Adrian Beltran

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von afbwelter
If you teach your child that they can accomplish anything they set their minds to, what you really will have done is set them up for a disappointment that will follow them their entire lives. Some people are simply incapable of great achievements and must settle for mediocrity. Even if you are incredibly talented at everything, the fact is there is too much to do in this life to do it all. Everyone dies.

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anhiro 5 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
I never believed I would reach 100 WPM using touch-typing when I first started using this website. But now I am doing just that, and all it took was just a little bit of patience and monitoring of my growth. So why can't little Billy do it too? The "appeal to death" logical fallacy at the end is just the icing on this negativity-inducing pile of crap, too... Haha.

Look, you may not walk on the moon in the near future, and the dream may never materialize in your lifetime, but that doesn't mean your passion for astronomy is a lie now, is it? And if you've got the passion and the commitment, who's to say it won't be the catalysts that will make those supposedly delusions a reality, someday?

But I'm being silly of course. Don't set your mind in pushing your limits in sports, academics, arts and everything else you do, bro! Because someday, we're all going to diiieeee brooooo!
weesin 5 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
I completely agree with this quote. To tell your children, and to encourage them to belive that they can do anything is a lie. Human beings can't all do whatever we want just because we want to.....certain tasks/endeavors take inherit skill. Rather, you should help your child to recognize the areas in which they excel, and encourage them to pursue them
theodeath 5 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
This is the best quote ever. The reason it gets so much hate is because it is so accurate. We all have a desire to want everything, but in the end, we will never be satisfied and we will all die with the weight of our unaccomplished dreams tugging down our restless and heartbroken souls.
torious 5 Jahre, 11 Monate vor
hate this quote
magellan 7 Jahre vor
Have to agree with tami. Well put.
tami 7 Jahre, 6 Monate vor
Seriously dude, you are the most depressing individual ever. You teach your child that they can accomplish anything, and that defeat and failure are as much a part of life as winning and success. The child that knows they can accomplish something will know how to stand back up and try again when they're knocked down. The other child will simply follow you and give up as well.
jjp 8 Jahre, 3 Monate vor
Well said gonzalj8.
gonzalj8 8 Jahre, 7 Monate vor
"Great" and "mediocrity" are relative terms. You're only set up for disappointment if you compare your achievements to grander achievements.

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