Benutzerdefinierte Tests

custom practice by aksnair

Hello Jamie, Buyers have 30 days from the estimated delivery date to inform the seller that you didn't receive your item. Here is the link where you can directly open the item not received request. Once a request is opened, sellers have 3 business days to resolve the issue. After that time, the buyer can ask us to step in to help resolve the issue. In rare scenario, where the seller hasn't been able to resolve your problem, you can ask eBay to step in and help via these steps- 1. Find the item in your Purchase History. 2. Select See request details (if your item didn't arrive) or See return details (if you're trying to return an item). 3. Select Ask eBay to step in. We are delighted to tell you that have now been our customer for these many years. We would just like to say thank you for being a part of our family. We are very grateful for your continued patronage because we wouldn't be here without loyal users like you. Thanks and Regards, eBay Customer Service

Daily Typing Task by jugal.patel09

Hello Jamie, Buyers have 30 days from the estimated delivery date to inform the seller that you didn't receive your item. Here is the link where you can directly open the item not received request. Once a request is opened, sellers have 3 business days to resolve the issue. After that time, the buyer can ask us to step in to help resolve the issue. In rare scenario, where the seller hasn't been able to resolve your problem, you can ask eBay to step in and help via these steps- 1. Find the item in your Purchase History. 2. Select See request details (if your item didn't arrive) or See return details (if you're trying to return an item). 3. Select Ask eBay to step in. We are delighted to tell you that have now been our customer for these many years. We would just like to say thank you for being a part of our family. We are very grateful for your continued patronage because we wouldn't be here without loyal users like you. Thanks and Regards, eBay Customer Service

palabras dificiles by mati99

Psicología inconstitucional transubstanciación extraterrestre hipopotomonstrosesquipedaliofobia electroencefalograma otorrinolaringología criptografía hipoglucemia esternocleidomastoideo anticonstitucionalmente paralelepípedo anquilosante quimioautotrófico desoxirribonucleico

art 14 by evelyn23

En materia jurisdiccional, la Corte forma quórum con la presencia de cuatro integrantes. Para la emisión de pronunciamiento válido, se requiere la mayoría absoluta del Cuerpo y de sus votos totalmente concordantes. En caso de empate, el voto del presidente de la Corte es decisivo. Si su voto no es dirimente, la Corte se integra con el número de reemplazantes que sea necesario para lograr mayoría absolutamente concordante en la votación. En todos los casos, la opinión de la mayoría puede ser llevada por uno de los integrantes y la de la minoría, del mismo modo. En materia de Gobierno, la Corte forma quórum con la presencia de cuatro de sus integrantes y las resoluciones se toman por simple mayoría. En caso de empate, el voto del presidente es decisivo. Competencia territorial: Ejerce su competencia funcional, material y personal en todo el territorio de la Provincia.

art 29 by evelyn23

Sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en el artículo anterior, las cámaras con idéntica competencia material con asiento en las cinco circunscripciones judiciales a pedido de la simple mayoría del total de sus jueces, pueden reunirse en tribunal plenario a fin de unificar jurisprudencia o de evitar fallos contradictorios. En este último supuesto, pueden actuar en defecto de caso concreto para fijar la interpretación que se dará en lo sucesivo a una cuestión de derecho. Las decisiones se adoptan por mayoría absoluta de votos totalmente concordantes. De no lograrse ella, se procede a nueva votación entre las dos interpretaciones que más sufragios obtuvieron. En caso de empate, se dispone la integración del Tribunal con el número de jueces de otras cámaras con idéntica
sede a la del tribunal plenario, que sea suficiente para obtener tal mayoría. La interpretación que se establezca mayoritariamente obliga a todos los jueces de todas las cámaras, aunque no hayan participado en la votación respectiva y a los jueces inferiores con idéntica competencia material. Tal interpretación sólo puede ser sometida a revisión a pedido de la simple mayoría de todos los jueces que la componen, después de cinco años de dictado el respectivo acuerdo. El apartamiento de la tesis mayoritaria causa la nulidad del respectivo pronunciamiento.

