Hunted - 55ekim

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von 55ekim
I don't know what I'm doing here or how I got here, but I do know that I'm being hunted. I can tell from the look on the guy's face at the other side of the bar, and the way that the man walking by is glancing at me. I also have a feeling that pretty soon, this shop is not going to be quite as it is now.

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bvw 5 Jahre, 5 Monate vor
Everybody wants you. The attraction of all chase scenes in movies. The inversion, the deconstruction varies but usually lust for such scenes, as this quore is one example of, reflects that you need to fortify your own self-confidence -- the real foundations, not the grade school sticker or the adult attaboy awards -- and also to increase more fulfilling connections with other and complex fellow human beings.

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