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Python 3 - 20m by user964057

These days, being able to code is like having a superpower in the digital world. And guess what? Python is the superhero language that opens up a whole universe of opportunities.

Companies are actively searching for talented individuals who can wield the power of Python to tackle complex problems, spark innovation, and deliver real results.

Python has solidified its position as the go-to language for ambitious professionals who want to make a mark, whether they’re crafting stunning websites, diving into data analysis, venturing into the realms of artificial intelligence, or automating tedious tasks.

In simpler terms, Python is like a superhero that companies are desperately seeking to save the day. The skills you acquire in Python can open doors to countless opportunities, giving you a competitive edge in the job market and beyond.

In this ever-evolving guide, we’re going to show you how to unlock the true potential of Python and turn your coding skills into a cash-making machine.
Market Demand For Python

The demand for Python skills is soaring to new heights. There’s a welcoming entry point for both beginners and seasoned developers alike. No matter your background or experience level, you can leverage Python to transform your passion for coding into a profitable venture.

But what exactly makes Python such a sought-after and lucrative skill to master?

Well, it all comes down to the high demand for Python developers and freelancers in different industries. Companies and organizations are looking for talented individuals who can use Python to solve complex problems, come up with innovative ideas, and add real value to their work.

One of the reasons why Python is in such high demand is because it’s really easy to learn and use. The way Python is written makes it simple and straightforward, even for beginners. This means that anyone who wants to start coding can quickly grasp the basics and start building their skills with confidence.

Another reason why Python is so sought-after is its versatility. Python can be used in many different areas, like creating websites, analyzing data, building artificial intelligence systems, and automating tasks. It has a whole bunch of tools and resources that make it really flexible and powerful.

Just about every industry you can think of has realized how awesome Python is. Tech giants, startups, research institutions, finance, healthcare, and even the creative industries are all on the lookout for people who know Python.

With Python, you can create cool web applications, dig into big data to find important information, and so much more. The possibilities are endless!
How to Turn Your Python Skills Into a Cash Venture

If you are looking to code your way to wealth, Python is a great language to learn. There are many ways to make money with Python skills. Here are the top options on the list:

Become a Python Writer

Becoming a Python writer is an exciting opportunity to combine your passion for Python programming with your love for writing. As a Python writer, you can create informative and engaging content about Python-related topics, tutorials, and guides.

You have the chance to share your knowledge and expertise with others, helping them learn and master Python. Python’s popularity and versatility ensure a wide audience for your writing, ranging from beginners to experienced developers.

To become a successful Python writer, it’s important to sharpen your writing skills and stay updated with the latest advancements in Python. This will help you build a solid reputation as a trusted Python writer. You can share your work on different platforms, such as blogs, online publications, or even by self-publishing your own content.

Freelance as a Python developer

Freelancing as a Python developer means you can work on different projects and team up with clients from all over the world. Python is a popular programming language with many uses, so there are lots of freelance jobs available.

You can specialize in niches such as creating websites, analyzing data, or automating tasks. If you do a good job and build a strong portfolio, you can get more clients and charge higher prices.

Freelancing as a Python developer lets you be in charge of your career, work on exciting projects, and make a good income with your Python skills.

Develop Python-based Products and Tools for Profit

Python is a versatile and powerful programming language that can be used to create a wide range of products and tools. This makes it a great way to monetize your Python skills.

There are many different types of Python-based products and tools that you can develop. For example, you could develop:

Mobile apps
Web applications
Data analysis tools
Automation scripts
Educational software
Business software.

The possibilities are endless.

The key to developing successful Python-based products and tools is to identify market needs and leverage your Python expertise. This means understanding what problems people are facing and how Python can be used to solve them.

Once you have identified a market need, you can start developing a product or tool that addresses it. It is important to offer customization, support, and regular updates to your products and tools. This will help you establish a loyal customer base and generate recurring revenue.

Developing Python-based products and tools is a great way to showcase your skills, provide practical solutions, and profit from the demand for efficient and effective software solutions.

Provide Python Consulting and Training Services

As a Python consultant, you can offer your expertise to people or companies that need help with Python projects or problem-solving. This might involve reviewing their code, making it run faster, or giving advice on how to design programs.

As a Python trainer, you can teach Python to beginners or more advanced learners through workshops, courses, or one-on-one lessons.

By sharing what you know, you can earn money while helping others grow. Python consulting and training is a way to turn your passion for Python into a business and make a positive impact in the Python community.