art 29 by evelyn23

Sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en el artículo anterior, las cámaras con idéntica competencia material con asiento en las cinco circunscripciones judiciales a pedido de la simple mayoría del total de sus jueces, pueden reunirse en tribunal plenario a fin de unificar jurisprudencia o de evitar fallos contradictorios. En este último supuesto, pueden actuar en defecto de caso concreto para fijar la interpretación que se dará en lo sucesivo a una cuestión de derecho.Las decisiones se adoptan por mayoría absoluta de votos totalmente concordantes. De no lograrse ella, se procede a nueva votación entre las dos interpretaciones que más sufragios obtuvieron. En caso de empate, se dispone la integración del Tribunal con el número de jueces de otras cámaras con idéntica
sede a la del tribunal plenario, que sea suficiente para obtener tal mayoría. La interpretación que se establezca mayoritariamente obliga a todos los jueces de todas las cámaras, aunque no hayan participado en la votación respectiva y a los jueces inferiores con idéntica competencia material. Tal interpretación sólo puede ser sometida a revisión a pedido de la simple mayoría de todos los jueces que la componen, después de cinco años de dictado el respectivo acuerdo. El apartamiento de la tesis mayoritaria causa la nulidad del respectivo pronunciamiento.

Cooper Howard by atethatupp

War never changes. You look out at this Wasteland, looks like chaos. But there's always somebody behind the wheel, and that's who I want to talk to. That's where your daddy is headed.

easy one by user108773

En un pequeño pueblo vivia un hombre llamado Carlos que era conocido por su pasion por las estrellas Todas las noches salia al campo para observar el cielo estrellado y estudiar las constelaciones Su amor por la astronomia comenzo cuando era un niño y su padre le regalo un telescopio antiguo Desde entonces Carlos dedico su vida a explorar el universo

Carlos pasaba horas leyendo libros sobre astronomia y aprendiendo todo lo que podia sobre los planetas y las galaxias A menudo organizaba pequeñas charlas en la plaza del pueblo donde compartia sus conocimientos con los vecinos que se reunian para escuchar sus historias fascinantes Todos admiraban su dedicacion y su entusiasmo

Un dia Carlos decidio construir su propio observatorio en el jardin de su casa Reunio materiales reciclados y con la ayuda de algunos amigos logro montar una pequeña cúpula desde donde podia observar el cielo sin interrupciones El observatorio se convirtio en su lugar favorito y pasaba alli la mayor parte de sus noches

Una noche mientras observaba el cielo Carlos noto una luz brillante que se movia rapidamente entre las estrellas Al principio penso que era un satelite pero pronto se dio cuenta de que era algo mas extraordinario Era un cometa que surcaba el cielo con una cola luminosa que dejaba una estela de colores detras de el

Emocionado por el descubrimiento Carlos comenzo a tomar notas y a dibujar la trayectoria del cometa Sabia que era un fenomeno raro y queria documentarlo lo mejor posible para compartirlo con otros astronomos alrededor del mundo Paso semanas siguiendo el cometa y registrando sus observaciones detalladamente

A medida que el cometa se acercaba a la Tierra Carlos invito a los vecinos del pueblo a su observatorio para que pudieran ver el espectaculo con sus propios ojos Todos estaban maravillados al ver el cometa brillar en el cielo nocturno Era una experiencia unica y Carlos se sintio feliz de poder compartirla con su comunidad

El cometa fue visible durante varias semanas y Carlos aprovecho cada oportunidad para estudiarlo Mas tarde envio sus hallazgos a un grupo de astronomos profesionales quienes se mostraron impresionados por su dedicacion y precision Gracias a sus esfuerzos Carlos recibio una invitacion para asistir a una conferencia internacional de astronomia

La conferencia fue una experiencia inolvidable para Carlos Tuvo la oportunidad de conocer a expertos en astronomia de todo el mundo y aprender sobre los ultimos descubrimientos y avances en el campo Carlos compartio sus propias observaciones sobre el cometa y recibio elogios por su trabajo detallado y su pasion por la astronomia

Despues de la conferencia Carlos regreso a su pueblo con nuevas ideas y proyectos para seguir explorando el universo Su amor por las estrellas nunca disminuyo y continuo compartiendo su conocimiento y entusiasmo con todos los que conocia

Con el tiempo Carlos se convirtio en una figura legendaria en su comunidad Su dedicacion y pasion inspiraron a muchos jovenes a interesarse por la astronomia y a perseguir sus propios sueños de explorar el cosmos Y asi su legado perdura iluminando el camino para futuras generaciones de astronomos

Untitled by user108777

studying is the main source of knowledge book are indeed never failing friends of man for a mature mind reading is the greatest source of pleasure and solace to distressed minds the study of good books ennobles us and broadens our outlook therefore the habit of reading should be cultivated a cultivated a student should never confine himself to his schoolbooks only he should not miss the pleasure locked in the classics poetry drama history philosophy etc

