Adam Dahlberg (A.K.A. SkyDoesMineCraft)

This quote wurde hinzugefügt von flashfingers33
I hate people who judge on looks. I've seen average looking people with beautiful hearts and models with hearts of stone. I mean, look at yourself in the mirror. If you're not one to judge on looks, then why do it to yourself? You're beautiful.

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weesin 5 Jahre vor
well said @winchester2. And I absolutely agree with you @brotaku - these touchy-feeling bubble gum quotes ARE super cringey. BARF
winchester2 5 Jahre vor
Well, this is awkward because I have met many people who are beautiful on both the inside and the outside. I have also met many people who are ugly both on the inside and the outside. I agree with the premise of not judging a book by the cover because you might misjudge someone kind as mean, for example. I also believe, subjectively of course, that not everyone is beautiful and I believe that anyone who thinks that every single person is beautiful inside is also guilty of misjudging.
user77472 5 Jahre vor
Because people some deserve to hear, "cringey" as it sounds.
brotaku 6 Jahre, 10 Monate vor
This was painfully cringey to type. Seriously, why do people feel the need to say things like 'beauty is on the inside, not on the outside.' What does it mean to be beautiful on the inside? Let's be real, they're empty words not grounded in reality.

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