Contribute to open-source Python projects

Contributing to open-source Python projects is not only a rewarding way to enhance your coding skills but can also open doors to new opportunities and potential earnings.

Open-source projects are software projects that are developed and maintained by a community of volunteers. This means that there is always a need for new contributors, and your contributions can be a valuable asset to the project.

When you join these projects, you get to collaborate with a community of developers, share your knowledge, and contribute to the improvement of widely-used Python software. Your contributions can range from fixing bugs and adding new features to improving documentation or helping with testing.

Not only does this provide valuable experience, but it also helps you establish credibility within the Python community.

Also, showcasing your involvement in open-source projects on your resume or portfolio can attract attention from employers or clients who value your active participation in the open-source community.

Leverage Python in Data Analysis and Automation

Using Python for data analysis and automation can help you turn your Python skills into a money-making adventure. Data analysis and automation are in high demand, as businesses and individuals constantly look for ways to make better decisions based on data and streamline their processes.

Python’s libraries and tools make it a go-to language for handling and analyzing large datasets. With Python, you can extract valuable insights, spot trends, and make informed decisions based on data. Python’s automation capabilities allow you to streamline repetitive tasks, saving time and increasing productivity.

You can leverage Python in data analysis and automation to offer your expertise to businesses and individuals who need help with data-driven decision-making and process optimization. This opens up opportunities for freelance projects, consulting gigs, or even building your own data-driven products or services.


Monday TEST by user108169

Rev 1:1~3 - 1 The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John, 2 who testifies to everything he saw--that is, the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. 3 Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.

Rev 2:17 - 17 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it.

Rev 2:26~27 - 26 To him who overcomes and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations-- 27 'He will rule them with an iron scepter; he will dash them to pieces like pottery'--just as I have received authority from my Father.

Rev 3:12 - 12 Him who overcomes I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will he leave it. I will write on him the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, "Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this."

Rev 5:9~10 - 9 And they sang a new song: "You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation. 10 You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth."

Rev 6:1~2 - I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, "Come!" 2 I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest.

Rev 6:12~13 - I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind.

Rev 7:3~4 - Do not harm the land or the sea or the trees until we put a seal on the foreheads of the servants of our God. 4Then I heard the number of those who were sealed: him my new name. 144,000 from all the tribes of Israel.

Rev 7:14 - 14 I answered, "Sir, you know." And he said, "These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

Wednesday TEST by user108169

Rev 8:1~2 - 1 When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. 2 And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets.

Rev 9:1 - The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss.

Rev 9:14~16 - 14 It said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, "Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates." 15 And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind. 16 The number of the mounted troops was two hundred million. I heard their number.

Rev 10:1~2 - 1 Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven. He was robed in a cloud, with a rainbow above his head; his face was like the sun, and his legs were like fiery pillars. 2 He was holding a little scroll, which lay open in his hand. He planted his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land, But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the prophets."

Rev 10:10~11 - 10 I took the little scroll from the angel's hand and ate it. It tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned sour. 11 Then I was told, "You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages and kings."

Rev 11:1~2 - 1 I was given a reed like a measuring rod and was told, "Go and measure the temple of God and the altar, and count the worshipers there. 2 But exclude the outer court; do not measure it, because it has been given to the Gentiles. They will trample on the holy city for 42 months.

Rev 11:15 - 15 The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever."

Rev 12:5 - 5 She gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne.

Rev 12:10~11 - 10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: "Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ. For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. 11 They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.

Rev 13:1~2 - 1And the dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. 2 The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.

Rev 13:16~18 - 16 He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. 18 This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.

qaz practice by user904591

qazqaz qaz qaz zaqzaq zaq zaq azqazq azq azq qzaq qzaq qazq qazq aqzq aqzq aqzqaqzzzqaqz azqaqzqaqzqaq QAZ QAZ QAZQAZ ZAQZAQ ZAQ ZAQ aQz AqZ aQz AqZ QAZQAZQAZQAZQAZZQAAQAAQZAQZAQZQAZAQZQ QZAQZQZAQZAQZAQZQAZQAZ ZzazZQzzqZqZqZqZQzAZqAzqaQAZQAzZqz Zq ZQ Zz Q qA aa Q A aZZq zqaz AZQqzZQAzA aq zzqzQzaaZAQ z QZAzaq ZZQ ZQ Qaz

Quotes by user108146

It could not have been ten seconds, and yet it seemed a long time that their hands were clasped together. He had time to learn every detail of her hand. He explored the long fingers, the shapely nails, the work-hardened palm with its row of callouses, the smooth flesh under the wrist.