MEA by cdgoodwyn

minimum enroute altitude
expected fly the altitude atc advised you to expect in a further clearance
assigned fly the last altitude assigned by atc

AVEF by cdgoodwyn

assigned fly last assigned route
vectored if being vectored fly direct to fix route or airway specified in clearance
expected fly route atc advised you to expect in a further clearance
filed if no assigned vectored or expected route fly route filed in flight plan

The Lion King by user108774

The story is set against a backdrop of stunning landscapes, from the golden savannahs to the lush jungle. Mufasa and his queen, Sarabi, are eagerly awaiting the birth of their first cub, who is destined to become the next king.As Mufasa’s pride celebrates the arrival of their son, Simba, the entire kingdom gathers to welcome the new heir. The presentation of Simba is a grand event, with animals from all corners of the Pride Lands coming to pay their respects. This scene, set to the iconic song "Circle of Life," underscores the theme of interconnectedness and the natural order of the animal kingdom.Simba grows up under the watchful eye of his father, learning about the responsibilities and duties that come with being a future king. Mufasa teaches Simba important lessons about the balance of nature and the circle of life, emphasizing that all creatures are connected and that a king’s role is to maintain harmony in the kingdom.Simba’s curiosity often leads him into mischief, much to the chagrin of his father. His close bond with his friend Nala, a lioness cub from the neighboring pride, leads to adventures that often test their limits. Together, they explore forbidden areas, including the Elephant Graveyard, where they encounter the hyenas Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed. Their daring exploration nearly costs them their lives, but Mufasa arrives just in time to save them, reinforcing the importance of heeding wise counsel.Simba’s uncle, Scar, harbors deep resentment towards Mufasa and Simba. Scar is envious of the throne and feels overshadowed by his brother’s rule. His cunning and manipulative nature are apparent as he plots to usurp the throne. Scar’s jealousy drives him to conspire against Mufasa and Simba.Scar’s opportunity arises when he devises a plan to eliminate both Mufasa and Simba. He lures Simba into a trap by staging a stampede in the gorge where Simba is playing. The stampede is a disastrous event, and Mufasa bravely rushes to save his son. Despite his heroism, Mufasa is thrown into the gorge by the wildebeests and falls to his death.The film’s legacy extends beyond its initial release, having inspired numerous adaptations, including a successful Broadway musical, a 2019 live-action remake, and various spin-offs and merchandise. Its universal themes and emotional depth have made it a beloved classic for audiences of all ages.In summary, The Lion King is a powerful story of a young lion’s journey from exile to redemption, emphasizing the importance of accepting one's responsibilities and embracing the interconnectedness of all life. Its timeless narrative and evocative music continue to resonate with audiences, solidifying its place as one of the most cherished films in Disney’s history.

The Lion King by user108774

The Lion King is a classic Disney animated film that tells a compelling story of responsibility, redemption, and the circle of life through the lens of a young lion cub's journey to reclaim his destiny. Released in 1994, the film has left an enduring legacy with its memorable characters, stunning animation, and evocative soundtrack.The film begins in the Pride Lands of Africa, where the majestic lion, Mufasa, rules over the animal kingdom with wisdom and justice. The story is set against a backdrop of stunning landscapes, from the golden savannahs to the lush jungle. Mufasa and his queen, Sarabi, are eagerly awaiting the birth of their first cub, who is destined to become the next king.As Mufasa’s pride celebrates the arrival of their son, Simba, the entire kingdom gathers to welcome the new heir. The presentation of Simba is a grand event, with animals from all corners of the Pride Lands coming to pay their respects. This scene, set to the iconic song "Circle of Life," underscores the theme of interconnectedness and the natural order of the animal kingdom.Simba grows up under the watchful eye of his father, learning about the responsibilities and duties that come with being a future king. Mufasa teaches Simba important lessons about the balance of nature and the circle of life, emphasizing that all creatures are connected and that a king’s role is to maintain harmony in the kingdom.Simba’s curiosity often leads him into mischief, much to the chagrin of his father. His close bond with his friend Nala, a lioness cub from the neighboring pride, leads to adventures that often test their limits. Together, they explore forbidden areas, including the Elephant Graveyard, where they encounter the hyenas Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed. Their daring exploration nearly costs them their lives, but Mufasa arrives just in time to save them, reinforcing the importance of heeding wise counsel.Simba’s uncle, Scar, harbors deep resentment towards Mufasa and Simba. Scar is envious of the throne and feels overshadowed by his brother’s rule. His cunning and manipulative nature are apparent as he plots to usurp the throne. Scar’s jealousy drives him to conspire against Mufasa and Simba.Scar’s opportunity arises when he devises a plan to eliminate both Mufasa and Simba. He lures Simba into a trap by staging a stampede in the gorge where Simba is playing. The stampede is a disastrous event, and Mufasa bravely rushes to save his son. Despite his heroism, Mufasa is thrown into the gorge by the wildebeests and falls to his death.The film’s legacy extends beyond its initial release, having inspired numerous adaptations, including a successful Broadway musical, a 2019 live-action remake, and various spin-offs and merchandise. Its universal themes and emotional depth have made it a beloved classic for audiences of all ages.In summary, The Lion King is a powerful story of a young lion’s journey from exile to redemption, emphasizing the importance of accepting one's responsibilities and embracing the interconnectedness of all life. Its timeless narrative and evocative music continue to resonate with audiences, solidifying its place as one of the most cherished films in Disney’s history.

