Accuracy > Speed; Don't forget numbers/symbols! - Monsterjamp

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von monsterjamp
As you start to learn touch typing, it is important to value accuracy over speed. The more you practice typing with accuracy in mind, the more your brain starts to associate key-strokes with words and key sequences. Eventually, speed will come naturally. Don't forget that learning touch typing also includes numbers (0-9) and symbols (@, #, *).

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Beste Ergebnisse für dieses typing test

Name WPM Genauigkeit
typin_ 156.33 98.0%
forkhunter 115.21 99.1%
ilovejujubee 101.14 95.9%
2001or2 99.54 88.3%
inw_typer 97.00 100%
sssamich 95.96 97.2%
nimsay 93.55 95.3%
munchkinbug 87.77 95.6%
strikeemblem 85.98 90.5%
blunzengroestel 85.51 97.5%

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Name WPM Genauigkeit
algo 64.23 91.8%
cole__hong 61.66 87.6%
strikeemblem 85.98 90.5%
gracie1law 41.38 91.8%
nimsay 93.55 95.3%
user421490 57.21 95.0%
typin_ 156.33 98.0%
blunzengroestel 85.51 97.5%