls Roose Bolton’s recent missive where he calls his bastard, Ramsay Snow, a boy of tainted blood and that he counts himself "well rid of him". Bolton states that he hopes Robb will weigh his capture of Harrenhal against the crimes of his bastard son.

Catelyn is drawn away as fighting begins across the Red Fork, yet each time Lord Tywin’s troops attempt to cross, Edmure’s men repel them, raining arrows down upon them as they attempt to ford the river. Catelyn is unimpressed despite the victory her brother has won against one of the most famous battlefield commanders alive. She sends wine to Cleos Frey, and then attempts to gain information from him, but the man knows little of use. All she learns is that Ser Cleos saw only Sansa at court, and she looked drawn; Catelyn muses that either Cersei is keeping Arya hidden for fear of what she might say or do, or her younger daughter is dead. Catelyn does consider Tyrion a man who might be trusted at his word, despite what has transpired between the two of them. She then learns the results of the great victory, that Leo Lefford has drowned, Gregor Clegane was badly wounded, and the great knight Strongboar taken captive. Yet despite the fact that they were winning, she is still afraid.

Untitled by user108508

demonstrated demonstrations demoralize denial denounce dental deodorize department dependence dependent deplorable depressed depression deprived descendant descent describe desecration desert desiccate design designated desire despatch desperate despise despotic dessert destabilised destiny destress destruction detach detail deflate deform deities delegate detect curriculum delegation detainees councillor curry delete counsellor curse deliberate countenance cursor deliberately cursory countless countries curtsy curvaceous counterfeit curtail courageous courier cushion delicate delicious delight delightful deliquescence custard delirious courteous custody deliver cousin couture crocker custom customary cyclist delivery demagogue demarcation detective deter detergent deteriorate determination determining deterred deterrent detest detrimental devastation develop development

Untitled by rajprasad27

my name is raj

ACOK - Tyrion 10 by poschti

Tyrion learns from Lancel that the queen intends to hide Tommen away at Rosby under the care of Lord Gyles. He is disturbed that Varys has not learned of this, or decided not to inform him.

Later, Tyrion has Bronn deliver word to Ser Jacelyn Bywater, commanding him to take fifty men and capture Lord Gyles' party, and to expel the garrison and keep Tommen safe at Rosby. He does not want Lord Rosby hurt, nor any killing done in front of Tommen. For this, Ser Jacelyn will earn a lordship. Bronn offers to do the job instead if there's a lordship in it for him, but Tyrion refuses, privately noting that Bywater's men will defend Tommen whereas Bronn's are more likely to sell Tommen to the crown's enemies if the coming battle goes against them.

Tyrion then sets out for Chataya's brothel, but then abandons his patience and rides directly to the manse near the Iron Gate. He finds Shae listening to a singer, and has the man expelled and sworn to silence. When one of the begging brothers appears, Shae recognizes him as Lord Varys. The Spider informs Tyrion that Storm's End has fallen and that Stannis will soon be marching on King's Landing. Tyrion bids Varys to wait at the stables while he talks to Shae.

Once alone, Shae asks Tyrion to make her his lady in court, and even suggests he kill Cersei, but Tyrion tells her, "The man who kills his own blood is cursed forever in the sight of gods and men." When Tyrion proposes to take her to the Red Keep and hide her in the kitchens, Shae balks, and mocks him for being afraid of his father. Tyrion slaps her in the face, telling her never to mock him again. Feeling remorseful, he tells her the story of Tysha and his father’s wrath. He departs to meet Varys at the stables, and the eunuch suggests that Shae be placed as a maidservant to Lady Tanda’s daughter Lollys. Shae would then be able to access the Tower of the Hand through a secret passage, which Tyrion is surprised to learn exists.