Our DNA by andre.figueira.fabbrica

Preparation guided by entrepreneurship | One apple a day | Get best sources and guidance

ER Scribe Note 1 by notnert

Patient is a 61 y/o M with a h/o HTN and CAD, presenting to the resuscitation bay for sudden onset substernal chest pain while sitting down watching television tonight. He describes his pain as a sharp and squeezing sensation, rated a 9/10 which radiates to his L arm and jaw. He has had nausea and vomiting x1. The patient noted no improvement with drinking water at home, but upon EMS arrival he was given sublingual NTG with brief improvement before his pain returned. No reported aggravating factors. He denies having this previously and has no other concerns or complaints.

sale2 by beleben

Traffic flowed well during the afternoon but declined in the evening, mirroring the trends seen across the mall and among competitor brands. The predominant customer groups were local and Chinese, many of whom came to check prices and take advantage of birthday promotions. Sales from local customers made up 65% of our total, but the overall figures were lower than anticipated, largely due to the weekend and limited stock availability.

Autonomous by thabomiles1

Auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto. Autonomous, autonomous, autonomous, autonomous, autonomous, autonomous, autonomous. Auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto, auto. Automatic, automatic, automatic, automatic, automatic, automatic, automatic. Fully autonomous vehicles (driverless cars), fully autonomous vehicles (driverless cars), fully autonomous vehicles (driverless cars), fully autonomous vehicles (driverless cars)

Sales report1 by beleben

Today's traffic was smooth, steady, and heavier than usual, with peak periods occurring after midday. The majority of our clients were Chinese visitors, along with a few local customers. Local patrons contributed significantly to our sales, accounting for 65% of the total revenue. The new arrivals and replenishments garnered immediate and strong attention from customers as soon as they were stocked and displayed. Unfortunately, most of the missed sales were due to belts being unavailable in certain sizes.

eBay by jawed25

Hello Jamie, Buyers have 30 days from the estimated delivery date to inform the seller that you didn't receive your item. Here is the link where you can directly open the item not received request. Once a request is opened, sellers have 3 business days to resolve the issue. After that time, the buyer can ask us to step in to help resolve the issue. In rare scenario, where the seller hasn't been able to resolve your problem, you can ask eBay to step in and help via these steps- 1. Find the item in your Purchase History. 2. Select See request details (if your item didn't arrive) or See return details (if you're trying to return an item). 3. Select Ask eBay to step in. We are delighted to tell you that have now been our customer for these many years. We would just like to say thank you for being a part of our family. We are very grateful for your continued patronage because we wouldn't be here without loyal users like you. Thanks and Regards, eBay Customer Service

Email by pc8598

Hello Jamie, Buyers have 30 days from the estimated delivery date to inform the seller that you didn't receive your item. Here is the link where you can directly open the item not received request. Once a request is opened, sellers have 3 business days to resolve the issue. After that time, the buyer can ask us to step in to help resolve the issue. In rare scenario, where the seller hasn't been able to resolve your problem, you can ask eBay to step in and help via these steps- 1. Find the item in your Purchase History. 2. Select See request details (if your item didn't arrive) or See return details (if you're trying to return an item). 3. Select Ask eBay to step in. We are delighted to tell you that have now been our customer for these many years. We would just like to say thank you for being a part of our family. We are very grateful for your continued patronage because we wouldn't be here without loyal users like you. Thanks and Regards, eBay Customer Service