Quotes by user108146

It could not have been ten seconds, and yet it seemed a long time that their hands were clasped together. He had time to learn every detail of her hand. He explored the long fingers, the shapely nails, the work-hardened palm with its row of callouses, the smooth flesh under the wrist. Merely from feeling it he would have known it by sight. In the same instant it occurred to him that he did not know what colour the girl's eyes were.

Problem keys 7/9/24 by goatz_yt

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog, but why exactly does it do so? My big green Mazda whizzed by swiftly, zigzagging down the bumpy road. Jessica exclaimed with joy as she discovered a shiny gem buried in the mud. Dexter's jazz band plays with zest, bringing much excitement to the crowd. The gym buzzes with activity, showcasing various exercises. Be mindful of the dynamic landscape while exploring the vast wilderness. Some exotic birds, like the zebra finch, exhibit vibrant colors and sing melodiously. Waving goodbye, the merry wizard vanished into the mist, leaving behind a book of magical spells.

Quotes by user108146

It could not have been ten seconds, and yet it seemed a long time that their hands were clasped together. He had time to learn every detail of her hand. He explored the long fingers, the shapely nails, the work-hardened palm with its row of callouses, the smooth flesh under the wrist. Merely from feeling it he would have known it by sight. In the same instant it occurred to him that he did not know what colour the girl's eyes were. They were probably brown, but people with dark hair sometimes had blue eyes. To turn his head and look at her would have been inconceivable folly. With hands locked together, invisible among the press of bodies, they stared steadily in front of them, and instead of the eyes of the girl, the eyes of the aged prisoner gazed mournfully at Winston out of nests of hair.

agoda test by danicao.

this is another test text for the agoda retro olymipcs

Евреям 12 by user73629

Посему и мы, имея вокруг себя такое облако свидетелей, свергнем с себя всякое бремя и запинающий нас грех и с терпением будем проходить предлежащее нам поприще,
взирая на начальника и совершителя веры Иисуса, Который, вместо предлежавшей Ему радости, претерпел крест, пренебрегши посрамление, и воссел одесную престола Божия.
Помыслите о Претерпевшем такое над Собою поругание от грешников, чтобы вам не изнемочь и не ослабеть душами вашими.
Вы еще не до крови сражались, подвизаясь против греха,
и забыли утешение, которое предлагается вам, как сынам: сын мой! не пренебрегай наказания Господня, и не унывай, когда Он обличает тебя.
Ибо Господь, кого любит, того наказывает; бьет же всякого сына, которого принимает.
Если вы терпите наказание, то Бог поступает с вами, как с сынами. Ибо есть ли какой сын, которого бы не наказывал отец?
Если же остаетесь без наказания, которое всем обще, то вы незаконные дети, а не сыны.
Притом, если мы, будучи наказываемы плотскими родителями нашими, боялись их, то не гораздо ли более должны покориться Отцу духов, чтобы жить?
Те наказывали нас по своему произволу для немногих дней; а Сей – для пользы, чтобы нам иметь участие в святости Его.
Всякое наказание в настоящее время кажется не радостью, а печалью; но после наученным через него доставляет мирный плод праведности.
Итак укрепите опустившиеся руки и ослабевшие колени
и ходите прямо ногами вашими, дабы хромлющее не совратилось, а лучше исправилось.
Старайтесь иметь мир со всеми и святость, без которой никто не увидит Господа.
Наблюдайте, чтобы кто не лишился благодати Божией; чтобы какой горький корень, возникнув, не причинил вреда, и чтобы им не осквернились многие;
чтобы не было между вами какого блудника, или нечестивца, который бы, как Исав, за одну снедь отказался от своего первородства.
Ибо вы знаете, что после того он, желая наследовать благословение, был отвержен; не мог переменить мыслей отца, хотя и просил о том со слезами.
Вы приступили не к горе, осязаемой и пылающей огнем, не ко тьме и мраку и буре,
не к трубному звуку и гласу глаголов, который слышавшие просили, чтобы к ним более не было продолжаемо слово,
ибо они не могли стерпеть того, что заповедуемо было: если и зверь прикоснется к горе, будет побит камнями (или поражен стрелою);
и столь ужасно было это видение, что и Моисей сказал: «я в страхе и трепете».
Но вы приступили к горе Сиону и ко граду Бога живаго, к небесному Иерусалиму и тьмам Ангелов,
к торжествующему собору и церкви первенцев, написанных на небесах, и к Судии всех Богу, и к духам праведников, достигших совершенства,
и к Ходатаю нового завета Иисусу, и к Крови кропления, говорящей лучше, нежели Авелева.
Смотрите, не отвратитесь и вы от говорящего. Если те, не послушав глаголавшего на земле, не избегли наказания, то тем более не избежим мы, если отвратимся от Глаголющего с небес,
Которого глас тогда поколебал землю, и Который ныне дал такое обещание: еще раз поколеблю не только землю, но и небо.
Слова: «еще раз» означают изменение колеблемого, как сотворенного, чтобы пребыло непоколебимое.
Итак мы, приемля царство непоколебимое, будем хранить благодать, которою будем служить благоугодно Богу, с благоговением и страхом,
потому что Бог наш есть огнь поядающий.

