Freedom is Love - Bethany

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von user56583
If you truly love someone or something you would want the best for it, right? Then why are so many people so possesive of what they love? what about possesion shows love? Freedom shows love, let your loved one go, if they come back it was truly meant to be. If they come back It means that they equally want you in their life. Now that is love.

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user474836 9 Jahre, 1 Monat vor
if you truly love someone or something you would want the best for ot,right?then why are so many people so pleasure of what they love?what about possesion shows love?freedom shows love,let you loved one go.if they come back it was truly meant to be .if they come back it means that they equally want you in their that is love.

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