Varys then attempts to tell Tyrion how Ser Cortnay died, and when he suggests it was magic, Tyrion disbelieves him. Varys recounts the story of how he came to be a eunuch: that he was a member of a mummers troupe, and that one day in Myr a certain man bought Varys from his master. The sorcerer castrated Varys, and burned the parts, creating a blue flame from which a voice spoke in a language he didn’t comprehend. Varys claims he has hated magic since that day, and means to see Stannis dead if the man practiced magic.

Tyrion is somewhat skeptical, believing it more likely that Stannis has hired a skilled assassin from the Free Cities, musing on how he used to dream of being rich enough one day to hire a Faceless Man to kill his sister. Tyrion's greater concern is that Stannis is now bringing his army to bear against King's Landing, and he is the only one standing in the way of Stannis's victory. With the city's people's hatred for House Lannister and himself in particular at its highest, defeating Stannis seems unlikely.

ACOK - Jon 5 by poschti

Jon hears the call of a warhorn, one blast to signify brothers returning. Qhorin Halfhand has arrived, with 100 men from the Shadow Tower. Qhorin recognizes Jon, and tells him that he knew Lord Eddard and Jon’s grandfather Lord Rickard as well. The men from the Shadow Tower were delayed because they met Alfyn Crowkiller and his men who had been scouting along the Wall. They killed the wildling leader and took some captives, but lost four men in the process. Later, Jon overhears dissent in the ranks as Chett and Lark the Sisterman speak of not going into the Frostfangs, no matter what the Old Bear orders. Jon has given the warhorn he found to Sam, because it is cracked and he could get no sound from it, but Sam likes ancient items.

In Mormont's tent, Jon overhears Qhorin telling Mormont about a captive claiming that Mance Rayder had wargs and mammoths in his army. He also explains that the captive claims the wildlings plan to breach the Wall, not climb it or burrow beneath it. Qhorin tells them that Mance is seeking something in the high, cold places of the Frostfangs, some power or artifact. Qhorin advises the Old Bear to send scouts into the mountains, and Mormont agrees. Jarmen Buckwell will take four men to climb the Giant's Stair, Thoren Smallwood will lead a party to probe the Milkwater, while Qhorin himself will lead a third party into the Skirling Pass. Qhorin immediately chooses Jon Snow as one of his four men, stating, "The old gods are still strong beyond the Wall. The gods of the First Men…and the Starks."

typing test 2 by user109107

this is a test for typing test 2

Untitled by rajprasad27

my name is raj

test 2 by ankitpandya

she will be traveling to europe next month they will be celebrating their anniversary on a cruise

test 1 by ankitpandya

she will be traveling to europe next month they will be celebrating their anniversary on a cruise we will be taking our son to college in september

robot by wishpath

A obey human except where existence. A obey human except where existence.

VOTE JOOD by user109091

Vote Jood For Secretary NOW. WHY? Because she cares. As spiderman once said with great power comes great responsibility. The power is in your hands to choose the best.

The challenge. by cakester.

So if Ventilador giving up an immunity token to DJ Pantspisser doesn't make it obvious that they're so obviously together, I don't know what will. Anyways, here we are. My well-foreshadowed elimination. Getting to the bottom two twice though, I mean I guess it was obvious my luck was running out. But I did still place higher than several others, Doughy included, by doing nothing besides a jigsaw puzzle. DJ, everyone will eventually realize Ventilador is a problem and you won't have him to fall back on later. Godot, you've made it very clear you only voted with me because you would be gone next if I got out (you absolutely would have). It's clear that extra vote token will be used by DJ or Ventilador soon and I wouldn't be surprised if there were others that they're close with as well. (Spoiler alert: I was right.) I mean all that matters is DJ has one less ally with Doughy now gone so you're all welcome for that. Shlodwall was a fucking mess and I'm glad it's dissolved. Too bad DJ is still here, and the fact that he targeted me over Godot despite him literally proving himself to be a potential competition threat is a joke, because I know damn well he's an artist and a (bad) writer. That doesn't matter for me anymore. If he wants to dig his own grave, that's on him.