Untitled by krish20241107

बाँकेको बैद्यनाथ गाउँपालिका–७ का गणेश ठकुरीकी श्रीमती तीन महिनाअघि माइत जान्छु भनेर चार वर्षीय छोरासहित घरबाट हिंडिन्। श्रीमती केही समयमै सम्पर्कविहीन भए पनि माइतमै होलिन् भनेर ठकुरी ढुक्क जस्तै थिए तर जति गर्दा पनि सम्पर्क नभएपछि रोजगारीका लागि भारतमा रहेका ठकुरी चार दिनमै नेपाल फर्केर सोधीखोजीमा लागे। यतिञ्जेलसम्म उनकी श्रीमती भुटानमा बेचिइसकेकी थिइन्। यसबारे जानकारी पाएपछि उनी छाँगाबाट खसेजस्तै भए।

“गत वैशाख ५ गते माइत जान्छु भनेर चार वर्षीय छोरासहित श्रीमती घरबाट निस्किएकी थिइन्। माइत पुगेर फोन गरिनन्, मैले गर्दा पनि सम्पर्क हुन सकेन। त्यतिबेला म रोजगारीका लागि भारत गएको थिएँ। श्रीमती सम्पर्कमा नआएपछि चार दिनमै घर फर्किएर बुझ्दा त श्रीमती र छोरालाई दलालले भुटान लगेर बेचिसकेका रहेछन्”, ठकुरीले भने।

ठकुरीले दिएको जानकारीअनुसार उनकी श्रीमती जेठानी दिदीसँग घरबाट निस्के पनि नजिकैको मदनचोक बजार पुगेपछि एकाएक सम्पर्कविहीन भएकी थिइन्। बुझ्दै जाँदा नेपालगञ्जकी रमिला विक नाम गरेकी एक महिलाले तीस हजार भारतीय रुपैयाँमा श्रीमती बेचबिखन गरेको थाहा पाएको उनको भनाइ छ।

“श्रीमती र छोराका बारेमा जानकारी प्राप्त गर्न हामीले फेसबुकमार्फत हराएको सूचना सार्वजनिक गरेका थियौँ। त्यही सूचनाको आधारमा भुटानमा गाडी चलाउने नेपाली सावारी चालक सुरज विकमार्फत खबर पाएपछि भुटानमा बेचिएको थाहा भयो”, गणेशले सुनाए,“सामाजिक सञ्जालमा मेरो अन्तर्वार्ता र फोन नम्बर भेटेपछि उनले बन्दी बनाएर राखेको घर नजिकै श्रीमती र छोरालाई देखेको भनेर खबर गर्नुभएको थियो।”

सामाजिक सञ्जालमा राखिएको तस्बिरअनुसार सोधीखोजी गर्दा ठेगाना र नामसमेत मिलेको भनेर विकले आफूलाई जानकारी गराएको ठकुरीले बताए। “उहाँलाई श्रीमतीले जतिसक्दो चाँडो उद्धारका लागि पहिल गरिदिन र छोराको स्वस्थ्य अवस्था पनि ठीक नभएको खबर गरेकी रहिछन्, त्यसयता उद्धारका लागि प्रहरी प्रशासनमा धाइरहेका छौँ तर जति प्रयास गर्दा पनि कुनै निकायबाट सहयोग पाएका छैनौँ”, उनले गुनासाे गरे।

सोही वडाका अध्यक्ष दिनेशकुमार थारुले उद्धारका लागि वडा र पालिकामा खबर गरेको पुष्टि गरे। “यस खबरले हामी पनि चकित भएका छौँ। उहाँकी श्रीमती हामीले चिनेकी र राम्रो छवि भएकी महिला हुन् तर कसरी भुटानमा बेचिनुभयो? हाम्रा लागि पनि खोजी र चासोको विषय बनेको छ”, वडाध्यक्ष थारुको भनाइ छ,“खबर पाएदेखि खोजतलासका लागि चारैतिर पहल गरिरहेका छौँ तर सफल भएका छैनौँ।”

उद्धारका लागि नेपाल प्रहरी र पालिकाको वैदेशिक रोजगार शाखामार्फत समन्वय भइरहेको उनले बताए। “वैदेशिक रोजगार शाखा संयोजक धनबहादुर विकसँग समन्वय गरी सबै ठाउँमा सोधपुछ गर्दा भुटानमा रहेको निश्चित भएको छ। अब जतिसक्दो छिटो प्रहरी प्रशासनको सहयोगमा नेपाल झिकाउने प्रयासमा लागेका छौं।”

इलाका प्रहरी कार्यालय कोहलपुरका निमित्त प्रहरी प्रमुख प्रहरी निरीक्षक देवराज भट्टराईले ‘श्रीमती लापत्ता भएको र खोजी गरी पाऊँ’ भनी उजुरी प्राप्त भए पनि भुटानमा बेचिएको बारेमा लिखित जानकारी नआएको बताए। भुटानमा बेचिएको वा बन्दी बनाएको उजुरी आएमा प्रहरीले तदारूकताका साथ सोधिखोजी गर्ने पनि उनले बताए।

Untitled by krish20241107

प्यूठान — बिहीबार सार्वजनिक भएको माध्यमिक शिक्षा परीक्षा (एसईई) नतिजामा प्यूठानका १८ विद्यालयको नतिजा शून्य आएको छ । जिल्लाभर १२ वटा विद्यालयमा जम्मा एक जनामात्रै उत्तीर्ण भएका छन् ।

एसईई : प्यूठानका १८ विद्यालयको नतिजा शून्य, १२ वटामा १/१ जना उत्तीर्ण

शिक्षा विकास तथा समन्वय ईकाइका अनुसार जिल्लाभर १८ विद्यालयका कुनै पनि विद्यार्थी परीक्षामा उत्तीर्ण भएनन् । ३ हजार ६ सय ८० परिक्षार्थी सहभागी भएकोमा जिल्लाबाट ४ सय ४४ जनामात्रै उत्तीर्ण भएका हुन् । सबैभन्दा कम ऐरावती गाउँपालिकाभरिबाट ३ सय १९ विद्यार्थी परीक्षामा सहभागी भएकोमा १ जनामात्रै उत्तीर्ण भएको शिक्षा विकास तथा समन्वय इकाई प्यूठानका प्रमुख दुर्गाबहादुर खड्काले जानकारी दिए । ऐरावती गाउँपालिकाका ७ विद्यालयमध्ये ६ वटाको नतिजा शून्य आएको छ ।

यस्तै नौबहिनी गाउँपालिकामा ५ सय ५ जना परीक्षामा सहभागी भएकोमा १३ जनामात्रै उत्तीर्ण भएका छन् । नौबहिनीमा ६ विद्यालयको नतिजा शून्य आएको छ । यहाँका १० विद्यालय परीक्षामा सहभागी भएका थिए । प्यूठान नगरपालिकाको १, माण्डवी गाउँपालिकामा २, सरुमारानी गाउँपालिकाको १ र स्वर्गद्वारी नगरपालिकाका २ गरी १८ विद्यालयको नतिजा शून्य आएको हो ।

नतिजा शून्य नतिजा ल्याउनेमा स्वर्गद्वारी नगरपालिकाको बाल संस्कृत मावि धरमपानी र नेरा मावि कोचिबाङ पनि छन् । बाल संस्कृत माविमा ३८ र नेरा माविमा २१ जना परीक्षामा सहभागी भएका थिए ।

यस्तै ४० विद्यार्थी सहभागी भएको सरुमारानी गाउँपालिकाको खडकेश्वरी मावि, ३२ विद्यार्थी सहभागी भएको माण्डवी गाउँपालिकाको गणेश मावि तिराम र २८ परीक्षार्थी रहेको सुन्नानी मावि मर्कावाङको पनि नतिजा शून्य छ । त्यसबाहेक प्यूठान नगरपालिकाको सिद्ध माविका ३२ जना विद्यार्थी उत्तीर्ण भएनन् ।

नौबहिनी गाउँपालिकाको अन्धनाशक मावि, शिव मावि, जनज्योति मावि, बराह मावि, गावै मावि र लुप्लुङ माविको पनि नतिजा शून्य आएको छ । यस्तै ऐरावती गाउँपालिकाको जनता मावि बिजुली, महेन्द्र मावि सरंगबेंसी, दांगवाङ मावि, मोती मावि, पद्योदय मावि र जनकल्याण माविको पनि नतिजा शून्य आएको हो ।

यस्तै प्यूठान जिल्लाभर १२ वटा विद्यालयमा जम्मा एक जनामात्रै उत्तीर्ण भएका छन् । १ सय २० विद्यालयमध्ये १८ वटाको नतिजा शून्य आएको छ । १२ विद्यालयमा १ एक जनामात्रै उत्तीर्ण भएको शिक्षा विकास तथा समन्वय इकाई प्यूठानका प्रमुख दुर्गाबहादुर खड्काले बताए ।

Tonight by huseyinseber

Dr Tomas Streyer looked around the control room at his team of scientists and engineers. He was excited and frightened but he tried to seem calm. In a few minutes, they might start to discover something amazing: how the universe began.

He looked out of the window at the beautiful blue summer sky and tried to breathe slowly.

'Ready,' he said. He pressed the first button and the complicated computers and machines came to life.

'Set,' he said. He pressed the second button and switched on the large particle accelerator that lay under the towns and fields of Switzerland.

Word List 10 by barron

anarchist /a-naar-kuhst/ n. person who seeks to overturn the established government; advocate for abolishing authority. Denying she was an anarchist, Katya maintained she wished only to make changes in our government, not to destroy it entirely.
anathema /uh-na-thuh-muh/ n. solemn curse; someone or something regarded as a curse. The Ayatolla Khomeini heaped anathema upon "the Great Satan," that is, the United States.
anchor /ang-kr/ v. secure or fasten firmly; be fixed in place. We set the post in concrete to anchor it in place.
anecdote /a-nuhk-dowt/ n. short account of an amusing or interesting event. Rather than make a concrete proposals for welfare reform, President Reagan told anecdotes about poor people who became wealthy despite their impoverished backgrounds.
anesthetic /a-nuhs-thet-tuhk/ n. substance that removes sensation with or without loss of consciousness. His monotonous voice acted like an anesthetic; his audience was soon asleep.
angular /ang-gyoo-lr/ adj. sharp-cornered; stiff in manner. Mr. Spock's features, though angular, were curiously attractive, in a Vulcan way.
animosity /a-nuh-maa-suh-tee/ n. active enmity. He incurred the animosity of the ruling class because he advocated limitations of their power.
annals /a-nuhlz/ n. records; history. In the annals of this period, we find no mention of democratic movements.
annihilate /uh-nai-uh-layt/ v. destroy. The enemy in its revenge tried to annihilate the entire population.
annuity /uh-noo-uh-tee/ n. yearly allowance. The annuity he setup with the insurance company supplements his social security benefits so that he can live very comfortably without working.
anoint /uh-noynt/ v. consecrate. The prophet Samuel anointed David with oil, crowning him king of Israel.

for Loop Race by user108149

for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) for(int i = n; i >= 0; i--) for(int j = i; j < n; j++)

P.B.S by zara2hyper

It took too long, it took too long, it took too long for you to call back
And normally I would just forget that
Except for the fact it was my birthday
My stupid birthday

Orange juice by zara2hyper

You turn oranges to orange juice
Into there, then spit it out of you
Your body is imperfectly perfect
Everyone wants what the other one's working
No orange juice
Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ
Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ
Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ
Ee, ah, ee, ah, OJ

sippy cup by zara2hyper

Blood still stains when the sheets are washed
Sex don't sleep when the lights are off
Kids are still depressed when you dress them up
And syrup is still syrup in a sippy cup
He's still dead when you're done with the bottle
Of course, it's a corpse that you keep in the cradle
Kids are still depressed when you dress them up
Syrup is still syrup in a sippy cup

when I look at you by zara2hyper

'Cause there is no guarantee...That this life is easy. Yeah, when my world is falling apart. When there's no light to break up the dark, That's when I, I, I look at you. When the waves are flooding the shore, and I can't find my way home anymore. That's when I, I, I look at you

when I look at you by zara2hyper

'Cause there is no guarantee
That this life is easy
Yeah, when my world is falling apart
When there's no light to break up the dark
That's when I, I
I look at you
When the waves
Are flooding the shore and I can't
Find my way home anymore
That's when I, I
I look at you